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Author Topic: Did this Cali girl really love ?  (Read 87589 times)
« Reply #45 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Did this Cali girl really love ?, posted by chizz on Jan 19, 2004

How is everything going with you? How about the girl? You trip report
was pretty good thanks for posting it...
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hey Chizz, posted by Fuzzyone on Jan 20, 2004

Sup fuzz,
So far, very nice. We had some interesting conversation, concerning the fact that she says she doesn't know how to cook. She's young, so I know there would be some difficulties, but not knowing how to cook, bothered me. i told her, and explained where I was coming from, and she told me her story, and we came understand each other. She is really great, and I will be returning in May. Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you liked the report. take care.
« Reply #47 on: January 21, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hey Chizz, posted by chizz on Jan 21, 2004

My future ex did not know how to cook and it sucked. I wanted to eat
Peruvian food so bad and could only have a taste of it.  Have you meet
the family yet or are you in May? i did enjoy meeting my mother in law
she could cook so good. I ate everything. having a good understanding is
important I feel. good luck


« Reply #48 on: January 21, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Hey Chizz, posted by Fuzzyone on Jan 21, 2004

No, I haven't met the family yet, but I've talked to them on the phone. They seem pretty close knit. I've made it clear to her, what I want in a woman and potential wife, and knowing english fluently, and knowing how to cook, are top priorities to me. She currently wants to finish her studies, which gives us plenty of time to talk and get to know each other. thanks again, and sorry things didn't work out for you.
« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Hey Chizz, posted by chizz on Jan 21, 2004

Thats ok I made a big mistake... funny thing is when ever I talk to her
she stills wants to move back in and stay married, but I will not have it,
she rubbed my nose in the crap long enough. All the papers have been
filed and I am just waiting for the court to do their thing.
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Did this Cali girl really love ?, posted by garster7 on Jan 19, 2004

I have done some stupid things for women before, but I am not even in your league.  My hat's off to you.  You should be in the Super Bowl of Desperate Men.

The woman from Cali you met never loved you.  She was using you all the time.  Forget about it.  Sometimes we love people who don't deserve it.

You are way too desperate.  Buy a ticket to Cali and you can find another beautiful, desperate woman who will make you believe that she loves you until she gets her immigration papers.  You may get 2 or 3 years of joy out of it and then you can do it again.  It's better than having a "vapor marriage" like yours.

Desperate men that try to put the world at the feet of women are making it tougher for all of us.  Women start complaining that so-and-so has offered me such-and-such.  When they do that I say, "Go live with so-and-so.  I'll close the door for you."

My wife (from Cali) met some guy here from Brazil who has money and is desperate like you.  She said he gave her the keys to his car and said she can use it anytime she wants.  She said he told her that if she marries him he will buy her a house, in her name.  I doubt if that is true, but stories like yours make me wonder if maybe he would.

Thank you for posting your story.  It's always interesting to read about the super-foolish things that some men do for women.


« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Desperate Men, posted by DallasSteve2 on Jan 19, 2004

You sure talk a lot. But its basically the same thing if you meet and women at a marriage agency, bring her to the US and then she leaves you. You guys get just as played as this guy in the end. Only difference is you pay for the plane ticket and he didnt. If you are gonna get played by a woman, it is at least better not to be the one that brings her to the country to play you.
« Reply #52 on: January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Desperate Men, posted by CaliAdvisor on Jan 19, 2004

"You guys get just as played as this guy in the end."

Why so negative?? Haven't you got shagged lately??

I'll be in Cali in March. If you're not to busy, why don't you introduce me to some ladies that won't play me.

Sounds a little boring actually but I'm willing to give it a try.

It also goes against my definition of true love. You know where both parties believe they are getting more out of the relationship than they are putting in. hehehe!!!

« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Aaron, Aaron, Aaron, posted by Calipro on Jan 19, 2004

Dood.. I wouldnt introduce you to any of my girls if my life depended on it. I've seen you old howns who stumble into Blues Brothers and sit around with your tounge hanging out of your mouth when one of my type girls walks in. I would have to meet you first before introducing you to anyone. My reputation wouldnt be so great with my girlfriends if I went around introducing their friends to losers. You see, these chicks arent interested in meeting gringos just for the hell of it. You've got to be able to hold your own.
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Aaron, Aaron, Aaron, posted by CaliAdvisor on Jan 20, 2004

[This message has been edited by Calipro]

I don't imagine that you would introduce me to any of your lady friends as you probably would be embarrassed to be seen with them.

