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Author Topic: The fall out.  (Read 2627 times)
« on: July 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

Well guys this is the situation. The day the photos were posted someone called a number of ladies whos pictures appeared in my album.
One has dropped out of the marriage agency and one out of the modeling agency.

The owner is very upset with me. This bothers me because I always like to use his marriage agency and I personally liked the guy.

Why is he so mad?

First he has lost two women and he is afraid that he will loose more as word gets around. Secondly, americans are calling and asking questions like: How am I afiliated with the models?

Let me try and set the record straight. I am not affiliated with any modeling agency. I just happened to be at the agency when they were doing a photo shoot and I took some pictures.

The fact that some of the guys that contacted the agency thought that my apartment and my bedroom were some how connected to the agency has also pissed the agency off. These agencies try hard to avoid the appearance that they are some how involved in the sex industry and they are not. You can not take women to your room if you stay at an agency. If you rent an apartment some where else you can if the women are so inclined to go to your apartment.

The idea that you can meet a woman at a mall, disco, casino or marriage agency (date them a few times) and have the relationship turn into something a little more intimate without money changing hands seems to be a foreign idea to some of you. Now I know why Traveler got out of the marriage agency business so fast. A lot of the guys that go down there are completely lost.

I would like to help some of you guys out if you are not to far gone.
I am going to try to go down to Cali Dec. for the TLC tour. It is always hard to try and help these guys because the tour operator usually sells them a lot of bull.

I remember one guy that I asked if he would like to see the agencies. He asked me if I was sure I knew what parts of the city were controled by rebel groups. If this sounds like a reasonable question then you are one of the guys that are to far gone for me to help.

If some of you guys have something more than money to offer a women and would like me to show you around Cali and whats a available to you as far as places to hang out agencies to visit, just write to me at:

« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to The fall out., posted by Calipro on Jul 19, 2003

I'm going to make one final post on this subject and that's it for me.  This is not to attack calipro, but to defend myself in this whole matter.
Everyone should know that the agency to whom calipro is referring saw the pictures before I did.  As I stated earlier, some agency owners and their secretaries monitor this forum, as well as others. The pictures were viewed by the agency's secretary, and she, in fact, sent me an email asking me if had seen the pictures. Calipro, if you'd like I can forward you a copy of the e-mail.  The moral of this story is, be careful what you post here. You don't know who could be reading it, and how it could backfire against you.
Secondly, much has been made about my "apparent" jealousy of Calipro and his conquests.  I talked to the above referenced agency owner and his secretary on the phone the other day about all of this.  They were very appreciative of my support on this forum for the ladies.  When I mentioned that Calipro and many of you accused me of being jealous of him, they both laughed, not just a regular laugh, but a hearty laugh.  You see, they know both myself and Calipro.  This is not a bash of calipro, nor is it painting myself to be better than him.  You see, they know me, you guys don't.
Thirdly, many of you somehow question the fact that I can maintain friendships with ladies I meet down there, and have a geniune concern about them and their well being.  As I stated in a previous post, I have female friends down there that I have maintained friendships with for 3 years.  I still communicate with them to this day.  You see most of you can't understand that, because, one, you can't speak the language, so how are you going to maintain a frienship with anyone down there.  Number two, you don't understand the culture.  In the latin culture friendships are more important, stronger, longer lasting than here in the states.
I want to relate a story from this forum.  Not too long someone posted a trip report from Cartagena.  He told how he had met a mulata girl, who was working on her masters degree, an evagelical christian, who showed him around the city.  Said she knew everyone and had a great time with her.
Well it just so happens that she is a very good friend of mine, who I had a short romance with 2 years ago. We still keep in contact, e-mailing often, and sometimes still talk on the phone.  I sent her an e-mail about his post, told her that a gringo had many nice things to say about her, etc., etc.  She sent me one back, joking about the whole thing. By the way, her initials are S.C. (for credibility's sake).  Everyone must understand though, if her pictures would have been posted in the same context as calipro's, I would have called her immediately, as I did my other two friends in Cali.  (As a reminder, I have known one of the girls for almost a year). I think more of you should make an attempt to learn the language and try to maintain friendships with the women, even when things don't work out.  It makes this whole process more fullfilling.
Hopefully everyone has learned from this experience.  I have no regrets about calling the women.  Sorry if some of you don't understand that.  Except for the gringos that live in Colombia, very few of you have more experience than I when it comes to the number of times I've been to Colombia, knowing its culture, maintaining friendships, and speaking the language.  I hope that doesn't sound braggadocious, but it's just a fact.
So, let's all move on to something more productive.
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: The fall out., posted by beenthere on Jul 20, 2003

