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Author Topic: A bit unsettled  (Read 33446 times)
« on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

I am somewhat unsettled by some stuff I've seen here lately.  This (edited) thread for example:


What does "She is kept" meant? By someone else? Someone married, maybe? Don't answer, if you don't want to.
Would you be willing to reveal (in general) how you met her? I suppose she's not in an agency.



She is not driving an SUV. She is in the back of a Cab when I took the photos of her in a car.

She is kept by me. She is a good example of what $150 a month will keep around for as long as you like.
I don't usually pay a girls rent but I did in this case because ... but the intimate relationship I had with this women was rare and priceless and I have been around the block a few times.



Why do you always sound so resentful? Don't try and put me in the P4P crowd. It has never been my bag. I prefer to get laid for free.


Uh...come again?  You might run out and get some seems you posted your $150/mo girl's rate on 12/29 and then are indignant the next day.

Why Batman was banned (which I basically agreed with) and Calipro is not at this point I do not understand.  

While this is not a moral or ethical argument about what Calipro is doing (I have no problem with that); this garbage does not belong here.  There are a host of world sex guides that this belongs on.  In fact I read them occassionaly and would welcome such a report there.

To make matters even sillier, I don't think anyone has ever been laid for free, its merely a question of how you pay and with what.  My point is this...I happen to like strippers but I won't post  SA strip club reviews really debases the whole concept of what Patrick is trying to offer here.


« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to A bit unsettled, posted by Locii on Jan 2, 2004

Stay out of those SA strip clubs. The women that work in them are nothing but a bunch of prostitues.
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to A bit unsettled, posted by Locii on Jan 2, 2004

This board has really deteriorated over the years especially in the last year or so. Some of the posts are worthless. You have these posts where it's obvious why the poster is single and apparent the they have a low regard for women and general morality. Guys writing remarks on other boards about members on this board. Casting judgement as if they got life all figured out. Let's face it if we did we would have never even looked for a board like this.
Chizz a new member did an excellent job reporting on his stay in Cali. It's this type of report that really could help someone who's thinking of heading south. But these posts are so few and far between.
( Just a note Chizz It used to be standard information on this board that Christmas was a bad time to hit an agency because all the ladies prefer to be with their families. I think the agencies sometimes fail to disclose this.)
Just like in any house you need to empty the trash from time to time. I think the time has come
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: A bit unsettled, posted by Craig on Jan 2, 2004

boy did you hit the nail on the head!!!!!!!!!! couldnt of said it better myself.
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: A bit unsettled, posted by Craig on Jan 2, 2004

well last year there was guys here that would drive guys who really were
just after sex off this site. But I do agree this board was at it lowest when
we had batman on here... I thought Chizz write up was great... but this
board has not been bad ths last month alot of info has been coming out I
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to A bit unsettled, posted by Locii on Jan 2, 2004

Calipro does walk a fine line from looking for a nice girl for marriage, oh sure!!!! To partying and getting laid as much and as cheap as possible. We don’t agree on a lot of things, including Batman and his new years party/ sex party, but to each his own. I think if you ban him, you are censoring too much and a lot of information and knowledge would be left out, and i do enjoy some of his pictures that he puts up. You have to take in to account of the person and their personality when reading their posts and make your own decision.
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to A bit unsettled, posted by Locii on Jan 2, 2004

I don't understand the problem.  You have no moral or ethical argument with what Calipro is doing, and believe that sex is always "a question of how you pay and with what."  Calipro sends $150 a month to his girlfriend in Cali.  Right now she's more interested in marriage/security, while he's more interested in the sex.  A lot of relationships start out that way and some end up in marriage.  And, assuming he actually cares about the woman (and he probably does despite the way he's worded his posts), then $150/month isn't that big of a sacrifice for him and will go a long way for her.
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: A bit unsettled, posted by Miguel on Jan 2, 2004

My problem (and I really don't think I'm nitpicking here) is Calipro's choice of venue.  This is not a place to show pictures of your kept women and how much you pay and the sex is great.

Further, though this is mere speculation on my part, is that she is unaware of it.  I beleive Calipro's logic previously was "...well they didn't tell me not to do it either...".

