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Author Topic: proposal: ban aaron!!!!  (Read 2964 times)
« on: July 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

After a few years on this board it is my observation that horrible personalities, like aaron, find the exit door one way or another. Somehow the board is saved from those who want to spread hate.

Sometimes such troublesome ranters and haters are banned or they tire of their own stupidity or they are completely ignored. In the case of aaron, I propose that we start off by ignoring him. Obviously, his main thrill in life is spreading discord, venom and misunderstanding. I must say that the way he uses board member's words and personal info against them indicates that he is afflicted by the lowest moral impulses.

Either he is just an imposter and vicious crank or a vain phd student(as he has so much begged us to believe, for the sake of his ego). I have a hard time believing that an educated person would write about others in such an illiterate style and moreover in such a sinister temper. Or it could be that he was not taught proper civic and social manners as a child.

There are so many lost souls who get behind a key board and then find a strong motive for their anti-humanistic instincts. In the matter involving Iswote, it is a fact that in a face-to-face setting, aaron would never have spoken the same vicious things that he wrote here. Would he have been able to say these things to Iswote's wife as she lay in a hospitable bed? NO!!!!

How about that for some TRUTH!!!!

So this is an example of how this hate-monger called aaron is an imposter. Bogota vet's post was an even more bizzare attack. I'm sure it was a great pleasure to use 'reverse psycology' on a fellow human who was in great anguish.

No matter what Iswote or Pete has done they don't seem to be bad guys to me. All the negativity and foolishness is pouring out of the dark souls of those who want to use anything on this board step on common human decency and understanding!!!!!

Good, decent adult people can talk or write to one another, in any setting, because there is no anger, hate, vengence, envy or cynicism involved.

Therefore, if we are all responsible adults here on this board it shouldn't matter very much when someone freely chooses to post personal info. The way Iswote and Pete have been treated, in this sense, has been disrespectful and disappointing!!!!

In my opinion when ANYONE here freely posts info that they feel may help others or they need to share (as fellow soldiers in the struggle), it is an automatic signal that such a confidence should be treated with respect and understanding.

Surely, such personal info does not mean the author is a careless person, lacks judgement, lazy, incompitent, weak and foolish. Yet in their seperate posts aaron, bogota vet and jim c have so rashly attacked Iswote and Pete, that they seek to stifle free conversation among good responsible adults.

What is most amusing is that in sharing their experiences Iswote and Pete are somewhat less than anonymous. But those who have harshly assaulted them remain quite anonymous behind a machine - right?

No doubt there are better ways to comment about someone's posting habits. Why all the anger, meaness and BS indifferece? The cynical and illiterate use of free speech ideals, or 'reverse psycology', or blousy generalisations about columbianas are not the right way.

Fact is many others have been kind enough to share their experiences without attacking the level of communication among adults. No problems.

I would strongly suggest that those who are too wicked, too vain and insessitive to display the kind of adult skills necessary for conversation in this particular forum should use the exit door.

Therefore, I ask all grown adults for your support in this request to have aaron and bogota vet banned. Patrick, I hope you will take this up.

« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to proposal: ban aaron!!!!, posted by cassius on Jul 5, 2003

I think this kind of decision has to be Patrick's alone.  He seems to do a good job of cleaning up the board and getting rid of the problem posters when it is clear what their motivations are.  Aaron has lost all credibility here, there is no need to ban him.  As far as Bogota Vet goes, I don't think he did anything worthy of banning.  I think he didn't show much class when he baited me when I was trying to sincerely answer his questions, but if not showing class meant automatically getting expelled from this board then most of us would be gone.  I learned a lesson from Bogota Vet in that you shouldn't try to explain yourself to someone who doesn't accept your reasonable explanation first time around.  I told the majority of my personal information in an attempt to explain myself to him.  I really thought at the time he was reasonable and just didn't fully understand the situation and more facts would complete the picture, but the truth of the matter was he had already made up his mind based on the limited information I had already posted and I was talking to a brick wall.

