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Author Topic: Pete - Question  (Read 2030 times)
« on: June 17, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

Hi Pete:

Usually i try to read your posts, and also the ones by long time 'veterans' on this board. I think the posts are often helpful and interesting.

I used to post somewhat frequently when houndog, hoda, etc were really active here.

Fact is i've been following your story ever since your first trip to cali in 1999(?).
It is a good story and quite inspiring in a way. Indeed i've been pulling for you, hoping for the best outcome for your hopes and plans.
I really appreciate the openess and considerattion you display an this board.

I'm mostly on the sidelines here as I plan a trip to vene, peru or brazil (?) for autumn 03. Absorbing the useful info about the whole LA scene!

Lately, it seems you've been expressing a few signs of trouble or dissatisfation with your LA mate. I could be wrong, if so please forgive and forget!!

However, recently you posted this:
"Age differernce reality is starting to bite me on the ass with my Colombiana who is now permanetly here.Maybe its not the age diference but the choice of person?We can hope thats it and try again.Many problems could be avoided by never bringing them here.But then you have to take the risks of a place like Colombia."

In past weeks i've noted your posts with a similar bleak tone about how changes and reality are unfolding in your marriage. Is this correct?

Since you have been open and helpful  with us in the past, I suppose you will tell us in good time what juncture you have reached. Frankly, I write because I sense a measure of turbulence - yet I could be totally wrong.

You can e/m if so inclined. Thanks!

Pete E
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Pete - Question, posted by cassius on Jun 17, 2003

My wife doesn't like me to post anything personal about us.Actually she doesn't much like me posting anything.So If I do post I try to keep it possitive about us.
We have been married 3 1/2 years.I did some post a few months after we were married.Also I did alot of posts before we got married.Too bad the old archives are gone.
I was thinking of responding to Jim C's post below,since it brings up the main issue here.
My wife is a very good person.I not only love her but like most everything about her.My problem is I feel she does not really love me,at least not in a romantic sense.I just charged in and married her assuming everything would be fine.I thought I could make her so happy it would be easy for her to love me.Seems it doesn't work that way.
I get very tired and fustrated and feel neglected.
Recently I got very angry and yelled at her.This does not work at all,she can't handle the smallest critisism let alone yelling at her.After we cooled down we talked about it.She wants to stay in the marriage.I don't want to let her go.So we are hanging in there.I was ready to end it but really don't want to.So if she wants to keep it together we will keep trying.She doesn't do anything to cause me concern exept for ignoring me.We are happy to get over the conflict and are both treating each other better right now.
Time will tell.
Jims post raised the issue of do you expect or can you find love?Yes I think its possible.But there are so many motivations for a Colombian lady to want a gringo the desire for the marriage can be mistaken for love.So you can find a lady who really wants to marry you who may not feel love for you.It can be hard to distingush,particularly if you don't take much time.You may just go with the emotion of it.It might turn in to love ,it might not.The age difference has been mentioned.Thats part of it I'm sure.But there is this illusive thing in relationships that defies logic.We all have seen beautifull girls with ordinary guys.Women seem to like you or they don't.Its possible for a Colombiana to be in love with a gringo even alot older.But you need to take time to find out if that is the situation.
But where we might date someone here but never marry them unless it seemed like love we can do it differently with a Colombiana.Its hard to just date along time like here.They can't come here unless you do a spousal or fiance visa.Its tempting to just jump in and get married.I even said when I was in the process of doing this if it didn't work I would just drop her and go get another one.Maybe I should have,but I didn't.I never wanted,still don't want,to let her go.I have even approved when Junfan just ended his marriage quickly.In a way I thought thats what I should have done.
So its less than perfect.Not what I expected.But right now it seems a whole lot better than breaking up.
I think you can find love,if you take your time and are willing to accept the woman who will feel that way about you.Its also very easy to get in a relationship that looks like love but is not. If you really stretch for the hot young one and are not yourself it seems more likely.But I really believe there are good women who will really love you.
So if your not carefull you may find yourself with a wife who less than loves you but still wants the marriage.And if you love her you may accept this.
We do what we do and we accept the consequenses.Often its less than perfect or what we intended.
So right in there with determining the character of the woman is determining her real feelings for you.Those are the 2 most imprtant things you need to know I think.
As for me I would rather stay with my wife right now.I feel alot better about it than when I was thinking of splitting a few days ago.And maybe it will get better.I have learned that treating her with love  works beter than thinking I have been treated badly and getting angry about it.
I will probably get in trouble for saying as much as I have.My wife doesn't understand that its imporant for me to express myself,particularly when there is an important issue.Actualy she hates me telling anything personal to anybody,let alone a public forum like this.And I feel a little dishonest for having been a possitive only poster most of the time,without telling the whole story.
Am I happy I still have he?Yes.Would I do it the same way again?No.But then there's what we tell ourselves and what we actually do.



« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Pete - Question, posted by Pete E on Jun 17, 2003


Thanks for your post.

One reason why most of us here dream of a special relationship with a latina and then make the emotion and material invest to find one, has much to do with the idea that there is a better chance that she will show you a higher level of affection and interest. Experiences with AW can solidly put a guy in that frame of mind.

At least that is my personal outlook and a drive for my motivations. In other words, I would be troubled indeed if married to a beautiful latina, she could only show a limited
amount of affection and interest.

Seems to me like being married to someone who in another dating environment (i.e. another socio-econ situation) could have said, "hey let's just be friends". However, because this is the 'MOB' scene, in Colombia, other pressures influence the lady to say, "yes, i'll marry you".

I don't want to comment to much upon your personal dilemma - I don't want to act intrusive in such a sensitive matter. But I can in a way understand your frustration.

There have been points in  relationships when i had to decide if the woman is deep into me or if i am alone.
There is a vast desert between friendship and the passions of love.

Therefore, both you and Jim C are on the right track, about going the extra mile. If you are going to make the journey it is best to give more than you expect and to forget about
being short-changed. It is without doubt a perilous journey.

This reply has been long, but i think i owe you for your useful informative posts from the past.

Best wishes!

Jeff S
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Pete - Question, posted by Pete E on Jun 17, 2003

Here's something I posted a while back in response to an post about "falling in love" that you may find of interest:

- Jeff S.

« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Pete - Question, posted by Pete E on Jun 17, 2003

jim c
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Pete - Question, posted by Pete E on Jun 17, 2003


I am sure that by now you understand that post was written for you. It was not my intention to bring you out onto the board with your personal life. No marriage is perfect. we all adjust to the reality that our partners are human and have frailties. How serious they are, is based on our ability to ignore or forgive them. As we get older we become more cynical. The passion and the puppy love we all want to have becomes more illusive. I think you got a good deal going. Don't let the small stuff piss you off. And, Yes, you will get a lot more from her if you give her love and attention. One of the main problems with relationships and AWs is they are so worried they are putting more into the relationships than "HE" is. jimc

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