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Author Topic: Dilemma of women with high IQ .. !?  (Read 7747 times)
« on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

I believe this topic has been address several times here.... this is the quote from the press article.  A telltale comment is the line that says the highly educated(read: high IQ) woman is not finding her male counterparts interesting enough.... hmmmm!  Ricardo

"Brainy women face handicap in marriage stakes: British survey

Sun Jan 2, 3:43 PM ET  

LONDON (AFP) - A high IQ is a hindrance for women wanting to get married while it is an asset for men, according to a study by four British universities published in The Sunday Times newspaper.

AFP/File Photo


The study found the likelihood of marriage increased by 35 percent for boys for each 16-point increase in IQ.

But for girls, there is a 40-percent drop for each 16-point rise, according to the survey by the universities of Aberdeen, Bristol, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

The study is based on the IQs of 900 men and women between their 10th and 40th birthdays.

"Women in their late 30s who have gone for careers after the first flush of university and who are among the brightest of their generation are finding that men are just not interesting enough," said psychologist and professor at Nottingham University Paul Brown in The Sunday Times.

Claire Rayner, writer and broadcaster, said in the article that intelligent men often prefered a less brainy partner.

"A chap with a high IQ is going to get a demanding job that is going to take up a lot of his energy and time. In many ways he wants a woman who is an old-fashioned wife and looks after the home, a copy of his mum in a way."

« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Dilemma of women with high IQ .. !?, posted by Ricardo on Jan 3, 2005

I found that article to be very interesting and right on the money based on my experience. My childrens mother is very intelligent (mensa) and we often had discussions on how I was not recognising her (supposedly) superior intelligence. She never felt fulfiled in her contribution of being a stay at home mom. We have great kids who are very productive and she enjoyed a lifestyle and many benefits that working moms didn't enjoy. I explained many times that for me she represented the best of all worlds. Gifted, beautiful, ect.. But none of that really mattered. My parents were gifted and I wasn't shortchanged on the gene exchange. I was recognised many times for academic achievement and attended schools/classes for the gifted. I found that many girls involved in some of the gifted programs exerted quite a bit of energy proving they were on equal footing with their male counterparts. My ex-wife was no exception.
I couldn't settle for a woman without a good measure of intelligence and didn't. My wife realizes the value of a good home and places that in the highest esteem. She also realizes the value of a good education and is able to balance the two without feeling as though she is being sacrificed on the altar of male egoism.
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Dilemma of women with high IQ .. !?, posted by slojas1 on Jan 3, 2005

I would presume that the wife you were referring to in your last paragraph is your present wife, and not your ex.
I am no Einstein, but I consider myself reasonably bright.  I also must confess that intelligent, bright, creative women really are appealing to me.  I do not get turned on by the "proverbial" dumb blonde, or whatever.  However, I think that there can be and should be a balance.  Once again, the feminist movement along with a few stupid men have loused it up for the rest of us.  I don't go for the "me Tarzan, you Jane" stuff, unless it's just in fun.  Personally, I think that women, deep down inside, want the man to be in charge, but not to abuse it.  However, the lesbos and a few other bleeding heart liberal nutjobs have taken it to the extreme so that if you watch almost any TV show, or movie; the husband is the dummy, the insensitive one, the cheater, the louse!  Men are pigs, so to speak.  I personally believe that what we are doing or attempting to do in Latin America is a backlash due to the crap that we have had rammed down our throats over the last 30 years or so.
Can I get a witness?
So, do wrap up my thoughts on this subject; for me the perfect or ideal mate would be to have a beautiful latina who is bright, intelligent, witty, with a beautiful face and a hot body!  Also, she must think I am the only man for her and act like it too.  That doesn't seem too hard does it?  ha ha


 P.S.  By the way, I have considered hypnosis!  ha

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