Hello from Bogota #4.
This is in response to Calipro's request for a trip report. I made some "comments" about his attitudes and I fundamentally disagree with him on just about everything coonected to his ideas of relationships with women. But to his credit, he shrugged it off, stayed friendly and I give him high marks for that. It was my first (hopefully last) flame and I'm really not the kind of guy who does that. The pictures of his ex-wife were "something", lets just leave it at that, I don't want to get into anothe "posting fandango."
But, you know maybe Calipro has a point. I think I've mentioned that I'm 50 about 5"10, 240 lbs. But two days ago I met this terrific 20 year old with the sexiest mouth and amazing body. She told me that she wants a mature man....Not!!!!, Just kidding, couldn't resist it!
I went to the bullfight this afternoon with my guide Julio, a 30 year old guy. He hasn't tried to work me. When we met I told him that I was interested in seeing churches and museums, not whorehouses and so we've driven around during the days in his little Fiat. He drives like a crazy man, but then so does everyone else. A Portland city traffic cop could make his monthly ticket quota in about 20 minutes here.
It rained on and off, most of the bulls didn't want to cooperate, and the matadors didn't take many chances. One kid got bumped by the bull and fell down as the bull went through the muleta, the crowd booed him. There was only one decent fight where the crowd built up a rolling "ole" rhythm. A lot of stuff got thrown into the arena.
I've now met 14 women in 9 days, I've liked four, I'm still not in love! One woman I met that was suggested by the agency was 37, had a agorgeous heart shaped face and a beautifully proportioned body, But she was 4'9" and 92 lbs or so, I never checked her height and weight! I was surprised when I saw her, but I hope I hid it, was a gentleman and I refrained from calling her short stuff." We had coffee and chatted for 45 minutes, that was all.
I have a dinner and dancing date in an hour, a third meeting, and second dinner with a very attractive 5'7" auburn haired fashion designer, (MC) great bown eyes. She is 41, maybe 115 lbs, a but thin for me but with a wonderful laugh. We went out to dinner on Thursday night, at the end of the night in the cab, she leaned into me and really kissed me, I hadn't even made a move other then to hold her hand when we talked at dinner. We stayed locked for a nice 3-4 minutes or so, and it was the most forward thing any Latina has done in 9 days.
We've talked about serious topics, she has a 9 year old, has a brother and sister and their families also living in the area Bogota. She is divorced, the husbaNd is "gone", that is all she said "gone." She did ask me how long I was planning on being in town and if I had planned to meet other women. I told her the truth, told her that I was planning on meeting other women and since she was a member of the agency, she should do whatever she wanted unless we made commitments to each other. I like her, and the attraction is there but its not overwhleming.
So long from Bogota