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Author Topic: Any news on Cheryl and her Brasil agency idea  (Read 20420 times)
« on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Any news on Cheryl and her Brasil agency..., posted by Locii on Jan 2, 2004

No new news from Brazil regarding the girl from Utah who aspired to make a splash in Brazil.  There are a couple of new agencies we have found in the past few days.  We are happy and sad both.  Happy because there is more going on in paradise, more interest in Brazil, less interest in bargain basement wife shopping in Colombia, but the new web sites we found were lacking content.  The new agency we found in Sao Paulo only had five pages of members.  And there where only about nine profiles per page.  That's OK with us because adding content to a web site is slow and we have been there and know how it is.  We wish the new agency good force.  The Utah gal said she was going to open an agency in Sao Paulo, so we have been watching that city with much interest.

I appreciate that there is interest and postings about Brazil.  I only wish it could be more.  I am sad that so much of this list is about Colombia.  

Good luck!

Big B    

« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Any news on Cheryl and her Brasil ag..., posted by bigbdm4 on Jan 2, 2004

Big B...well... I'm not sure about "making a splash in Brazil" but I started setting up an agency.  I started with an American partner.  He put in some $$ and I put in all the work and contacts and some $$.  Unfortunately it went down.  I learned a very difficult lesson in this, and trust lost, betrayal, etc. and lost time and money.  And the company "Brazilian Rose Introductions" was laid to rest.  My dreams of helping many American men find their loves in the amazing country of Brazil and Brazilians to find happiness and love in the US was not meant to happen at this time.  It is something I would love doing, but my children and family is my highest priority, and I can not compromise this at any time.  If anyone is interested in information, or help in coming to this beautiful area... I would be glad to assist you... just shoot me an email.

Brasil is indeed rich with culture, love, scenery, beautiful women, and many other things.  I love living here, even through all the difficulties that people run into living in a foreign country.

As far as the other sites,... I have not seen them.  I WOULD BE weary of sites that were new, and had pages and pages, and hundreds of girls on the site.  That would show me that there was little or no screening of the woman, and they accepted all and any person, photo, etc., and copied some.  Brazilians are very open and loving and friendly, not shy about their bodies, but they are not all "easy".  The large majority here have high values and are careful what they join and their photos and information.  I have many friends here... single... married... etc. And there is a HUGE interest with the single women (and men in American women) in Americans here now... and they would love to meet a good, honest, loving, caring American man, and live in the US with them and have a family and more opportunities of education, and most importantly ... family.

I did travel to Curitiba, Maringa, Londrina, Foz do Iguacu, Argentina, Paraguay over the past holidays... If anyone is interested in photos and a trip report, I would be happy to put the time in and create one for you all.

Hope you all have happy holidays, and a wonderful, successful, and filled with love new year!!!! Cheryl

« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Update, posted by Cherinha on Jan 3, 2004

That's bad news, but not a surprise to us.  Sorry, we know how difficult it can be.  

There are some among us who carry on the task and the torch.  We are proud and we hold it high.

Wary of new sites?  There are so many new sites starting up all the time that it's difficult to say without knowing the web site.  Some red flags are pretty simple.  No contact info, no postal address, no telephone number you can call, no way to contact them.  That is always a bad sign.  Lack of content is also a bad sign.  No members, no referrals, no references.  These things make us afraid to do any business with them.  

Someone asked us to give the URL's of the newest web sites in Brazil.  I am sick as a dog with the flu, and it's not going to happen tonight, OK?  I will have to get back to you all, if I ever even feel like sitting at this darn computer ever again.  OK?  

Big B

« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Update, posted by Cherinha on Jan 3, 2004


I would be interested on your insite into Brazilian women. I have spoke to many people in the past and there perception of brazilian women is that they are promisquious(not sure spelling is correct) and that the women they have spoken with in the past indicated they would prefer the man move to Brazil and live. These are 2 of the reasons i chose to look in Colombia . My marriage has not worked out very well, but the fundimental foundations are in tact in Colombia . I would be interested in hearing more about what the women have told you in your conversations with them ?

« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Any news on Cheryl and her Brasil ag..., posted by bigbdm4 on Jan 2, 2004

Can you make those website addresses available BigB?
I would appreciate it and think others would as well.
Cali vet
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Any news on Cheryl and her Brasil ag..., posted by bigbdm4 on Jan 2, 2004

The reason it's hard to get people interested in Brazil is because of the catastrophic level of aids infection there, worse than Uganda and Ethiopia. According to a NPR (National Public Radio) report the terrible aids explosion in Brazil is based in the fact that over 80% of the Brazilian male population is bi-sexual. This is also born out as a historical Brazilian problem in the novels of  native son author Jorge Amado. I'll probobly head over the border and see it one of these days but "sex in Brazil?" Creepy!
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Biddy biddy & the queers, posted by Cali vet on Jan 2, 2004

The data to destroy "The Brazil HIV Catastrophe" I posted below in this thread.  The amazing thing is that it has come up before in this forum I think.  It took me as long to look up the truth and post it as it did CaliVet to post the total misinformation.  What gives?

The theory that 80% of the Brazilian male population is bisexual is not even worthy of discussion.  CaliVet, please post a reference to the NPR report.

Incidentally, the idea that homosexuality has something to do with HIV/AIDS is a scientific misfortune.  Its about immune system suppression.  Drug use (especially but not exclusively intravenous) is the way it gets passed, and then to partners.  Perhaps its best looked at this way...if the broader population participated in the same sexual behaviors as the homosexual population, the HIV rate would be the same.  They just have fewer, uh, options.

While I'm ranting, I would like to point out the fact that HIV is proven to exist in 1959, and theorized to go back to the 30's.  I swear I read an article relating to them locating it in pre-1900 samples, but I don't see it now.

Any other scientific reasons to hate Brazil?


Cali James
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Biddy biddy & the queers, posted by Locii on Jan 4, 2004

Locci writes;
"Incidentally, the idea that homosexuality has something to do with HIV/AIDS is a scientific misfortune. Its about immune system suppression. Drug use (especially but not exclusively intravenous) is the way it gets passed, and then to partners. Perhaps its best looked at this way...if the broader population participated in the same sexual behaviors as the homosexual population, the HIV rate would be the same. They just have fewer, uh, options."

James writes;
You totally lost me with your above comments.   Having anal intercourse is a behavior just as using drugs intravenously is. I don't see why the group of people participating in anal sex should get a free pass while the drug users don't.  If you pass the desease to another person knowing you have the desease, you are being irresponsible....period.....regardless of your group.

Locci writes;
if the broader population participated in the same sexual behaviors as the homosexual population, the HIV rate would be the same.

James writes;
The point is and it should be remembered, is that the broader population does NOT participate in anal sex. Your comment is silly and the same as saying, "if the broader population particapated in intravenous drug use, the HIV rate would be the same".  Well of course it would be the same but people choose not to do it just as people choose not to have anal sex.

« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Biddy biddy & the queers, posted by Cali James on Jan 4, 2004

Its Locii not Locci, but thats no big deal.

I lost you I guess when I was trying to say that most people who contract aids (vs being exposed to HIV) went down a long road of immunity suppression, which does not necessarily have anything to do with homosexuality or even intravenous drug use.  Tell you what, rather than depending upon my nonmedical self; here is a world class article which says what I failed too:

If you think I was being silly, so be it.  I have met a lot of people who use cocaine and alcohol frequently, and are setting themselves up for a short life, thinking that HIV is a gay thing.  And this is in Key West mind you. I was trying to be helpful.

This is 475 miles off topic from latin women; especially now that Calivet has educated us all to the fact that the NPR thing was a hoax.  Whatever.  So it might be better to go offline with it; feel free to email me.



