As I am not very interested in multiple trips into and out of Columbia one of the ideas I am considering is to open a buisness and stay down a year or so (Free time is no problem as I may already have my assistant(s) lined up and without them I dont do it).
Has anyone here run a buisness in Columbia for that length or more?
Specificly a Gym or Club(I am assuming club might be a lot harder for a foriegner but...) or K-9 Training Center (kind of leary about that one I have met plenty of owners who needed more classes than the dog ever did) Drunks dont annoy me anywhere near as much as idiots with pets.
I dont want to consider firearms/archery stores or shooting ranges even for skeet and trap. Want to aviod that for now (insurance nightmares). Also specificly want to avoid strip club ideas. I want to free up time to focus on my search for one, not hire 30 to dance.
Other than that I am interested in other ideas.