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Author Topic: AFA Tour, January, Cartagena  (Read 12732 times)
« on: December 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

Hey Guys,

I will be attending the "A Foreign Affair" tour in January in Cartagena.
Based on my track record,I will end up engaged to the first Latina that kisses me.
I am always encouraged by stories of success.
I was wondering if there were any guys who are married(DC Nupe) or engaged to a Colombiana from Cartagena.
How are things working out?
Also, has anyone had any dealings with A Foriegn Affair?
I will post a tour report when I return.


« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to AFA  Tour, January, Cartagena, posted by cabocancun on Dec 28, 2004

AFA runs the most honest agency in Colombia and the best tours in Ukraine in my experience. However, Colombian girls vary widely in sincerity and honesty, so even AFA can't weed out all the goldiggers from the tours. I ran across several in March 2004 Cartegena. Assume they're sincere until they ask for cash....
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to AFA  Tour, January, Cartagena, posted by cabocancun on Dec 28, 2004

My novia is comeing here the 16t of Jan an I met her in CTG......there are more pretty ladies their than you can shake a stick a search further down under I NEED HELP to read my luck
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  AFA  Tour, January, Cartagena, posted by dann on Dec 28, 2004


I read your previous posts.
Were you specifically looking for a lady that did not have any children?

Are you going to post updates once your lady arrives?

Buena Suerte...

JR n Atl
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to AFA  Tour, January, Cartagena, posted by cabocancun on Dec 28, 2004


Married in June to a wonderful woman from C'gena. Things are great, we couldn't be happier.

I rented the apartment in Boca Grande from them during one of my stays. That was my only experience, they were very helpful, though. I haven't seen the office and know less than nothing about the service. There are plenty of guys here who have, if they are still lurking about maybe they can fill you in.


« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  AFA  Tour, January, Cartagena, posted by JR n Atl on Dec 28, 2004

Way to go JR, comforting to hear a marriage to a Colombiana is going smoothly.
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  AFA  Tour, January, Cartagena, posted by JR n Atl on Dec 28, 2004

I think Atlanta is a great city for a woman from Colombia.
The people are friendly and the climate is hot.
What adjustments did your wife make when she came to the US?
How did your relationship develope from the first cita to the boda?
If you were going to give one piece of advice to a guy going on a tour to Cartagena,what would it be?


JR n Atl
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re:  AFA  Tour, January, Cartagena, posted by cabocancun on Dec 28, 2004

[This message has been edited by JR n Atl]

Atlanta is a great place to start out, do the adjustment process. Beautiful city, lots of Colombians and other Latinos, plenty of things to do. The airport is a definite plus, Delta has a direct to Bogotá.

No big problems, the biggest adjustment for her has been the traffic and driving. I had mistakenly thought that if you could drive in Colombia, you could drive here. The problem (for her anyway) is the speeds at which we drive, as well as the 18-wheelers. Scared to death. She's a trooper, though, and forces herself out there. She has really adjusted nicely, but still has a ways to go. I think she'll start working soon, that will accelerate the process.

Can't offer much with regard to tours. Never done one, went solo. General advice would just be to keep your head about you. You will not believe the women, they are so different and it will be easy to become infatuated. You simply can't afford to make decisions based on looks alone. Try to look beyond the outside, you'll be glad you did. Hell, they are all beautiful compared to most here, anyway! So take it slow, don't go ga ga.

As for C'gena, personally, I'd avoid the public beaches unless I paid someone to keep the vendors away. They are a nuisance. Do a city tour, most hotels book them. Definitely do the Rosarios. For a beach, I'd bust out to La Playa Blanca, nicer beach, fewer vendors. And of course the Old City and dancing at Mr. Babillas. It will change your life. One more thing: LEARN SPANISH. Or at least as much as you can before you go. I did, helped immensely.

Oops!!!! Just read your profile, see you know the drill already. Disregard comments, ;-)

You can search the archives under my username, I posted trip reports, you can read all about my adventures.

Hope this helps, keep us up to speed on events!

« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re:  AFA  Tour, January, Cartage..., posted by JR n Atl on Dec 28, 2004

Definately DON'T pick a novia on looks alone.  The worst looking lady at the party will be better looking than most women here.  Plus the 10's get so much attention from gringos trying to wow them witht heir money that some of them lose perspective.  

The traits below the skin, which are of course harder to determine and take more time, are the ones which make a relationship work.

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