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Author Topic: Wimpotence  (Read 5515 times)
« on: January 01, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

I hope that 2004 brings success and happiness to many in their search. Here is my accessment of a recurring theme that I saw in the previous year. It is plain and simple a case of wimpotence!
I saw many men trade in their pants for a few moments of pleasure, resulting in divorce, breakup and lots of emotional pain. Wake up and smell the coffee, realize that the latin woman even more than their AW counterparts want a man (not an old boy) to take the lead. If you don't or can't measure up you will receive a first-hand lesson in coldness and soon be history.
My advice would be to take the lead, have some guts and not allow your woman to just run over you (she won't respect you). Be willing to move on if things aren't working out, and most important do something to improve yourself. Learn spanish, take a course, new adventures, or something. It is easy to say these things, but it really takes an earnest effort to change something about yourself. The saddest case is someone that expect different results when they have done absolutely nothing to change within themselves. Pretty close to the definition of insanity. Don't let wimpotence be your amigo in the year 2004!
May prosperity and health be your close friends this year.
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Wimpotence, posted by JSlo on Jan 1, 2004

Anyone who reads Planet Love for any length of time might get the distinct impression that there are grown men in the world who are afraid of little girls.  Women are just human beings like us but in different circumstances.  Being macho or wimpy with a woman are two sides of the same coin driven by fear.  It’s best just to communicate and relate to a woman as a reasonable and assertive human being.  This is harder to do for men who don’t learn Spanish.
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