Anybody that braggs about shagging the wives and girl friends of the americans that use the agencies is really hard up. Everytime I look at the lovelys on the couples page of the marriage agency web sites, I laugh thinking what a poor slob you must be. So, go ahead and tell us witch one of those sexy seņoras did you shagg? HeHeHe!!

I don't know any americans that hang out at Blues Brothers on a regular basis except for Traveler. I hope your statement about "tounge hanging" wasin't directed at him. As, I'm sure he has done alot better  with the ladies than you.

You know. I don't like feeling sorry for someone that I have never met. I tell you what, forget about the ladies. I'll meet you for a drink at Blues Brothers Thursday nite March 11th at around midnight. At the very least we can clear up the fact that most of the board thinks you are Aaron. How will I know if you are Aaron or not? Well that's easy. How could I miss a good looking, well dressed, gay (I mean metro-sexual) black man that thinks the only reason he doesn't have a desire to have sex with women is because he hasn't met the right one yet.

« Reply #55 on: January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Aaron, Aaron, Aaron, posted by Calipro on Jan 19, 2004

"It also goes against my definition of true love. You know where both parties believe they are getting more out of the relationship than they are putting in."

And if you can achieve that status you've struck gold.


« Reply #56 on: January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Desperate Men, posted by CaliAdvisor on Jan 19, 2004


I got played for 2 years.  And I got laid for 2 years.  He got zip.  Big difference.


« Reply #57 on: January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Desperate Men, posted by DallasSteve2 on Jan 19, 2004


I was waiting to see what would be said . I did not want to hammer the guy too bad this morning, but i thought it was some kind of Joke when i first read it.
I mean, my wife took advantage of me some as i am sure most wives can, but no to any extent like this woman. this woman makes AW women seem almost  doable, ALMOST !

« Reply #58 on: January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Did this Cali girl really love ?, posted by garster7 on Jan 19, 2004

Out of all the stories I have read on this Board, this is the most one-sided relationship posted here to date.  You don't realize that you have been willingly and thoroughly exploited?  I'd say you have some major issues with self-esteem.
« Reply #59 on: January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to This Takes the Cake, posted by burbuja2 on Jan 19, 2004

[This message has been edited by garster7]

Thanks for the advice guys, really. But first of all what i didnt say was 1. I spent very little money on her I would take her out to Dennys or place similiar to that.  2. i didnt waste any money on an agency or plane ticket to Cali about 2500 dollars at the least. 3 She paid for the wedding 4. On stupid advice from the "friend" she now lives with she payed 300.00 for a divorce I went on -line and filled out a piece of paper and stoped it she had to pay another 150.00 dollars to get an annulment I had aleady given her the papers so please tell me the difference between that and buying a wife then getting devorced two years later paying child support etc.  Before I ended it she told me this is the first time didnt miss her friends in Cali and I was the reason, she always gets depressed during her period.She called me next day on the phone very happy the day I ended it. I admit though i never should have married her until I knew her first she did act like a 12 year old I acted like a 14 year old as well. She couldnt comunicate how she really felt.  After I  broke up with her she gave me back the ring ( 45 dollars) and wanted out right away, she was in tears and looked very sad. The times i say her after we broke up  she always seems depressed and scared, when we would drive somewhere she would say nervously where are we going? she might have thought i was going to drive to Mexico and drop her off. So if she was using me to get a green card Why didnt she say then she lie and say she loved me or entice me with sex to get me back? Also her dad left her when she was young and married a girl half his age maybe she was trying to get back at him. She always called me when we were together 3 times a day and i saw her everyday, but maybe she was just saying what I wanted to hear but she could have done it a easier way pick somebody richer then me with a half decent place who would have given her money to do anything she wanted. I admit I was stupid for not playing it out and at least insisting on some good sex, before we even thought about getting married. Maybe I was a little lonley and desperate but the problem is the more you want a realionship the more they stay away because you come across desperate the more desperate you get. Its a viscous cycle. By the way I know where she lives and her phone I could get her deported if I wanted. Her aunt wants be to do that.
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