Cali vet
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Biddy biddy & the queers, posted by Locii on Jan 4, 2004

Hey it wasn't a hoax it was a parody. Almost missed this. I was in Bogota.
Cali vet
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Biddy biddy & the queers, posted by Locii on Jan 4, 2004

Locii it's nonsense of course. I made it all up. It was a  Biddy biddy parody.
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Biddy biddy & the queers, posted by Cali vet on Jan 2, 2004

"in the fact that over 80% of the Brazilian male population is bi-sexual"

Nope don't buy it for several reasons among them. Masters and Johnson, not to mention every gay rights group on planet earth would have so many offices there that it would most likely be common knowledge. Your talking about a subject still "volitile" in the US, press would have a field day with it.
It would represent such a huge majority when every other country has it in such a small minority. Again world level attention on it, studies etc. Can you immagine the BS? New study finds sunlight, salt-water(had to do it this way the program is picking it up as *wat), sand in your undies, a special little insect, etc. causes "shifts" in sexual preference!
The only real way I could see to get those kinds of numbers for a popluation that large would be to cheat IE
Ask Brazilian men with sons, "So,do you have a wife and do you love your son?" *Hey Bob he said "yes" so put him down under "BI"*

"Let me ask. If you lived in a place where most of the people were beautiful girls, well, you tell us all now, would you be going after the boys? Give us a break, please. Or didn't you have any knowledge of the beauty of the women in Brazil"

Well if they/he where gay then they/he would not chase the women HOWEVER: The women would have long been gone due to huge numbers of AM(straight) going down to "cart them away" Hell in that scenario I could picture 2+ for 1 deals going on within a year or less. Mobs of "Pick me" signs at the airports and harbors. "Will marry site unseen" ad's.
Brazil as the first publicly gay majority country would probably have to become the worlds experts on artificial insemination. Not to mention the favorite target of every anti-gay group on earth.

« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Biddy biddy & the queers, posted by Cali vet on Jan 2, 2004

Cali vet, not Cali Pro.

Sorry for that.  But you know, I have to wonder about it.  To be a vet is something special, to me it means being in combat or being in the military.  I abhore nothing more than somebody who says they are a vet when in fact they are not.  Besides, it's a crime to impersonate a vet.  To use the word has very special meaning for me.  My brother was a US Marine, killed in action in Viet Nam.  My uncle was also a US Marine, who fought in the battle of Iwo Jima.  I come from a long line of US Marines.  

Cali vet, please explain to us all your status of being a vet.  What are you a vet of?  Cali whore houses?  If that is true, please....

I can't finish that.  

Big B

« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Biddy biddy & the queers, posted by Cali vet on Jan 2, 2004

Oh, Cali Pro, I should have known.  If you believe that you must believe anything you hear on the radio.  Wasn't there a broadcast about Martians landing in New Jersey?  Did you run outside with your shotgun?  Coming on this list and bragging about how you listen to the National Prude Radio is like going to Rio de Janeiro and wearing a business suit to walk along the beach at Ipanema.  No wonder the girl does not look at you.  

Let me ask.  If you lived in a place where most of the people were beautiful girls, well, you tell us all now, would you be going after the boys?  Give us a break, please.  Or didn't you have any knowledge of the beauty of the women in Brazil.  If you believe that eighty percent of the guys in Brazil are fags, you are not only foolish, you are ignorant, too.  Shut up about Brazil unless you have been there.  Oh, sorry, I should be more polite on this list.  Please.  Please shut up about Brazil unless you know even the first thing about it.    

Thanks for dragging up the dregs of the HIV info about Brazil.  Yeah, it's a problem there.  Why do you think that is?  Time's up.  Still don't get it, eh?  Take a wild guess.  Let me give you a hint.  Every time I go to the beach in Brazil, guess what I see there.  Guess what they are wearing.  Guess what they are doing.  Need I go on?

Very clever to throw up disease as another lame excuse for refusing to know Brazil.  Did you think of that yourself, or did some fag commie rat on NPR put you up to it?  Please give us further insight into having no life.  Oh, was that your best shot, or do you have more in your bag of tricks?  Lame, if you ask me.

Finally, thanks for letting us all know your opinion about having sex with a beautiful woman.  What else do you consider "creepy"?  We all hope that your answer is being on this list, and that you creep back under the rock you crept out from, get the hell out of town, or clean up your act.

Big B    

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