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Author Topic: Argentina...back to Buenos Aires  (Read 6085 times)
« on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

Back to Buenos Aires

We spent a long weekend saying goodbye to beautiful Mendoza and flew back to Buenos Aires.  The following Saturday I was returning back to the States and wanted the remaining few days back in the capital to be well spent.  The trip had been very enjoyable so far and I had seen three interesting cities and had met some great new friends and a few future hopefuls in regards to the ladies, but unfortunately I did not meet one particular lady that I felt there was a strong mutual attraction.  The beautiful rafting companion had one drawback in my mind, she smoked.  However beautiful she was, I just can’t handle a gal who smokes.  

It is interesting comparing the differences between meeting women at an agency and going to a country without the aid of one.  I am a member of an agency in Bogotá and have been to Colombia three times.  During my last visit to that agency I had more dates than I could shake a stick at from women who were interested in a serious relationship with a foreign man.  I really met some nice ladies in Colombia using various means not only by using the agency I belong to, but also by placing a personal ad in a newspaper, and meeting women in and around town.  In Argentina though it’s a little different ball game.  It's possible to meet women around town but there is only one agency in the entire country and as I said before, I wasn’t really interested in joining them due to their high fee structure and low number of ladies.  Scratch that idea.  

I had considered doing a personal ad in a BsAs newspaper before my trip but later decided not to go that route.  Maria was convinced this would just be a waste of time and money.  Her opinion was that women just did not do this in Argentina.  However, I do know one man from the mid-west who placed ads in numerous papers in BsAs and met his fiancée this way but his response rate was low.  It was quite by accident he was successful using this method as she was not looking in the personal section for any relationship.  Based on these two factors I thought personal ads would not be very effective.  I did however join a couple internet intro sites to contact a few ladies and had some moderate success.  I met two ladies in Buenos Aires and spoke with a couple other living in a part of the country I was not planning on visiting.  Still, no sparks really flew.  

I was feeling a little dejected and did not want to continue trying to meet ladies off the street.  I wasn’t totally bummed out about the trip because as far as vacations go, it was wonderful.  Still, I had hopes of meeting one special lady.  I began reminiscing about all the dates at the agency in Bogotá and remembered reading on this discussion board that many of these agencies have daily rates.  Hmm, I thought it couldn’t hurt calling up the local agency in town and talking with them.  I just might get a break on the fees and meet a few ladies.  I went ahead and called.  Later that day I was in the owner’s flat that doubled as the office.  Sure enough, the rates dropped by half.  It was still expensive, but in the next three days I would meet four interesting and lovely ladies.  All of them spoke English.  (Sorry Maria, but translation services not needed.)  

One of the four had telephoned me and we arranged to meet for lunch the following day.  I went down to the hotel lobby to wait for her.  She was running behind schedule (common among Latinas) but was thoughtful enough to call to let me know she was going to be late.  Thirty minutes later this tall slender beautiful long haired blonde walked in and was talking to the receptionist asking for me.  Oh my…this lady was beautiful with a capital B.  Could it be her?  There was a similarity to her photo but this lady was much more attractive in person.  Photos did not do her justice.  I called out her name and we walked towards each other and did the kissy kiss on the cheek routine with a nice hug.  Such a neat custom, I love it.  I pulled away and looked at her eyes and saw that they were a beautiful shade of green.  I knew then I was a goner.  She spoke fluent English and had such a lovely accent.  We walked a few blocks away to a local coffee shop and talked for a couple hours.  Not only was this lady beautiful but was also a real sweetheart.  We also had many common interests.  She asked me what time it was and I thought the date was nearing the end but then asked me if I’d like to go with her to see this famous Argentine artist.  Like a puppy dog I gladly followed.  

The artist we met a short while later was Helmet Ditsch, a remarkable landscape artist.  His artwork is some of the best and interesting I’ve seen.  In his office is a 30 foot long landscape painting of southern Argentina’s glaciers called The Last Day.  If you are curious, here is his web site:  
I thought his paintings were actually photos they are that remarkable.  I examined the paintings from a distance and at a few inches away and could not see any brushstrokes whatsoever.  It was a real treat for my date to meet this artist as she had been in email contact with him for some time and was looking forward to meeting him.  I felt honored that she wanted to share this experience with me.  Helmet is a really nice guy and was very hospitable to us.  We left an hour later and decided to go to the museum to look at more artwork.  It was a very good show as there were a number of world famous artists on display.  Afterwards, we went over to Puerto Madero to one of the many nice restaurants there and had a late dinner.  What a great first date! I thought there were some real definite possibilities with her.  We made plans to get together two days later on Saturday, the day I had to leave.  Unfortunately she was unavailable Friday.

Continued tomorrow…

« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Argentina...back to Buenos Aires, posted by pablo on Jun 21, 2003

[This message has been edited by pablo]

Still being on cloud nine from the previous days date I was contemplating what to do.  I had a few more appointments with some ladies, two from the agency and one I met via the internet.  After doing a little packing I headed down for my free continental breakfast.  Soon Henry, the man I ordered the Matrix coats from, would stop by and drop them off.  These coats were gorgeous, made from soft and supple lambskin.  I tried mine on and noticed how comfortable a custom fitted jacket felt.  Not only sharp looking, they were also surprisingly light.  The weather was perfect for wearing something like this.  A few people were already wearing full length coats.  Most people in BsAs dress sharper than here in the States so I didn’t feel out of place wearing it.  Besides, it looked way cool.  Now all I needed was some of those fancy shades.  Hey, Nimo…

Later my morning date stopped by and we decided to go to Café Tortoni.  Founded in 1858, it is the oldest coffee shop in Argentina.  It had a beautiful interior that was rich in history.  On one end of the café was a billiard room.  After a light lunch and café con leche we left and walked down Florida street, another pedestrian only street that was lined with shops.  It was here outside one of the banks that I saw the only demonstration while in the country.  A group of about fifty people were making noise banging on garbage cans, pots, and metal poles, apparently upset at the economic conditions in their country.  I didn’t feel threatened walking past them as there were lots of uniformed policemen and the demonstrators, although upset and loud, seemed peaceful.  

