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Author Topic: Another Cali "Boob Job"  (Read 3752 times)
« on: July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

It's still hard for me to fathom at times the quest of Calena's for the perfect appearance.  Just got off the phone and I was shocked that a gal-friend just had 'em enlarged - damn she was perfect before IMHO with the B-cup.  Good news (maybe) for some is that she'll be my next guest here in Big D - arriving this fall.  I'll be looking to set her up (sooner or later there can't be anymore gal-friends in Cali right?  Maybe I should start charging an intro fee!)
Pete E
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Another Cali "Boob Job", posted by cancunhound on Jul 22, 2003

A friend of mine paid for a boob job for an ex girlfriend he then broke up with.I tell him some Colombiano is probably all over them right now.He doesn't like to be reminded.How stupid he says.At least he is a guy who could well afford it.


Jersey Mike
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Another Cali "Boob Job", posted by Pete E on Jul 22, 2003

I've got a half-baked theory about women and their boob jobs, having been on the check-writing end (the wrong end!) of one a number of years back, and having dated a few other women who got them.  The new boobs become a sort of new toy for the woman that they have to show off at every opportunity.  The women, who may have dressed modestly before, suddenly are wearing low-cut tops.  Some of the women sort of "go wild" for a little while, especially if they are suddenly getting attention that they never got before.  In the case of one guy I know, his girlfriend quit her job and started dancing topless - and broke up with him shortly after.  

When a woman suddenly has to have her boobs done, I think that she may be discontent with her present life.  If a woman is married and she decides she wants to get them done, it may be because she is planning to leave her husband or have an affair.  It's happened to me, and I've seen the same thing happen to other guys whose wives or girlfriends got them done.  The good thing is that the change in behavior seems to be mostly temporary.  It's almost like a female midlife crisis.

Anyway, that's my pop psychology take on the subject.  Not worth much, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Another "Boob Job", posted by Jersey Mike on Jul 23, 2003

I think it may carry some weight with some AW.

I think for a Calena, it's just as normal as getting braces for their teeth.  The only reason they wait is because of the price, granted it's "cheap" there but not really affordable for your average Calena.  So I wouldn't wan't too alarm anyone who is considering this for his Calena - but for an AW, you may be right.

My further 2 cents on the matter - the gals never seem to consider what happens if they should later have a child.  Those B's would have gone to C's anyway.  Breast feeding can become complicated and a hastle as well.

Jeff S
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Your Theory, posted by cancunhound on Jul 23, 2003

Who wants to play with hard plastic boobs? Give me natural b cups over overstuffed c cups that couldn't jiggle in a 7 on the Richter scale, earthquake, any old day.


« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not to mention..., posted by Jeff S on Jul 23, 2003

I don't know about that Jeff.  I had a few facial moles removed at a doctor's office in Guadalajara last year.  He's a plastic surgeon and while talking to him about my little operation, I noticed this plastic "jelly" filled thingy on his desk.  Naturally it caught my eye and I picked it up and asked, "this isn't what I think it is, is it"?  He smiled and confirmed my suspicions and I sort of politely fondled that silicone implant to imagine what one might really feel like on a gal.  It was surprisingly very soft.  Although certainly no expert, I think a good boob job might be hard to detect.  

What really was scary was the description he gave me on how they insert those things and his preferred placement in the body.  It seems that even gravity wins over with silicone if not placed under the deeper muscle tissue.  Having him tell me how they are inserted was something else!  Either they cut a crescent opening under the breast, or a smaller cut bordering the areola and forcing those suckers in (pun intended), or worse yet, cutting the armpit and going down in.  Ouch!

I think most guys would want natural. I for one would not pay for an operation like that for a novia or a wife.  A few gals in SA told me they were going to get one in the future and I sure thought differently about them afterwards.  I'd rather have a gal that was content with what she was born with.  

Excuse me miss, just checking for any scar tissue.

« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Not to mention..., posted by pablo on Jul 24, 2003

Silicon boobs are soft. . . . .at first. . . . .then they become rock hard and feel like bowling balls. Silicon is sintant turn off to me. Been there. . . .done that. . . .not again.
Jersey Mike
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Your Theory, posted by cancunhound on Jul 23, 2003

Yeah, most of my observations applied to AW.  But I saw a big change in an old Brazilian girlfriend after she got hers done.  She always dressed very classy and rather conservatively (yes, believe it or not, some Brazilian women can be quite conservative in their dress and manner!), but she started to wear the low cut tops and form-fitting bottoms afterwards for a while.  Fortunately, she had the figure to pull it off!  Eventually, she went back to wearing her old style, which she looked great in, BTW.

It sounds to me like the Calenas put tremendous emphasis into their appearance, and may not think twice about getting them done.  But I have this gut feeling that there is a pretty big mental/emotional thing going on with many of the women who get boob jobs.

A lot of women get the work done around their 30th birthdays, which is a tough milestone for many of them.  That's the female midlife crisis age, IMO, especially for beautiful women.  They may feel that they are starting to lose their looks, and that freaks them out.  I know several marriages that broke up when the wives left around that age to have affairs.

Again, it's just my crazy idea on the subject, and it's not one that I take too seriously.

« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Your Theory, posted by Jersey Mike on Jul 23, 2003

"tremendous emphasis" is an understatement!  Not uncommon for a 16 year-old to get 'em done (in Colombia 12 is their age of sexual consent - 14 to get married, sounds crazy but it's true).  Which brings up the whole age issue and maybe it ties in with the low sexual age of consent thing - since it is the norm to have your 40+ year old colombiano "dating" the 20 year old colombiana, maybe the low age of consent is partially because the 20+ year old colombianos aren't going to date the 40 year old colombianas?  At any rate, the concept that a 50 year old gringo should be worried about the perception of dating an 18 year old latina - well, there's nothing wrong with that in Colombia - it's just up to the gringo if he can deal with it back in the states.  Enough philosophy for me today!
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Another Cali "Boob Job", posted by Pete E on Jul 22, 2003

How much did it cost him?
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Another Cali "Boob Job"..., posted by elcolombiano on Jul 23, 2003

I didn't inquire about the price of this one but Cali is "the place" to get an affordable high quality job.  I believe the going rate for top of the line work is less than US $1,500.  My wife accompanied this friend for the procedure - said there was a gringa from the states there at the office as well - so word is apparently out.
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