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Author Topic: Calipro's attitudes  (Read 5463 times)
« on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

I have been reading the posts between calipro and the rest of the men.

Calipro, sometime ago you approached me when I mentioned I was going to Colombia and you offered to meet me in Cali. It was a friendly gesture, but after reading what you've written, I think that would have "slowed you down."

If I remember, you are 41 and yet you seem to pursue young girls who are 20 or more years younger then you.  You have admitted that "its your way or the highway" and it seems to me that you see relationships with girls as a short term contract which lasts (you provide them with a lifestyle, bring them to the US and "empower" them) until the relationship is over.  I may be wrong, but I believe that you pursue young girls because you have a need for control and young girls (until their eyes are open) will give you much less resistance then a mature woman of your age.  And I think you see women not as people, but as objects, to idealize for a short time because of their beauty and/or youth and then to discard.  

You put out some pictures a while ago with you and a series of very young women.  You had hidden your face on all the photos.  Why did you feel the need to hide your identity? Is there something you are ashamed of?  Men who are emotionally whole have nothing to hide.

You may want to do some reading about what constitutes a narcissistic personality.  I suspect that you are a narcissist and I don't mean it as criticism, just as a statement. If your attitudes about women, relationships and your own sense of importance in the world never changes, then you will always be the same emotionally incomplete man.


« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Calipro's attitudes, posted by DOMINGUIN on Jun 13, 2003

Hello.  I don't think there is anything wrong with Calipro going after
young hot women.

I am 43 yrs old and I am also attracted to women much younger, like in
their early 20's.   I also get the same stuff thrown at me about how I
want to date younger because I need to control them.  This may be the
typical reason for the majority of cases, but it doesn't mean that's the
reason for all men to date much younger women.  I myself am just more
attracted to younger women, enjoy their youthfulness and energy, and I
just get along with much younger people.  

I do hope to meet one or two women who are about 20 yrs younger than
me when I go to Peru, but the majority are in the 28-29 range.  But if I
could find more that were younger, it would be fine with me.  =0)

Pete E
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Calipro's attitudes, posted by DOMINGUIN on Jun 13, 2003

I to think Calipros' approach seems to be a little shallow.
But what the hell.He can do it his way.So I guess I agree more with the other guys here and say to each his own.
I just hope he protects himself from the possible reprocussions.
And,in a way its better than a guy who goes in to it very sincere and winds up getting screwed anyway.


« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Calipro's attitudes, posted by DOMINGUIN on Jun 13, 2003


But, how are things going in Bogota? Trip report Please!

« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Calipro's attitudes, posted by DOMINGUIN on Jun 13, 2003

I bashed Calipro in another thread because I felt he was slamming Traveller.  He defended himself saying he wasn't intending to pick on Traveller, but was making a statement about the modeling industry in general.  While on first glance I felt there was some between the lines attacking of Traveller going on, Calipro does seem to be pretty even-handed and honest in his rebuttals, and I guess I am willing to take him at his word that there were no subtle digs at Traveller intended, so I apologize for saying so.  I also apologize for summarizing the failure of his marriages due to the fact the women turned into b*tches.  He never said anything like that about his marriages, though he certainly did about the woman he was about to marry whose pictures he recently posted, so I assumed the same for his ex-wives.  Again I apologize for that assumption.

However, and now I am moving in to an area that is really not my business, but by you posting so much personal information on this forum, it makes it difficult for me not to comment. I think the point I was trying to make still stands; that you seem to make repeatedly bad choices in women.  Most of us would say that when you date a shallow  hottie, the outcome seems pretty predictable, but you seem astounded everytime one of these hotties takes advantage of  you.  You don’t seem to learn anything.  You can spin it anyway you want, about how the women came out of things better off than they went in, about how you had a hot chick for awhile, etc, etc, etc.  But the truth is, things didn’t work out the way you wanted, or you wouldn’t be disappointed, wouldn’t be putting a spin on things.

« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Calipro's attitudes, posted by DOMINGUIN on Jun 13, 2003

Hey I respect Calipros attitude.  He is honest, upfront and refreshing.  WHO CARES that he likes hot women and likes to tweek them with a little surgery.  It takes two to tangle.  I promise you she did not fight the idea of implants and a new nose.  If this is what makes him happy then god bless.  If he likes the idea and is comfortable with them dancing topless or working at Hooters then more power to him.  It takes a secure person to let his wife be in those kinds of environments.  Look every guy on this site is currently or has been looking for happiness with a life partner. And we all have are faults including Calipro. Lighten up and Enjoy the journey.  At least he posts the photos of what is available to the average guy going to Cali or Colombia.  Any fence sitters should be more than motivated to know that these women not only exist but are obtainable....
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Calipro's attitudes, posted by Throw on Jun 13, 2003

Most of the guys I know are fence sitters not because they do not believe there are gorgeous women abroad. They know it is easy to find one to marry. But because they are afraid of being used. Most of these guys are looking for a woman to stay for the long run. Showing you can get a hot girl for the short term is not the motivation many are looking for in order to get off the fence.


« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Calipro's attitudes, posted by Throw on Jun 13, 2003

Hey if he is happy and the ladies he has relationships are happy, who are we to criticize? I just tried to point out that not everybody is looking for the same thing.  I hate fake boobs, others love it. If he digs it, more power to him.

He certainly seems happy and if nobody is getting hurt, then what is the problem?

« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Calipro's attitudes, posted by DOMINGUIN on Jun 13, 2003


The offer still stands if you come to Cali while I am there I would be more than happy to show you around.

As far as my relationships with women go, I am anything but controlling. I don't know how anybody could take a simple statement like "it is really my way or the highway" and think they have a fix on who I am. The fact of the matter is I have very few demands in a relationship and the very few I have really have to be met.

Let me give you a for instantance, One of my rules was that my wife had to let me know where she was if she wasn't going to be home. I was working nights at the time and arriving home at about midnight. I didn't say she had to be home just let me know where she was. Sometimes she would be out having a drink with her girlfriends and I would go and join them and sometimes I wouldn't. I bought her a car. I paid her college tuition. I bought her a new nose and boobs and I changed her life for the better no doubt about it.

Those are the big my way or the highway kind of things I'm talking about here. And as for the evil guy who uses women and then throws them away, she walked out on me. Thats what happens sometimes when you give a girl everything they ever wanted and they can't think of what to ask for next.

I'll tell you something. If you took a poll of all my ex's, I don't think you would find one that says they wish they had never met me. I still talk to my ex-wives and a lot of my ex-girl friends on a regular basis.

As far as disposible relationships, I don't think that way. I have nothing against getting married and having it last a life time. My only statement was that it hasn't happened for me yet and I it wasn't necessary for me to be happy.

I think in a debate both sides tend to exagerate their points to get them across.

The reason I  blacked out my face on the photos is because there are a few nuts out there that don't have anything better to do than make fake web sites and false accusations about people on this board. I don't think you have been around enough to see just how far some people will go.

I'm not afraid for you to see my face and if you stop by Cali, I'll greet you with a smile and I won't be wearing a mask either.

« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Calipro's attitudes, posted by Calipro on Jun 13, 2003


I applaud you for being so honest and patient with the people on this board.  Several have taken unfair shots at you and you have responded kindly to each of them.  I don't think I would have been so understanding.  I don't see the traits or a controlling or manipulative man in the way you have dealt with these criticisms.  If the other posters are wise they will recognize this.


« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Calipro's attitudes, posted by DallasSteve2 on Jun 13, 2003

I have questioned CaliPro's motives on this board, but I never for a second thought he was a bad person.  I'm sure he is a great guy...........I have many friends who are great to hang out with, have a beer with, maybe go to a titty bar every once in a while, but would I want them to marry my sister or niece??  No way!!!..........I respect CaliPro's way he has handled himself, however I wish that he would be more honest with himself on what he wants, but more importantly be honest with the women down there.  In forums like these, when you make controversial posts, please be prepared for criticism, and when you air dirty laundry, get ready to get blasted whether you're right or wrong.........but I do respect the way he has responded.
I have enjoyed the exchange with CaliPro, it has added alot to this board, and I think it might have helped him to some extent also.  It also helps us to decide, what do we really want in a relationship??
Good Luck CaliPro........maybe I'll run into you in Cali....
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Calipro's attitudes, posted by DallasSteve2 on Jun 13, 2003


I have to agree with Steve.  While you definitely take a different approach than other guys on this board, you seem to honest and direct about it.  Wouldn't be my approach, but then again I'm not you and your not me.  I can also see why some of your comments have been a lighting rod for some.  Your approach and attitude might seem offensive and threatening to what guys are going to Colombia for, life long committment.  Best wishes in your search.

Take care,


« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Calipro's attitudes, posted by markxport on Jun 13, 2003

I have no problems with Calipro's approach. But cannot get past the fact he took a lot of pleasure saying he ruined his ex-wife's reputation and life so badly, her sister thinks she is in need of therapy now.
   There are consequences and these girls are real.I am not saying they are all innocent. But I know I did a lot of things in my teens that were pretty stupid.  Had he been playing around with ladies over 21, I would have thought she got what she deserved. But he was playing with a girl who was 18 when she met him and thought like many teens that she was smarter than she actually was.
   If he thought there was another man around, he should just have let her go. As he says, he does not need a woman to make him happy. Or does he? But he liked the drama.
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Calipro's attitudes, posted by Mark33 on Jun 13, 2003

Actually I know how Calipro most likely felt since I have gone thru the
same thing and my girl was in her early 30's. So it really does not matter
how old they are, sometimes you have to play hardball that is just the
way it is or else just lay down and become a welcome mat for them to
clean their dirty feet on.
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Calipro's attitudes, posted by Mark33 on Jun 13, 2003

I did not take pleasure in ruining my wife's reputation. The boyfriend thing could have been resolved in my opinion if she would have listened to me. I did not blind side her with this. I told her what she needed to do to resolve this issue (and what I was going to do if she didn't) with her boyfriend. She refused and THEN I ruined her reputation.
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