Returning back to the hotel we said our goodbyes and I waited for my afternoon appointment to stop by.  This was one of the ladies I met through the internet.  She lived about an hour and a half away from where I was staying and took both a train and a bus ride to get into town.  Although attractive there wasn’t much chemistry between us but I felt obliged to spend some time with her.

In the evening I had one more dinner date with another agency lady.  She was very nice, beautiful, intelligent, and even had an American visa but somehow I kept thinking about the other date I had on Thursday.  I honestly wished it would have been her instead, but duty demanded such tough work of eating dinner with an attractive woman.  Yea I know, tough job, but someone has to do it.  It was late when we finished our meal so we parted our ways.  I wanted to get a good night’s rest anyway and was looking forward to being with my Thursday date!  

Saturday morning arrived too quickly and I finished packing.  I brought one extra large suitcase with me to bring back some goodies.  It was full of nice Mendoza wine, olive oil and a bottle of Gancia that was given to me as a gift from Maria.  This stuff is good!  A little Ganzia, soda water, and fresh squeezed lemons made for a very refreshing drink.  I hoped all the bottles would be safe on the journey back.

I checked out of the hotel and headed over to Maria’s home that was close by.  As my plane did not leave until later in the afternoon I did not want to pay for another days stay.  It was nice to see her and her family again while waiting to be picked up by the one lady I was most interested in.  Heading over to EZE International with her I could tell that she liked me.  Sitting close, holding hands, resting her head on my shoulders, exchanging gifts and nice conversation.  Once we arrived at the airport we had to wait in a long line.  Everyone and their brother seemed to be traveling on Lan Chile that day and I was getting nervous about the time but then realized who was beside me and how we could spend that time together, talking and being close to one another.  

I wanted to take her photo but as she is very shy she said no.  After insisting and her not budging about it she did compromise and make me an offer.  Either I could take one photo of her or us together or I could give her some kisses later.  What a tough choice.  I said how about both, but still she insisted on one or the other.  I came to my senses and said ok, no photos. ;-)

Everything was going fine until she asked me what I did the previous night.  Being hesitant to answer at first, I decided to tell the truth and told her I went to dinner with another lady from the agency.  Big mistake!  I was used to multiple dates at the Colombian agency, sometimes a lady was waiting for me as I was returning from another date.  I had hoped that she would understand but she was genuinely hurt.  It put a little of a damper on the next few moments we had together but eventually we worked it out and I was able to “collect” on our deal.  What soft and tender lips she had said the big bad wolf.  She looked up at me and said, “you know, you don’t deserve them” and kissed me again and then said you better come back soon.  Man, was it hard saying goodbye.  This is by far the hardest part of any Latin American trip I have made and that is getting on the plane to come back home.  Now, I was leaving a special lady in BsAs only just having gotten to know her.  I am sure I will be returning to Argentina in the near future.

Well, that’s my trip board.  I hope you enjoyed reading it and I also hope that it has given you encouragement to make the trip south, even possibly considering another country besides Colombia.  All of Latin America is filled with beautiful Latinas.



Michael B
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Argentina...back to Buenos Aires, posted by pablo on Jun 21, 2003

I think you did a fine job, Pablo, except on one thing. You'll sure wish you had a couple of pictures of you and her together....shy or not, traded them for kisses or're going to NEED them for the K-1....I know, you're planning on going back soon, but anything can happen (illness, job problem, let's hope not, but you get the idea), and anyway they'd still be nice to look at until you do get back.
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Argentina...back to Buenos Aires, posted by Michael B on Jun 21, 2003

Hi Michael,

After spending only a couple days with her I'm not ready to do a K-1 just yet.  That will take more time getting to know her before I make that kind of commitment with her. I agree that the photos would have been great to reminisce, but she has promised to send me some via email.  Those besos were just too hard to resist.

Michael B
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Argentina...back to Buenos A..., posted by pablo on Jun 21, 2003

Oh, I didn't mean you were going to file K-1 tomorrow morning, just that IF you do, you will need photos of you two together.

Second point, see Lswote post below, second paragraph-I agree with him 100%....1st paragraph, maybe like he said, 'you had to be there' or it was just a (friendly) little teasing game.

« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Argentina...back to Buenos A..., posted by pablo on Jun 21, 2003

I love the elegance of your reports and how your remember the little details with such fullness.  I am glad you found someone special, but I hope she is not playing games with you.  The kiss or photo thing seemed a bit odd, but maybe it was one of those "you had to be there" things.

I personally think you did the right think coming clean on what you had done the previous evening.  If she is trully a special lady she will come to see it as a positive that you were seeing other ladies and chose her as opposed to her feeling maybe you thought she was all you could get.

« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Argentina...back to Buen..., posted by lswote on Jun 21, 2003

Yes, it seems a bit strange.  Every Colombian woman I met enjoyed being photographed.
Red Clay
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Argentina...back to Buen..., posted by lswote on Jun 21, 2003

Agree, seems a bit odd. Sounds like alot of potential, though.
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