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Author Topic: Meet 'em & marry 'em the same weekend  (Read 28244 times)
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to 12 is legal in Colombia!, posted by cancunhound on Jun 2, 2003

Pete E
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to 12 is legal in Colombia!, posted by cancunhound on Jun 2, 2003

I immagine Colombians think and 18 year old age of consent is pretty nuts.
Where I live there was a 18 year old Mexican kid who's 17 year old girl friend had a child.They were living together and planning to marry.He was being prosecuted for statutory rape.Thats more rediculous than the age 12 thing in my opinion.My grandfather was 26 and my grandmother 15 when my dad was born.I guess it would have been jail time for him here and now,married or not.
One young lady I know has been the mistress of a mafioso type guy in Cali since she was 14.Whole different world.No 6-9 years between sexual maturity and legal age there.


« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 12 is legal in Colombia!, posted by Pete E on Jun 2, 2003

About 3 years ago, I returned to Colombia after my divorce to start a new search.  I met this 16 year old girl at Chipichape.  I was 41 a the time, but I look younger than my true age.  She was very beautiful, and there was a huge attraction on her part.  She took me home to meet her mom, who was 38 at the time.  I felt really uncomfortable and ended the relationship.  She tried to reassure me and told me that almost all of her girlfriends had boyfriends in their 40's.  In the last 3 years I have met many other young girls who have confirmed this.  It's just the culture, and is very accepted there.  Although tempting at times, and maybe good for a fling, a teenager isn't what I'm looking for.
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: 12 is legal in Colombia!, posted by beenthere on Jun 2, 2003

Just food for thought - California sexual consent is age 18.  Now you go to Colombia and hook up with a 17 year old and do the nasty.  One can actually be prosecuted when back in California because that would have been illegal there.
Pete E
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Important Note, posted by cancunhound on Jun 2, 2003

A local guy is being prosecuted for traveling to have illegal sex.He was plannng to marry her and bring her here.He has  13-16 year old girl friend(the stories vary,she says she is 16).He also payed money to her family.I think thats what really p!ssed off the politically corect types who are going after her.It looked to them like he bought her,which is just what does happen in some of these countries.But it wasn't just prostitution,he was going to marry her.She was from an Oriental country,I forget which one.
Being a Realtor we have to do a "Megans Law"disclosure with each sale,teling people they can go to the police department and look at the list of "Sexual Preditors" that may live nearby.Thats a good idea except it should not include these guys involved in unaproved consential relationships,but it sure does.I remember a scene from "One Flew Over The Coo Coo's nest.Jack Nicholson is confined to a mental hospital for having sex  with a 16 year old girl.He is telling one administrator,"come on,she was 16 going on 25."
Do not confuse this with Pedofilia.WE are talking sxually mature girls,not children.Thats a whole different thing.


« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Meet 'em & marry 'em the same weeken..., posted by Miguel on May 31, 2003

I met a guy that was on the TLC tour in Cali last year in the Intercontinental Hotel. I offered to take him around to the various agencies to show him what was available. He wasn't interested. A couple of weeks later I saw him at Chipichapi holding a little baby and walking with a women. I thought WoW! that was quick. I was a little suprised because most of the guys usually leave right after the tour is over. Turns out he went back to the States and returned to spend time with this girl. She wasn't exactly a knock out but what the heck. He never went to the agencies and met 20 or 30 hotties and got all confused. He just hooked up with one that fit the bill and that was that.

Going to a TLC party is an experiance. Being part of the bait to attract 300 to 400 women to a party along with the door prizes is a trip. They will not let any of the women into the party until they are photograhed and video taped.

Even though I don't think you get a lot of value for your money it is something you will remember. At any of the TLC parties I went to there were only 2 women that I was really interested in seeing again. That works out to 4 women total or 250 dollars a piece.

The only thing that I really liked was that I was pretty much guaranteed a date that night with the best looking woman at the party. In under an hour I had the phone numbers of any ladies that I was interested in and warming up to the best of the best. At about two hours the ladies are starting to get a little bored because it isn't all that interesting for them to be in a room with 400 women and only 30-40 guys. The women are all dressed up with no place to go. Of the four TLC parties that I have attended I'm batting 100% on pulling the best looking women out of those parties.

Also if you were on one of TLC's tours recently, why are so many of the guys on the tour not interested in having someone show them what is available to them at the agencies?

I rarely see these guys at any of the hot night spots in town. They have no idea what they are missing. Whats up with that?

« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Meet 'em & marry 'em the same we..., posted by Calipro on May 31, 2003

Calipro, I can't answer your question.  It's been a while since I've been on a tour, but in both instances there was some interest in the agencies on the part of the men, more so in Medellin where the local agency was working hand-in-hand with TLC to get women to show up at the parties.  I do remember a couple of men who weren't interested, and I'd chalk that up to lack of time or to paranoia.

I pretty much agree with what you said.  The parties are an experience. I thought I got my money's worth, and would go again.  But, as you point out, it's not as cost effective as as an agency for meeting a lot of women.  A friend of mine who went on the same two trips as me did like you the second time.  He carried around a notepad in an elegant looking leather portfolio and got a lot of phone numbers to follow up with.  Great idea, although for some reason a lot of the women thought he was married.  Also, if you speak Spanish and are reasonably presentable, it's not that difficult arranging a date with a stunner.  The problem, though, compared to an agency, at a TLC party you're filtering mostly based on a person's physical appearance.  It's nice knowing beforehand something about a person's occupation, education, interests, etc.

« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Meet 'em & marry 'em the same we..., posted by Calipro on May 31, 2003

I know that everyone (including me) is dying to know what your secret is to batting 100% in pulling in the best looking woman at TLC parties???  What advantage do you have over us "average gringos"?  Any advice would be appreciated.
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Meet 'em & marry 'em the sam..., posted by beenthere on May 31, 2003

I think my secret is that after two or more hours at a TLC party most of the women are bored and I'm the first one to ask them out to go dancing.

Also, I take a pen and something to write on so I can get the phone numbers of other nice ladies. It seems to me that other guys at the parties don't relize that once they walk out the door TLC has no way of contacting them because they don't know who they are. I guess you could wait until their next edtion comes out but by that time the girl probably forgot who you are.

« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Meet 'em & marry 'em the same weeken..., posted by Miguel on May 31, 2003

I don't want to start a flame war, but IMHO, doing something like this is just nuts...

What kind of person can meet someone at a party, then by the end of the evening propose marriage??? They are asking a complete stranger to marry them!!! What does it say about someone who would do this, not to mention what it says about a woman who would accept... Can you say desperate???

I'm sure some of these relationships work, but I think the odds for failure are pretty high...

I think TLC is doing their customers a disservice by planting an idea like this in their flyers...

Lo siento, justo mis dos centavos...

jim c
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Nuts, just nuts..., posted by wizard on May 31, 2003

Hey Gandolph

   Did you just figure this out? There is a perception that any one who doesn't marry immediately in the agency culture is a player. The agency propieters claim success each time a neurotic,lonely gringo marries an undereducated imature cinderella with no future. The girl is touted as a success by the agency which draws more young latinas. This then draws more desperate gringos for the new crop. It is a revolving door of personalities.
    The green card shark is an overworked myth (in my opinion). Is any latina who dates an american and breaks it off a shark? How about she found out the guy is an idiot who has no future. I once had a friend who married an italian girl. She divorced him after seven years. Our inside joke was that once she understood what he was saying, she figured out what an a**hole he was .
    I am sure that my statements will piss some of the members off but I have been in the agencies and talked to the men and the women, it is all a fantasy and to preach moderation is to rain on their parades. There are always excuses: The gringo doesn't have the time or money to court the woman long term. She might meet someone else. They will fall in love after the marriage. Three months of sleeping in the same bed will show whether they should marry(K1

  Suffice to say that men of intelligence over thirty should know that finding, marrying and supporting a woman is an expensive proposition, regardless of where you do it. Don't you think time should be invested as well. I have dated numereous women in Cali and found out they are not very different than AWS. They can be self centered dishonest and selfish as well. I am still looking after four years and do so because I like their looks and energy,

  I have  three friends that opened and ran agencies and I can tell you that most became disillusioned with the business just because of the behavior of the  desperate and unrealistic cheapskates of the "I want her now" crowd. Soooo the fault is on both sides.      jim c

« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Nuts, just nuts..., posted by jim c on May 31, 2003


Granted, I moved too fast.  But 4 years.  Get serious.  What you're doing is no better than what the desperate crowd does.  You've found a way to guarantee that you will never fail: "Never pick one."  It's easy to get a date in Colombia.  Player's paradise.  Congratulations on being able to spend so much time there.


jim c
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to 4 years!, posted by DallasSteve2 on Jun 2, 2003

Well Steve
  I spent two of those years with one Calena and have been smart enough not to jump from the pan into the fire.
    Call me cynical I am sixty and haven't been able to convince myself that a twenty five year old will fall in love with me in two weeks. I am not that desperate to marry just anyone who will have me. I would rather be alone and playing, than be paranoid about my wifes affections or choose someone just for company and sex. I can have that here and she will have her own money.
    I learned a long time ago at Latin Love to blow off the desperate girls by first telling them that I would like to live in Colombia and second I would not marry a girl that I didn't know for at least a year. It really sweeps the decks clear. I don't remember who posted it recently  but Desperate people find desperate people in the agencies.
    Sorry, but I don't fit the profile. I have consistantly dated educated women over 30 they were all employed had cars and  some had their own homes. Women like these are difficult to find in the agencies. The agencies push the sardinas who have no experience and think they are marrying prince charming. I really believe that eighty percent of the girls in the agencies are under thirty, fifty percent are unemployed, possibly five percent are professionals.
    If one is interested in "buying furniture ", Remember you get what you pay for. So buy the best and enjoy it before the two year warranty runs out.. jim c
Pete E
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 4 years!, posted by jim c on Jun 2, 2003

Your agency stats sound about right.Still its a good place to start for a new guy.


« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: 4 years!, posted by Pete E on Jun 2, 2003

Well, the stats are 20% of the women over 30, 50% employed, and 5% professional. Then, the percentage of women at an agency that would match jim c's criteria would be

0.2 x 0.5 x 0.05 = .005 = 0.5%.

So, if there are 1000 women in an agency, there would be 5 that would meet those criteria.  Now, of those 5 women, say that 30% are physically attractive, 20% reasonably intelligent and sane, and you have some sense of chemistry or love with 10%. That would reduce percentage to

.005 x .3 x 0.2 x 0.1 = .00003 = .003%.

So if you you add these other criteria, it looks like jim c is going to have to sort through about 30,000 agency women to find "The One."  

Now admittedly this is a little flawed because some of these categories overlap.  For example, a woman who's over 30 and employed has a greater chance of being a professional than 5%, even if there's a 5% chance the average agency woman is a professional.  Still, goes to show that maybe 2 years or 4 years isn't all that long.

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