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Author Topic: LAI/Bogota & LI/Cali  (Read 3424 times)
« on: July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

I was reading some old posts about that is located in Cali and there was a question regarding whether or not they are affiliated with in Bogota.  It is my understanding after talking to LAI that there is no relationship with them and LI in Cali.  What is odd though is that both Nelson of LAI and Maritaz in this old thread (12/02) stated that there was.  Perhaps there was one in the past.

Looking at LI's web site, many of the photos of the ladies from Bogota have been lifted from the LAI site which is what LAI told me when I spoke with them about this.  I do know that many of the photos at LI are old and the ladies are either engaged or married.

Buyer beware unless someone can tell us if LI is legit.

« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to LAI/Bogota & LI/Cali, posted by pablo on Jul 26, 2003

My 2 cents - I wouldn't put much weight upon photos on a website as a criteria for choosing an agency.  For that matter, I wouldn't be too concerned with the photos in the albums at an agencies office.  It's the quality of the women that you can actually meet IMHO, and that will be apparent immediately.  A good agency should be able to set up solid introductions without a guy ever needing to look at a photo first.  Every gal can manage a bad photo or two, so you may be missing out by beginning your search based upon photos.  Also, alot of the agencies may have a sharing arrangement as it benefits them to have guys stay at their place - but typically it's not contractual.
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Old photos, posted by cancunhound on Jul 28, 2003

I would agree that the quality of women at an agency are more important than how current their photos are but some agencies encourage and charge for email contact with women associated with them.  They use photos as a means to get men interested in joining an agency or use their services.  I have never seen a disclaimer at a site that said "these are the types of women available at our agency".  

If I want to start a communication with a lady before a trip, who is no longer available at an agency when in fact she is represented as such I have a problem with that.  One agency I am familiar with actually had ghost writers respond to letters sent to unavailable women.  I think a good agency besides setting up solid introductions like you say should also be able to update their photos with current ladies (or not using "ringers") if guys are making a certain amount of their decisions based on photos.  Wouldn't you agree Cancun?

« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Old photos, posted by pablo on Jul 28, 2003

but you're still looking at photos.  Sure the agencies are going to throw up some eye candy to get your attention.  These aren't exactly high tech operations  - they likely don't have the database capabilities to even really know who is in their membership.  Here's my 2 cents on how to use an agency - treat the whole operation similar to "buying a friend".  Get down there and get to know the people running it - and let the people know you.  Then have them set you up - at that point if you're so inclined take a look at that photo, but if you've done your legwork there really should be no need to.  

Now that agency with the ghost writers - you should post the name here as that would be helpful to others in your shoes.

« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Old photos, posted by pablo on Jul 28, 2003

 Without the "ringers" most agencies would go out of business.
As a businessman yourself I think you know that.
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to LAI/Bogota & LI/Cali, posted by pablo on Jul 26, 2003

Paul, my wife is one of the women listed on LI's site.  Dominick, who is LAI's US representative lives just a few miles from me in Florida and Claudia Amaya was in Florida in April and my wife and I went out to a club with Dominick and Claudia.  I mentioned to Dominick that my wife's picture was still listed on LI's site.  He said the guy who runs that site also lives nearby in Florida and he would tell the guy my wife was married.  I thought that meant he would pull her picture, but instead all he did was put at the top of her profile that she was married.  So Dominick and that guy seem to have some kind of relationship and by extension LAI in Bogota has some kind of relationship with them too.
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: LAI/Bogota & LI/Cali, posted by lswote on Jul 26, 2003

Since you actually know these people, I am curious whether you have ever had the courage to confront them with their low ethical standards, and what their response was.
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: LAI/Bogota & LI/Cali, posted by lswote on Jul 26, 2003

Hi Bruce,

My post was meant for the reader to think carefully before using LI.  I have no firsthand knowledge other than what Lucas told me one day that some agencies were ripping off their photos.  That is one of the reasons why LAI started placing names of their agency on the women’s photos.  I don't have much patience for agencies that have deceptive practices thus my post requesting if anyone has used this agency and could confirm or disprove my suspicions.  Having a majority of women's profiles out of date at LI isn't a passing grade in my estimation.

Personally, if I were LAI I would not want them representing me.  Just a casual look at their catalog shows many women that are no longer available or who are even married.  They are guilty of at least rarely updating their list.  Your wife Zulma was mentioned as being married after you involved Dominic but Francy, Wizard's wife, is still posted as available.  I wouldn't want my wife's photos still posted on the net.  

There are many other examples: Alba is married, Ingris is not available, Alba is out of the program, Lina is engaged, Maria is out, Erika is out, and those are just the ones I am aware of.  LAI must tolerate this agency's "bookkeeping" because they may benefit from them if someone wants to meet a lady from Bogotá.

Agency watchdog Pablo out.

PS How is the pregnancy coming along?

« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to LAI/Bogota & LI/Cali, posted by pablo on Jul 26, 2003

I remember that post.  Here is the post which I copied from the archives.

Posted by LatinIntro on 12/11/2002

from the horses' mouth, Smiley
LI has an arrangement with LAI in Bogota. The current arrangement is that members of LI can use the services of LAI but are required to stay with LAI at $70/night (6 nights minimum). However, members of LI are not members of LAI. What does this mean? Well for example, if LAI decides to discontinue the arrangement with LI, LI must find another agency to send their clients to in Bogota.
Hope this clears things up.

« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: LAI/Bogota & LI/Cali, posted by valuedcustomer on Jul 26, 2003

Yep, that's the thread.  

Nelson does not state if LAI clients have any benefits with LI.  If LI clients have to pay a minimum of $420 to use LAI services I see no advantage nor does it sound like much of a deal.

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