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Author Topic: English speaking Columbian Women  (Read 2869 times)
« on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

I only know 3 weeks of Spanish.  If I go to Cali, to ACG or LE, I
will hope to find a young Latina around 20-25, who hopefully
can communicate with me in English.    I heard some agencies
say about 10% of their girls speak English.  Would you say this
percentage is about right?  

If there are too few girls who speak English, I may not want to
make the trip to Cali.   thanks for any input!


« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to English speaking Columbian Women, posted by grant5432 on Jun 21, 2003

I met and dated a Colombiana here in San Diego for four months. When we first met she spoke no English and I spoke only a little border Spanish. The only help we had was an electronic translator and a dictionary. We were both amazed at how well we were able to communicate under the circumstances. If I were you I would pick up a talking translator and a comprehensive dictionary. You will be amazed just how far you can get with those items. Communicating complex and abstract ideas will be a problem. We found that to be frustating at times but we would just wait until we found some one that could translate for us. Good luck and don't let language stop you. Where there is a will there is a way.
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to English speaking Columbian Women, posted by grant5432 on Jun 21, 2003

Don't worry about the language.  Just learn a little spanish and head on down.

These girls learn english at different paces.  My wife after one year is completely fluent and beginning to lose her accent.  When we met, she knew little English.

I think if you only look for girls that speak English, it limits your choices severely.  We go to Colombia to increase our choices.  Maximise your choices.


« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to English speaking Columbian Women, posted by grant5432 on Jun 21, 2003

Hi, I'm in Bogota right now, will be here for another 5 days or so and have been meeting and dating Colombianas in their mid 30s to early 40s for a little over 2 weeks.  I've met something like 32 women, about 8 or 9 of them spoke some English, more then "how are you  or My name is..." Three of the 9 spoke good to excellent English and I went out with one of the women 4 times within the first few days I was here.  The fact that she spoke very good English might have influenced my decision to date her.

I've used translators at some, but not all of the first meetings, and never for a second meeting date, or for any date after that.  What I did is a few months of audio tapes in the car and at night before I left the States, (I was listening to Spanish about 8 hours a day, I concentrated on three tenses past, present and future, tried to learn about 100 or so importanr verbs and had written for me and committed to memory chunks of Spanish about me, my bacground, my values, what I was looking for a woman.

I am not fluent, but if a woman is patient, I can make myself understood. Just about every woman I've met has been appreciative  that I took the time and effort to learn some Spanish, they have slowed down for me, and I learn new words or phrases every day.

Most of all, what I've tried to do is not be "macho".  You can use the lack of fluent Spanish to your advantage. I don't pretend to be anything that I am.  What I've tried to convey is:  "This is who I am, I'm looking for wife, a life partner who I can love and help, and who will love and help me. Right now, I need help right now with the language, with understanding the culture, etc.  Would you like to help me?  

Of course, during the initial conversation, I make sincere and very specifc compliments about the beauty of the women, what they are wearing, etc.  And if there is one thing I would advise anyone to do is to be comfortable making specific compliments about women's eyes, their hair, their figures (again, tasteful!), clothes, jewelry.  And make them because you sincerely enjoy her beauty, not because its some cheap technique.  .

If you go to Colombia, you will see absolutely stunning, beautiful women. Get on the plane!


Pete E
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to English speaking Columbian Women, posted by grant5432 on Jun 21, 2003

I would guess less than 10% speak good english,but maybe 20-30% speak some english.Some is alot better than none.Alot of these girls have studied english,but unless they use it they don't get very far with it,similar to what a gringo might experience  here.Its tough to learn a language if you are not using it daily.
My wife had studied english and was maybe 10-20% in english.
We have always communicated in english because my spanish is so much worse.When we met at an agency we had an interpreter.After 30 miniutes of this we went to lunch.With the help of a electronic translater we did pretty good.Fluent it was not and even now when she is 60-70% proficient its still not fluent communication.
But-- I wouldn't let language stop you.Maybe I was lucky but it was not a big problem.And wouldn't wait to learn it,that could take forever.
I know a guy who wanted a Colombiana who spoke english so he went to Bogota and did find one.They live her now and her english is very good.So if you try Cali and really can't handle the language issue,try Bogota next,or first if its a big worry..I met only one guy who it was a big frustration for.
I am partial to Cali,I think there are alot more attractive girls who will be intereted in you.Its just a much better selection with less,almost no ,competition.
And the weather I like much better.Its tropical.Maybe 85 F during the day,70 at night.Bogota is like 70 during the day,50's at night.Colder if its raining.Cali is warm even when it rains.But some people don't like heat and like Bogota better.


« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: English speaking Columbian Women, posted by Pete E on Jun 21, 2003

Thanks for the feedback!  Yes, I like  much hotter women so I think I'd
rather go to Cali than Bogota.

I already have a trip planned for Peru coming up, but I may consider
making plans to fly to Cali from Peru if things don't work out there like I

« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to English speaking Columbian Women, posted by grant5432 on Jun 21, 2003


10% may be pretty close. Since you'll be meeting about 5 a day ,thats only 1 person every other day who will be able to speak English with you.They of course can make translators available to you, however you are very wise to want one who can better communicate with you. I really feel that couples who cannot communicate(neither her in English nor the man in Spanish))have a much rougher go than if they were able to communicate.
My advice to you if communication is a priority (and that is a good priority) then go to Bogota. Maybe the percentage would be closer to 20%.

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