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Author Topic: For iswrote  (Read 1122 times)
« on: June 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

For Bruce:

My best friend's wife came within a few hours of dying from the same infection.  The infection turned her stomach black within three days and they were consulting a dermatologist! She passed out at home, was taken into the emergency room, spent (as I recall) three weeks in the hospital and had extensive plastic surgery on her stomach.
This infection is so vicious, and your wife was spared, whether it was because of divine intervention is up to you to decide.  

But she has taken a fearful physical and mental hit, in a strange country, with a new husband and outside of the comfort of her blood family, her native country, her country and her culture. It will take her time to recover. Perhaps, all you can do is be patient and love her.  I'm not the best practitioner of love but it seems to me that enduring, eternal love is based on sacrifice and the willingness to take on another's burdens, without taking away from them their right to choose for themselves (as long as they can make choices).

If you show your wife that you love her and are willing to sacrifice for her, it is all you can do as a man, and it is man at his best.
The money is secondary, the hospital will probably take $100 a month, or $50 a month, as long as you are dead on consistent in your payments.  You are not the first person who has had a catastrophic medical emergency and you won't be the last for that hospital.

God bless you and your wife.


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