As far as jim c goes, I was initially offended by his stepford wives post and thought my posts must have crossed some line with him (and therefore I apologized) until he responded that he was actually talking to some of the people responding to my thread, not me.  I have to admit his remark left me confused over the posts in that thread but I accept his explaination that he wasn't criticizing me so obviously I don't think there is any reason to ban him.

People have different ideas of what the purpose of this message board is.  I think we can all agree that it is to share our experiences in meeting, dating and marrying foreign wives.  After that things get a little blurry.  Some people think talking politics when the message board is slow is fine.  Some people think posting every inane idea they have is fine.  I personally have used it a couple times now as an outlet when I didn't have anyone else to talk to.

I think we are going to have disagreement over what the purpose of this board is just like we have disagreements over politics, religion and of course, dating foreign women and most everything else.  I would prefer disagreements stay above board and don't end up turning into name calling matches or portraying other posters in a bad light, but I am just as guilty of doing that as the next guy so I know that isn't realistic.

« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: proposal: ban aaron!!!!, posted by lswote on Jul 5, 2003

Bogota Vet was banned.  It wasn't his flaming alone that caused it.  It was flaming from two separate user accounts.
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: proposal: ban aaron!!!!, posted by Patrick on Jul 8, 2003


I recently tried to find the rules on the board and could not find them.  Can you please tell me where are they?

Regarding cancunhound's comments above about not being able to post from a second computer location because of IP's getting identified.  How then does one go about posting from a second location?


« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Some questions Patrick, posted by pablo on Jul 9, 2003

IP address makes no difference.  As long as you know your password, you can post from another location.  Rules are on the forum faq page.
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Some questions Patrick, posted by Patrick on Jul 9, 2003

Pete E
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to proposal: ban aaron!!!!, posted by cassius on Jul 5, 2003

I agree with what you said mostly but would not ban Aaron yet.He hasn't come back with anything negative recently.
As far as Bogota vet,he's been here along time and even though he critisized Bruce I don't think it was in too offensive a manor.
Jim C did nothing wrong that I noticed.He certainly didn't offend me.


jim c
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to proposal: ban aaron!!!!, posted by cassius on Jul 5, 2003

Dear mole troll

   First I need clarification how is it you claim to have been around a "few years" and your info says you joined last September and have filed three posts.

Secondly I find your comments a touch arrogant only bordering on Big Wally's personal association with God.
"I would strongly suggest that those who are too wicked, too vain and insessitive to display the kind of adult skills necessary for conversation in this particular forum should use the exit door"

Third You are correct about free speech it gives us the right under the moderators rules to employ the rhetoric we use or the opinion we choose.

Finally, I really think you have a problem. You sound like a freshman english major with an axe to grind. You think the internet is real life. You would take the advice of an unknown 19 year old in Idaho and tell him all about your life. TRUTH  The internet is a place where people go to communicate. This entails truth and lies, good intentions and misrepresentations,  honesty and neurotic manipulation, let those who are weak or looking for a crutch or validation here beware.

    If you have been around a few years as you say, you would know that here we spat and forgive, change our opinions and  deal with our own . If Aaron has had a bad month, it doesn't mean he will have nothing good to say in the future. I don't think Izzy or Pete are angry with me and if they are, they have a right to say so. I am not angry with anyone here but you could be a candidate.
    I  believe you are here only trying to stir up trouble and actually got off when you wrote the post, assuming that you can.

Do not pontificate on who has the moral high ground here, just ask your mummy to call Patrick so he  can tell her to f--off. This is not a democracy it is a forum, right or wrong. So if you are insulted stay on the porch, read the bible or ban yourself.

PS If you don't want it kicked in the dirt don't lay it in the road .

« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to proposal: ban aaron!!!!, posted by cassius on Jul 5, 2003

Yo Cassius.  I agree with your observations but I'm not sure banishment is the answer.  What bothers me about Aaron's drivel is that Iswote got in an unfortunate jam that could have happened to any one of us.  He solicited our help, but Aaron's response was to kick him in the teeth.  Its one thing to criticize ideas or opinions, but its really hard for me to see any redeeming features to a viscious and personal attack on someone who is in the middle of a personal crisis.  I agree that his attack on Petey, I mean Pete E, was also unwarranted.  I wonder why Petey decided originally to defend him.
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