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Author Topic: First Two Weeks  (Read 5549 times)
« on: June 15, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

Well my wife has been here just over two weeks now.  I have to say that this has been the best two weeks of my life.  I was married for 14 years to probably the most beautiful woman I will ever hold, but she was very empty on the inside.  She is a very selfish and self centered person.  What a change.  My wife from Cali is everything but self centered.  I knew her for 18 months before we married and I felt I had a good idea of who she was, but it is impossible to know for sure in a long distance relationship.  She is everything I went to Colombia hoping to find.  Yes, I know two weeks is a short time and the honeymoon is not over, but I have a deep sense of security about our relationship.  We spent eight days in the Smokies in East Tennessee.  While there we went to my home town.  I was not sure what to expect since my home town has a historical reputation for being one of the last stronholds of deep racial predudice.  The entire county is white except for the migrant Mexican field workers.  My wife is mostly a mixture of Spanish and African decent with a little indian in there from some point.  We stopped at a pancake house (for her first experience with pancakes), a big biker dude kept looking at us and then as he was leaving he walked over to the table.  I thought I knew what was coming, but instead he apologized for looking so much and he told me that I was married to the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life, then he left.  On more than one occasion I had an elderly lady walk up to my wife and tell her that they had never seen such a beautiful woman.  She handled herself perfectly in all situations.  While I was in the restroom at an OutBack resturant a guy made some comment to her about looking good.  She thanked him saying that she wanted very much to look good for her husband who she loved very much.  I would never have known this except that an older gentleman at another table told me the story as we were leaving.  

A lot of people are convinced these girls only want a green card or whatever.  Late last night my wife handed me 4,300 dollars.  It was a combination of her lifes savings and selling her car before she left Cali.  She said she wanted to be sure I loved her before she mentioned the money. She has decided that I should be saving more money from my salary.  She has created a budget that she wants us to follow.  

Guys you can read a lot of bad stories on here, but also read between the lines.  Not every girl in Cali is an angel.  Not every guy going down to Latin America is looking for something to last forever.  If you are sitting on the fence, just get up and go, but go with some common sense.  In Cali my wife is not among the most beautiful women there.  She is maybe above  a little above average there but here she stands out in a crowd.  I went to several places in Latin America and my age limit kept getting lower and lower, my rules kept changing.  Somewhere I came back to my senses and realized I was wasting a lot of time, energy, and money playing with the younger girls there.  If that is what a man wants then it is a great place for that also.  I would suggest keeping the two seperate in your mind though while there.

I wish the best for anyone just starting out in this adventure.

« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to First Two Weeks, posted by Hiker on Jun 15, 2003

Congratulations Hiker Who wouldn't want to live in Big Orange Country Great to read a positive story Guys it can happen as the shoe company says Just Do It. I am from the other end of the state Memphis happily married to a young Lady from Cali We have since moved to Las Vegas and everything is great I belive Red Clay is from Nashville and another friend is from Murfessboro TN.
                Good Luck
Red Clay
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: First Two Weeks, posted by DaveyRich1 on Jun 16, 2003

[This message has been edited by Red Clay]


Didn't you live in MS. when you first surfaced here on the board? I believe you were recently married at the time. What does your wife think of Vegas vs. MS.? I believe Hiker is now in TX.

« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: First Two Weeks   ATTN. Daveyric..., posted by Red Clay on Jun 16, 2003

Red Clay
Yes I lived in Olive Branch,Ms. a suburb of Memphis I was born and raised in Memphis. We were married on 8/31/01. She loves Vegas we go to  the  strip about once a week and they have a colombian resturant so she gets a little taste of colombia they have a place in the Aladdin Casino that has Latin Night on Friday night She has met a few girls from Cali who live here now You should give my friend from Murfessboro a call a nice guy his wife works in the Flower Dept. at Krogers there, I am in Portland until  Friday I will E-mail you the # when I return
                Take Care
Michael B
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to First Two Weeks, posted by Hiker on Jun 15, 2003

Excellent, what else is there to say?
Red Clay
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to First Two Weeks, posted by Hiker on Jun 15, 2003

Very glad to hear it. Your wife reminds me very much of my own.

Where is your home town?

« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: First Two Weeks, posted by Red Clay on Jun 15, 2003

Erwin.  Between Johnson City and Ashville N. C.
Red Clay
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: First Two Weeks, posted by Hiker on Jun 15, 2003

« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to First Two Weeks, posted by Hiker on Jun 15, 2003

Man, you got me all teary eye...thats good news,good stuff....
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to First Two Weeks, posted by Hiker on Jun 15, 2003

It si good you didn't get caught up in  the whole, get the hottest, youngest babe you can deal. As long as you are attracted to her, who cares what anyone else thinks!

The most Beautiful woman in the world is the one you are in love with.

« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to First Two Weeks, posted by Hiker on Jun 15, 2003

Nice post Hiker...

I was wondering how things were going for you two, but I figured you were still in the Smokies... Good to hear that things are going well...

My wife has now been here for exactly one week and things could not be better... You are correct in that you really don't know how things are going to go once you are together all the time... My wife and I could not be happier... It's like a dream come true as my wife and I are very very happy... She is adjusting well, just got her SSN, being enrolled in advanced English classes this week and driving lessons to follow soon, yikes!!! That's one I'm not going to tackle myself as I want my wife to continue to love me... She waits on me hand and foot... Not because I expect it or ask, but because she wants to... It's such a change to be with someone who is not only beautiful, but also a joy to be with...

My Ex was much like your's, very attractive, but very self-centered, materialistic and empty inside... We were married for 12 years... Seems like we similar histories as far as women go...

No matter what a guy is looking for, her can find it in LA... If someone justs wants a hedonist holiday, you can find that in LA... Or if you are searching for a lifetime partner, then I can think of no better place than LA... Doesn't matter what country or culture... Sure there are bad eggs on both side of the equation, but if you take your time and are honest with both yourself and the ladies, you can find that for which you search...

Good luck to you and your new wife...


« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Amen..., posted by wizard on Jun 15, 2003

[This message has been edited by Hiker]

Thanks Wizard.  Yeah your story sounds very familar.  I had reached the conclusion that love was not in the cards for me.  Now I find myself alive again.  Every day I am more impressed with the person I find her to be.

What did you do to get her social security card?  I went to the office and was told that it was an automatic process and she would receive it in 3 weeks, but my wife understood the guy to tell her that she needed to go to the soc security office.

« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Amen..., posted by Hiker on Jun 15, 2003

When you do the paperwork for the visa, one of the forms asks if you would like a SSN assigned automatically... We answered no to that question... When she got to Houston, we went to the Social Security Office and filed the paperwork there... It only took 20 minutes, I was amazed... They said the card would arrive by mail in one week, but we could call the next day to get her Social Security Number... We did this so I could expedite getting her on my health insurance and get her enrolled in advanced english classes a little quicker...

« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Amen..., posted by wizard on Jun 15, 2003

    Congrats!! One of the best post I have read. It is amazing that so many guys here are so concerned about age,rather than the woman's overall appearance and charecter. Like you,many of us have realized the realities of a truly beautiful woman loving us,and the comfort that brings. IT is a better feeling than just walking around with a really "hot" girl,trying hard to please her all the time, and deep down inside knowing she just in this for what she can get.
  I hope the new guys out there looking for a soulmate, read post like yours and follow your advice.It is too easy to get off track and follow a fantasy. My fiance is 29(I'll be 34 in a couple of months). But I still have guys asking me why I did not choose a girl 18-19 since she is Filipina. I cannot figure that logic out. I was looking for a permanent relationship. Not a temporary one.
  Good luck! Though I truly do not think you need it. People who marry for the right reasons ususally make a success at it. Those who marry for the wrong reasons are the ones who will always be looking.
  Wizard,Iswote,congradulations. Also, Iswote happy father's day!:)
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Amen..., posted by Mark33 on Jun 15, 2003

Thanks a lot Mark.  I may be proven wrong later but I feel totally confident that this is forever.  

There are a lot of adjustments to make, but I am finding them to be on my part.  Going from a cold woman who could not show any affection in public, to suddenly being with a woman who stops me and kisses me any place and any time she feels like it is a big change.  We were in one of the big tourist attractions and a man told me that I had received more affection in the last 10 minutes than he had received in the last 10 years.  I think he was saying this for the benefit of his wife who he made sure heard his words.

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