I guess that was me that made the post, and based on a few hours exposure, she is a genuinely nice person.  I was also impressed with what she'd accomplished. To the best of my recollection, she was about to get a degree in systems engineering, while getting zero support from her father.

And, agreed, having friends is the best way, maybe the only way, to understand the culture and improve your language skills.

Finally, I'm glad you guys are burying the hatchets.

« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to S.C., posted by Miguel on Jul 21, 2003

By the way Miguel, she had alot of nice things to say about you.  She's a great girl.
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: The fall out., posted by beenthere on Jul 20, 2003


I have to tell that I question the statement: "that the agencies saw the photos before you did". The secretaries I talked to told me that some one called them up and told them how to access the photos. Sounds like the MO of anybody you  know??? If you don't believe me I can send you the e-mail the agency owner sent to me.

In all honesty I never really believed you were jealous of me. I was just at a loss to explain your actions. This could have been handled in a way that didn't damage the reputation of so many people. If you want to hear a BIG laugh call the agencies and ask them if they are happy you called the women up personally to spread the word about my photos. I don't know who you think you did a favor for but it certainly wasn't the agencies or me!!!

I have a question for you: Even if the secretaries did happen upon the photos, do you really believe that they would have called up the ladies in the photos before contacting me directly. It was never my intention to have the whole world view these photos especially the ladies. Thanks again!

On a different note most of your post sounds really "braggadocious". One tip, the next time someone accuses you of being jealous (blow it off). Don't rant and rave about it and call poeple in Cali to chat about it!

I don't know what it would prove if you you sent me an e-mail were one of the secretaries was asking you if you had seen the pictures. I think your response would have been the interesting part. It probably went something like this. "Sure, I have seen the pictures. I am the one that called everyone up to tell them about them."

Do me a favor if you can. Next, time we run into each other lets just pretend this whole thing never happened. Anymore posts on this subject are pointless.

« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: The fall out., posted by beenthere on Jul 20, 2003

Been there,
       I am 100% in support of what you did. Also the fact you have many female friends is a positive thing. If we men are to have good relationships with the opposite sex,we need to understand the female mind. Unfortunately, a lot of men look at women as only sexual objects. If they cannot have a sexual relationship with her, they have no interest in being friends. That is sad.
I have to say you seem like a nice respectable guy, not out here to impress anyone with conquest as others are. As for being jealous of Calipro and his conquest I don't think so. As one poster said, being called a player in Cali is a joke. Any American man can be a "player" in a foreign country. I know of a relationship with a 72 year old American man and an 18 year old Filipina. Even he can be a player:)
  I think in the long run a guy like you will be the one who ends up with the nice sincere girl with morals. Water seeks it's own level.
    Good Luck,
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to The fall out., posted by Calipro on Jul 19, 2003

Michael B
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to The fall out., posted by Calipro on Jul 19, 2003

Well, I'd be mad too, if you hurt my business and dammaged my reputation. Maybe you didn't mean any harm, but now the agency (and the indivual ladies) are under a cloud of smoke and a lot of the business' potential clients and ladies'  potential husbands (no matter their level of experience or sophistacation) are saying "where there's smoke, there's probably fire". True, per se, the pictures were nothing 'hard core' and we can certainly find much 'rawer' pictures over on, but the POINT is, you did it without their permission and without their knowlege.

On an unrelated earlier subject, I'm glad you helped out your Bro-in-law with the draft, deep down maybe you're not a 'bad' guy, just not one I'd care to have making decisions which involve me.

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