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Author Topic: why this stupid thread  (Read 3505 times)
jim c
« on: August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

In the several years I have been on this forum the race thread has come up about three or four times. It always causes problems. There are few latinas here to answer the questions about racial prejudice,even if they could be honest about it. What is served by hashing about whether there is class distinction or that latin predjudice is a direct result of skin shade.   My impression is there is no certifiable answer, Persons of other than black persuation are generally not going to admit their prejudices.

 There was once a saying that one doesn't discuss politics or religion in mixed company. I would add that the subject of race is not well received as a topic in a racially mixed group. These are emotionally deep and sensitive areas for persons to walk in with out conflict. In the past there was even an attempt to create a separate forum here for black men who traveled south.

I will comment that racism, if that is the present word to describe it, is prevalent in Latin cultures . I have been in agencies where the staff has informed black men certain women were unavailable rather than inform them the woman was not interested in dating black men. In Cuba and Colombia there are signals in conversation, one is running the back of your left hand under your right elbow which indicates tocano CHEAP!!! another is  tapping the first two fingers of your left hand on your right forearm. That means black. Are there racial attitudes south of our borders? YEP but so what, do you want to date a racist latina? Believe me there are enough ladies who are not to keep you real busy. So please gentlemen can we change to a less emotional subject, so I can screw with someone. JIMC

« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to why this stupid thread, posted by jim c on Aug 7, 2003

I'm with Jim on this. I have been on this board for years and this subject comes up and nothing gets resolved, nothing is usually gained and if it does, it's at someone's expense.
Prejudice exists in South America. As Jim says, there isn't a Colombiana on this board who can give you her view. So, it's a lot of speculation and conjecture.
Personally, I haven't read one post about the current racism thread, because I have read it all before several times and it all looks and starts the same. And how does it end? With a bad taste in people's mouth.
Some girls don't want to go out with black guys and some will. Simple as that. Sorting out the who, what, where, when, and how is going to take more time on this board than most guys have time for and in the end, nothing gets resolved. The question is right back where you started.
Anyways, Jim and I have seen this thread come and go and we'll see it come again with the same results. You'll see.
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: why this stupid thread, posted by Traveller on Aug 7, 2003

That would be dangerous, but I can give you a Colombiana or two that could comment on this - but talk about opening up a can of worms!  Aaron lives in his little world, thinks he knows everything about latin culture and black integration and such in that society - all as a gringo that has visited a couple of times and read a couple of english books.  There is no one qualified on this board to address such topics, just as the salsa history one - that's even more tricky.  To Aaron, yes the "peanuts are great in the gallery" - I just happen to realize that you're the idiot that strips naked and tries to run across the field to be the centerpiece of attention, problem is you forgot you had diarrhea - it's getting pretty gross from my viewpoint.
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Do you really want to hear the truth?, posted by cancunhound on Aug 7, 2003

scenario. A latina definitely would say, Queeeeeee Pena !!!


« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: why this stupid thread, posted by Traveller on Aug 7, 2003

I really don't think the thread is stupid.  Perhaps things have gone off track but the bottom line is that there are people of all different skin colors and races on this board and for someone to ask this question, is no different than when people ask about Latinas attitude towards different ages, sizes, occupations or physiques of men.  No one says these questions are stupid.  

What can be gained from this? Well if there are men on this board that are black or asian, or whatever, then maybe they will learn that they too can go to LA and find love just like anyone else.  

Not all Latinas like Black men and definitely not all Latinas like white men either.  But the fact is there are enough women with all types of preferences to go around for everyone to be happy and find their true love.  

Not picking a fight, but I just don't think this thread is stupid.  I know and admit it went way off track, but in the mix of things, some decent things were said.  If one more guy gets off the fence and goes to LA to find his true love then its a good thing.

« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: why this stupid thread, posted by Onephd on Aug 7, 2003

i think onephd's view is much more reasonable and generous than the others.

no one here is trying to find the 100% proof way to resolve any topic on the board. almost all topics are recuring. including the flames and insults.

and i don't think any sober guy here is nieve about how ugly racism can get in any venue. so no need to frighten the lambs with stories about how latinas really really really dislike blks and asians.

no one here is pretending to know more about race than others. it was a simple honest ques that started it. deep info on race is available in books, film, video, and news. so lets not kid ourselves about the fact that people have tried very hard to deal with it despite the dangerous.

every community on planet earth has race crimes on its hands. what i dislike most are people who always want to paint the human spirit in a negative way.

humans are not always supposed to be looking for every little angle of anger, cyncism, conflict, slights and diffrence in others.

if once in a while someone can benefit from this race discussion and go out and meet a sincere loving human, then this FLAMING board will have taken the high road.

i don't know (shrug)....perhaps a minority of people here really want to control what people think and say here....don't do this, hey you don't write that....BOOOOOO!!!

« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to why this stupid thread, posted by jim c on Aug 7, 2003

The reason is because there is a cross section that need to hear it, and possibly partake in the discussion.

However, people need to keep in mind that the discussion is highly controversial, and a sensitive issue for many, especially for ones that have their strong personal biases whatever they may be.

I'm sure that there are both black and white men that have learned something from it.


« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Jim, it is an important issue, and needs..., posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003

Yeh, I learned something from this, it’s a waste of time to bring it up. Women will date who they want, black, white, Asian, Latin, Russian, Indian, fat, bald, skinny, short, tall, poor, rich, so who really cares. Find a girl who likes you, and forget the rest. Why make a big deal about this subject, because whatever you think, it doesn’t mean S**T. if she doesn’t like your personality or demeanor, your not going to get to know her anyways.
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