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Author Topic: Are latinas fitness conscious?  (Read 2334 times)
Jersey Mike
« on: July 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

After being married to an eastern European woman, I have learned that they are perhaps the LEAST health and fitness conscious humans on the planet.  The FSU women that I have met are, without exception, heavy smokers, drinkers, and non-exercisers.  (I personally believe that many of the FSU women are rather blessed genetically considering their living habits and eating habits.  My ex has never exercised a day in her life, except to walk to the corner store for a pack of smokes, and her favorite meal is a Big Mac and Coke - yet at 31 she has the body of a SI swimsuit model.)  

On the agency sites, many latinas claim to enjoy exercise and sports.  Have you guys found this to be true with the women you have met?  And do they all smoke like the Russian women?  Is finding a new plastic surgeon their idea of hard exercise?  (I have heard that Brazil is the liposuction capital of the world!)  

I am into weights and powerlifting, and a healthy diet and lifestyle, so a fitness-oriented mindset is important and desirable to me.  Is this an unrealistic expectation on my part? What has your experience been?

« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Are latinas fitness conscious?, posted by Jersey Mike on Jul 9, 2003

Interesing set of comments.

Latinas in nearly every country in SA, place a very important emphasis on their body.  I can't tell you how many times I have heard the comment, he or she is FAT! It is the first impression they have of anybody.

One of the first comments I have heard from my latin friends who visit the US for the first time, why are there so many fat people in the US, in particular the women. When I hit the airport in Atlanta or Dallas on the way back to Denver, it is quite shocking when you havn't seen for awhile how bad it is in the USA.

I live in Santiago Chile, and it is extremely uncommon to see any over weight local people here. You will be the butt of many jokes if you are overweight.  American women who move to Santiago have a very difficult time with that issue. My friends wife says she can't buy any clothes here, there are NO availbable clothes for women over the size of 8. Any time she orders postre or another drink she gets the "look".

I don't think the people here are particularly interested in their health either. Chileans smoke like a chimney, particularly the younger women.  They have the highest per capita of smokers in the Americans. When I'm out on my bicycle I rarely see any women out on the road.  However, there are lots of men running and riding bikes.

I dated a women for over a year, she hasn't exercised a day in her life and she has an absolute perfect body, weighs 100 lbs soaking wet, so I guess genetics must play a role.  She eats and drinks anything she wants with no problem.

In general, the people here tend to eat more healthy than the US folk. They eat mostly seafood with fruits and vegetables. Unlike Argentina the meat here is bad tasting, so steaks and hamburgers are pretty much out for most people. The food with the exception of the seafood, is so bad no one has a chance to get fat here! My joke here is that there is a good reason you don't see any Chilean food restaurants anywhere else in the world.


« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Are latinas fitness conscious?, posted by Jersey Mike on Jul 9, 2003

Jersey Mike
If you go to the right places they are very fitnes conscious Many will say they are I had a girl from Cali come to the states to visit me she told me she exercised everyday but she would not go to the gym here she said she was on vacation After that I would take anyone I was interested in to ESCANDNAVIA it is a great gym in CALI if  you can speak spanish this would be a great place to get a girl I am now married to a girl from CALI for 21 months she goes to the gym 6 days a week
             GOOD LUCK
Jeff S
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Are latinas fitness conscious?, posted by Jersey Mike on Jul 9, 2003

It's rare to see fat Latnas in LA. Plenty of Mexicanas had no weight troubles back home since they got lots of excercise walking everywhere back home and more wholesome food. When they get to the states and discover big gulp cokes, french fries and twinkies, lots of them plump up but good. My point is, don't assume that just because she's slender and shapely back home she'll stay that way once she moves to the land of super-size fries, all-you-can-eat buffets, and driving the car two blocks to the grocery store, then circulating the lot a few times to get a parking spot within 20 feet of the door. I'm sure plenty of FSU ladies fit in this category as well.

There's also the consideration that plenty of women (and men for that matter) look great when on the prowl, but after they acheive their goal - finding their mate - they just let themselves go.

If you're interested in a health conscious lady, make sure that's what she is back home, that she's a regular practicioner, and that she's been given good advice from mama or at least is well read about what is and isn't healthy (you might be surprised.) If it were me I'd try to figure out her attitudes about it before you tip your hand about yours. If that's what you seek, you should have no trouble finding ladies with a healthy lifestyle awareness and attitude.

- Jeff S.

« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Are latinas fitness conscious?, posted by Jersey Mike on Jul 9, 2003

I can say that the Brazilians I saw in the northeast are very health and fitness conscious.  That does not mean getting buff.  It means getting moderate daily exercise.  In Recife and Fortaleza, at dawn and in the evening MANY people do power walking up and down the Beira Mar or the beachfront street.  Others do calesthenics and gymnastics in the exercise areas that line the beach.  That is not counting all the men who play soccer on the beach.
Cali vet
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Are latinas fitness conscious?, posted by Jersey Mike on Jul 9, 2003

My wife was slow getting started but now she really likes going to the gym just about every day. I do my weights and she does her aerobics, spinning and some machines. She even likes to jog with me to the gym now. I see a lot of women/girls there who are real fanatics.
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Are latinas fitness conscious?, posted by Jersey Mike on Jul 9, 2003

[This message has been edited by cancunhound]

In general, I would say they're obssesed with looking good - which often means exercise.  Not necessarily all will go to a gym, but many do.  I know of one gal who works 9 hour days, 6 days a week - and still makes time to hit the gym, we're talking NO bodyfat (BTW guys this one will be visiting Dallas at the end of the month).  This mindset is embedded in these gals and does not go away easily.  The only fat Colombians you will see are typically the very wealthy Colombians - they can afford to get away with it.  Smoking is not very prevalent but some gals do, but typically in moderation.  They're certainly not overwhelmingly opposed to YOU smoking - many Colombian guys are heavy smokers.  So, IMHO - not an unrealistic expectation at all - just their way of life.

PS - I always pick up a double carton of Marlboro regulars at the duty-free stand before leaving the states.  The price is not that much of a savings over that purchased in Colombia - the difference is apparently Colombian Marlboros are made from Venezuelan tobacco - The US tobacco is supposedly superior and is greatly appreciated by my smoking friends in Colombia (so I'm told).

Michael B
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Speaking for calenas, posted by cancunhound on Jul 9, 2003

Really? I smoke the local stuff, they're both strong and cheap (but what do you expect from a fool like me, I used to smoke 'Alas' in Mexico and I hand roll at home, hee hee). I have a friend from Bolivia and he recently brought back some Bolivian smokes, a US brand (I want to say Winston, but don't remember for sure) and they were made under license in Venezuela. They weren't bad, but you could tell they were not the same as their namesake. I didn't notice hardly any Colombian women who smoked (but they don't mind if you do). One of Martha's friends does, but only 1 or 2 a day and she tries to keep it hidden from her husband...Oh, he KNOWS, but she just won't do it in front of him. Many more Mexican women smoke than do Colombian women, but still not as many percentage wise as AW. I'm sure you are familiar with the concept of 'drink socialy' and may have seen some ladies profiles that say 'smoke socialy' and (while a wierd concept to us, we're used to 'you either smoke, or you don't') it is true, they might go days or a week without smoking, but when offered one will accept, or will smoke only when at a party or night club. I'm pretty sure that if you hooked up with one of these and told her it bothered you she would either quit or at least not do it in your presence.

hmmmm, looks like I need to give Obie a call and ask if he dropped the ball with your friend. Our real estate deal fell through and I haven't talked to him in about a month, but I know they did exchange a couple of emails.

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