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Author Topic: Here come the Cali traffic cops..  (Read 1514 times)
« on: July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

Had to chuckle when I read this in El Pais today, concerning the major traffic violations in Cali:

"las principales infracciones que se cometen en la ciudad son: pasarse el semáforo en rojo, no respetar los señales de tránsito, recoger pasajeros en lugares prohibidos y hablar por celular mientras se conduce"

Translation - Running red lights, ignoring traffic signs, picking up passengers in restricted zones & driving while on a cell phone?  I would have never imagined that any of these are illegal - I would have figured that these skills are all requisites for getting a drivers license there!

Anyway, they're beefing up the amount of enforcement by 100 cops starting next Monday so beware.

« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Here come the Cali traffic cops.., posted by cancunhound on Jul 23, 2003

If you buy it, there's supposedly 4,352 police informants throughout Cali's 21 communes that have enabled the military and police to restore the 'peace'.

Pete E
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to ...and Cali is "officially" sa..., posted by cancunhound on Jul 25, 2003

Cali is probably still far from safe but these efforts by the Uribe regime should be applauded and hopefull will be helpfull.Hopeful these imformants will report criminals as well as rebel terrorists.
Looks like Uribe is trying to get something done and he got a huge mandate to do so.Hopefully Colombians will tolerate what they have to to finally deal with rebels and crime.Its been so frustrating in the past watching them do basicaly nothing.


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