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Author Topic: In Cebu...  (Read 8393 times)
« on: January 21, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

I was purchasing a pair of glasses at the Ayala Mall and the technician was telling Marissa how lucky she was (I'm the luckiest and most blessed - not her!).

We got into a discussion about how Filipinos really think America is great and President Clinton is such a good man (I had to disspell that rumor quickly) but that she was very ashamed of how the "young Filipinas" dress once they are married to "older Americans".  

Marissa and I had had some discussions on how I wanted her to dress and how she was going to dress.  She didn't want to dress in bright colors and seni-revealing type clothing that even I, a "strict conservative", consider appropriate.  It really surprised me that Marissa wants to wear dark colors and pants all the time and sees wearing bright colors as something only old people do?

The optomitrist thought that wearing more seductive and revealing clothing was sinful.  And made all Filipinas look bad as well as making American men look bad for "allowing it".

Any comments on this?


Don V and Vicky
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to In Cebu..., posted by Bear on Jan 21, 2001

Vicky dresses more conservatively in the RP than she does here. In the US she dresses as a smart, beautiful, successful, 40 year old woman would dress. She still prefers one piece bathing suits although her figure would easily support a bikini. Her dresses and skirts here are above the knee in warm weather but she has great legs. When we go dancing she wears a longer dress that is split up both sides for freedom of movement. Of course, in the winter, she looks like the Michelin Man outside. ;-) She is a little impish here and very daring for a Filipina. When we ride the hawg into town she'll wear tight jeans, a leather jacket and red heels. It looks darn good, too. But I still don't see why she wants to wear heels on a hawg. She is a little different and that is one reason I love her. Very progressive for a typically conservative Filipina in many ways, but absolutely cubical in others.

Back in the RP she dresses to suit the local styles for her age and station. Conservative business suits and skirts/dresses below the knee or slacks, with flats or dark heels. I certainly do not tell her how to dress, in fact we have never had any sort of discussion on the subject. She dresses very attractively in the US and conservatively in the RP.

Funny you should mention footed PJs. One of the things I bought Vicky for Christmas was a set of blanket-heavy PJs with feet in them. What I call a bunny suit. She wears them to pad around the house in the evening when we have no company. Helps keep her warm. She liked them so much I bought her several more and some for Niece as well, who is really taking this rather cold winter here very hard. In Vicky's case it has saved me from being shot out of my side of the bed when her feet hit mine. She doesn't wear them to bed (thank heavens) but they keep her feet toasty until we go to bed. If someone were to try and take their bunny suits I think they would shoot them. Really. One of the best things I have ever bought for her. To tell you how quirky she is, she got a pair of those Playboy Bunny ears on a headband things and put a small cotton tail on her PJs and said she was an Eskimo Playmate. Of course, those things make a woman look rather formless, but they are for comfort, not style. Helping her take them off is fun. :-)

Don V

Dave H
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to In Cebu..., posted by Bear on Jan 21, 2001

Hi Bear,

I'm probably the wrong person to answer this. Shocked)I have a double standard or maybe even a triple or quadruple standard. I like the woman that I am with to dress conservatively while out on the street. In the bedroom...that is another matter. I like other women to dress like they're in the bedroom, while on the street. Shocked)) Me...I dress conservatively...well...unless I am wearing my purple G-string. In the bedroom I prefer PJs with feet, some sort of large emblem or letter on the chest, and a cape. As for other men...I would like to see them wearing PJs with a cape while out on the street. Pants pulled up to their chests and pocket protectors in their shirt pockets, would also be acceptable. I'm weird! Shocked))

Dave "Super "D" H.

« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Super "D", posted by Dave H on Jan 21, 2001

Shades of "The Cell" movie.  Its time to wake up.  Slowly open your eyes and come back to reality!!!

"Dr" Bear

Dave H
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Super "D", posted by Bear on Jan 21, 2001

Thanks Bear,

It was only a bad dream!

These are my 3 rules of dress that apply to one's wife or girlfriend. They are not for everyone, but have worked well for me.

1. NEVER tell your lady what to wear or that you don't like her outfit (or hair)!

2. Never let your church tell your lady what to wear. (Unless you're a Muslim or in a cult)They tend to have the worse fashion sense.

3. Never let Bill Clinton or Jessie Jackson tell your lady what to wear.

Dave H. Shocked))

« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My 3 Rules of Dress, posted by Dave H on Jan 21, 2001

Or Willy Brown.
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