There are plenty of sites and forums to talk about prostition, and this isn't one of them.

Look, I don't know Calipro and I'm not seeking to ban him or start a flame war.  But he has entered an unnavigable area with some posts.  He's telling her to join an egency.  Will part of her profile be "sex in exchange for rent, order now, only $150/mo"?

THAT is the problem I have with this. Perhaps its not moral or ethical, but has something to do with class?

To further clarify, while knowing the deal she had with Calipro alone would not deter me if I really liked her, I think its safe to say it would cause 75% to toss her aside immediately.


Discussion Board Rules

4. No discussions of prostitution
There are some men who travel internationally for purposes of prostitution. Unfortunately, international trafficking in women is often (incorrectly) associated with "mail order brides" and it damages the reputations of both the men and women involved. Discussions from a philosophical point of view are okay, but any discussion from a client's point of view (e.g. "Club X has great women" etc.) will result in immediate expulsion.

« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: A bit unsettled, posted by Locii on Jan 2, 2004

Calipro said that she is kept not a prostitute.
I think there is a difference between the two.  One is a woman that is probably receiving money on a regular basis to help provide for her needs.  It is like a man saying, " I think you are nice, cute, and I like you.  I am going to help you because you need it and I can.  Let's see what comes of this.  When I visit we will spend time together".  The other is a woman that is sought out at any given time for the purpose of sex in exchange for money.  In other words
"I will give you $50 for a blow” Most men that are involved with prostitutes or are not out to provide for the hookers needs.  They are out to meet their own needs.  

I also noticed that he showed his face with this young lady.  That is something that he did not do in the past.  No matter what he wrote perhaps there could be some genuine feeling involved.  Machismo will make some men call the woman they love a chick.

In an effort to take the high road and moralize you seemed to have really reduced it to something cheap "Will part of her profile be "sex in exchange for rent, order now, only $150/mo"?"  What did she do to you to deserve that from you?

I don't know any men that would send money to a woman on a monthly basis that did not care for the woman.  

BTW where do I get the low down on the strip clubs?

« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: A bit unsettled, posted by luvslife on Jan 3, 2004

You wrote:
"In an effort to take the high road and moralize you seemed to have really reduced it to something cheap"

Wow did you miss the point.  Moralizing has zero to do with this.  I don't find fault with Calipro's relationship with the female...only what he disclosed, and moreover the fact that he  disclosed it here.

In a further example of 'missing the point' you request info on strip clubs here.  Dude, there are loads of places on the internet for that, but not here; that has been my one and only point so far.

For the last time, I had no intention on 'cheapening' Calipro's relationship or woman.  If that happenned, he did it himself.

It seems that I am probably fact it is ok to post links to pics of girls you support in Colombia, how much you pay, etc.  

I think my point is, if I was this girls mother, sister, brother, or ex, I would be outraged at what has transpired here.

So I'm wrong; I submit.  From the start I said it has nothing to do with morals of Calipros setup. I have been in similar situations, but I would not dream of describing it on a forum that has to do with finding life partner or long term relationships, which is what this is, last I checked.



« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: A bit unsettled, posted by luvslife on Jan 3, 2004

"I don't know any men that would send money to a woman on a monthly basis that did not care for the woman. "

I know several, its called Alimony and or child support. Ask around most strippers are experts on it.

« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: A bit unsettled, posted by NightRaven on Jan 3, 2004

I guess he forgot the word "voluntarily".


« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: A bit unsettled, posted by NightRaven on Jan 3, 2004

bravo Smiley
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: A bit unsettled, posted by Locii on Jan 2, 2004

[This message has been edited by Calipro]

I have never said "the sex is great". I think you should get your mind out of the gutter. When I say we have a very good intimate relationship I mean she is a good kisser and when I say we slept together I mean we held each other all night. Also when I was provoked into saying " I prefer to get laid for free", I was simply stating a preferance. It doesn't mean that it ever happened.

OK! I'll say it! I'm a virgin!! Are you happy NOW!!!!

Also I don't feel that it is right for you to imply that my girlfriend is a prostitute just because she accepts a $150 a month from me.

« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Excuse me!!!, posted by Calipro on Jan 2, 2004


Sorry to hear the sex wasn't great.


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