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« on: July 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

Just received a spam mail from this site, I assume from some sneaky member here.  This one takes the cake - they offer a " BRING HER TO ME SERVICE." - that's right, you never go to SA, you pick 5 women from their database and they will choose the ONE that's most appropriate for you.  All you do is just pay a grand and they arrange for her visa, passport and english classes during the wait.  Actually, a grand is not bad for all of that.  They do have a substantial database.  The whole premise is mind boggling.  Any takers?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to, posted by cancunhound on Jul 29, 2003

Just a heads up. Although I do not know one thing about this website, I do know about the VISA situation concerning Colombians going to the States.
We get a lot of job offers from the States for the Models. We hired a well respected immigration lawyer to look into the feasibilty of gettig the girls VISAs to the States for short time work. No go. She didn't even try to give us alternatives, there just wasn't anyway she could see. So, this should tell you something if you have worked with Colombians before. They will always find some way to make that peso from you. The States, at the moment, after 9/11 are just basically dissapproving any application from Colombia. (Marriage VISAs are different, I'm sure.) I am sure fiance VISAs are probably more difficult to get now. For the models to travel to the Bahamas via Miami, the girls would need a transfer VISA to transfer airplanes and that is a huge pain in the beeehind. Basically, they are flying from Bogota to Havana to Nassau on Cubana Air.
So, I don't know who these guys are or who they have working their VISA work, but if you don't have to show up anywhere, "just send us your money, we'll take care of everything." Is it me or does that just sound "fishy?"
It is simple though. Do you feel 100% comfortable with this offer? If you don't well................................
jim c
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to, posted by cancunhound on Jul 29, 2003

I am always amazed on how far scammasters or master baiters will go to find chumps on the internet. Obviously we know that no one can guarantee an american visa to a latina for united states. I am not aware what agency this is. I am sure it is an alternate site for another agency, I recognize the photos.
    I really like the "buy our franchise section" you don't even have to leave the US to have a sucessful business selling latin women. I am begining to believe that some website producers are lawyer about ("it depends on what is, is.").

cuidado no moder el anzuelo
pescador en Cuayo Hueso

« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:, posted by jim c on Jul 29, 2003

I contacted SAL month's ago when they probably first came online and placed a post here to see if anyone used this agency.  Dione the owner, is a former ILL client and married a lady from “Sam's Club”.  Dione then decided to start a competing company in Barraquilla.  He did some web work for Sam thus the similarity in look.

I spoke with Dione and requested references which he could not provide citing not wanting to intrude on clients affairs but more likely, he had no previous clients.  I was thinking about checking them out doing a side trip from Bogotá but when I expressed some reservation, Dione got rather rude about it.  Although a slick salesman type pitch prior to that, this was the nail that sealed the coffin for me.  I passed on it.

For people just finding out about P-L, be aware that just because an agency is listed on the agency link here like SOL, it does not mean they are endorsed.  Check out any agency thoroughly before joining to include an archive search, multiple references, comparisons, Two Gringos Guide, etc., before deciding to join.

Pete E
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to, posted by cancunhound on Jul 29, 2003

What kind of visa can they get her?For $1000? Sounds like you will be out $1000 for nothing.Maybe then they will tell you,unforunately she cannot get a visa at this time.
Sounds like  a sucker deal for those too lazy or gutless to catch a plane.
Anybody following this board should know better than to fall for that.


« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to, posted by cancunhound on Jul 29, 2003

It is all a pile of crack. For example for Colombia I would speculate that 90% of visa applicants are denied visa. Just to get a visa interview (tourist visa B1/2) it take some 2 years (due to the backlog). Anyone who claims that he/she can guarantee a visa to US is a liar by definition. Also if you will want to meet a number of girls, not 1. You may need to personally get to know 20-30 girls before you narrow it down to 1.

Conclusion: neither approach to finding a girl nor their implementation (premise) sound viable.

« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to, posted by cancunhound on Jul 29, 2003


....... Immigration and Visa Services Included FREE:
....... 1. My lady is in Another Country other than South America??  WE CAN BRING HER TOO!!!
....... 2. I heard I have to visit South America to get her a Visa??  NO, NOT TRUE!!!
....... 3. What Countries can these women go to? I don't think she can come to me?  ANY COUNTRY!!!
....... 4. How long can she stay with me?  3 months to 5 years at first, then if you want her to stay longer or forever then we can file additional legal paperwork for that!!!

I don't think any of these claims are valid, but claim number 2 is highly suspect and claim number 4 that says she can stay up to 5 years at first is a total fabrication.  Perhaps a student visa would allow someone to stay in the US as long as 5 years temporarily, but there is no way these people could arrange a student visa for someone.

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