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Author Topic: What gifts/things do Colombianas Like???  (Read 44030 times)
« on: December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

Good Morning, and Happy Holidays!

For those who read, and if you have any knowledge to lend, please do so.

I'm planning on heading to Colombia towards the end of spring 2003, and I would like to get a better understanding of what Colombianas like, and like to do.

** My background:

-From LA (CA)
-Like going to movies, watch tv, etc.
-Like going to resturants

** Things I've considered

-Sending flowers
-Sending cards
-my mind draws a blank after this.

Thanks for your feedback!


« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to What gifts/things do Colombianas Like???, posted by KnowledgeIsPwr on Dec 24, 2002

Born in the states with Colombian heritage. Usually when I go back to Colombia with parents to visit family we bring them "cosas tipicas"--typical things found in the city or region you live in the states. For example, many Colombian Floridians take Miami Dolphins, Miami Heat, and other city/state sports apparel for (this is especially true for the 12-20 yr. age group). For little girls they take those glass bottles novelties that when you shake snow or confetti spread inside the liquid filled scene of dolphins in the ocean or any character from Walt Disney. We're from Chicago so we take them Bears, Bulls, Blackhawks, Fire sports apparel for the males or a $20-$30 Timex, Coleman sports watch (it might be a lower end brand but greatly appreciated in Colombia.) Anything "new" in the states that is relatively inexpensive such as toys, walkmen, and sunglasses--you know go to "toys R us" get the kids (10-18) an electronic "simon says" or an electronic hand-held game--these usually dont go over $25 in price. Listen all these gifts are about $25-$35 dollars. The point is dont go overboard but the more "raro" or "differente" the better, (rare and different) be unique. For the future suegras--get them you know a porcelain "plate" showing  a scene of your city--GOD THEY LOVE THIS--like a downtown scene of Chicago or "liberty" bell of Philly or is it Pittsburgh?--anyway dont go over $30 dollars--Here's a tip--I was in charged of the gift selection and there were many people in the list but I got nice leather belts or sports hats or shirts--or watches--for all the grown men--everyone appreciated the gifts even though they got the same type of gift (thier men)--all these gifts cost about $25 each at Sears, Marshall's, Target, Wal-Mart. For the ladies be more picky in choosing gifts--maybe a Tommy Hilfiger shirt, Polo, Gap--something kinda what a clothes-conscious college student will wear or something they can use like an organizer--about $40 (and they do have them in Spanish if you look close enough) a CD walkmen, (sony, jvc, emerson, panasonic) this is probably going to set you back aobut $50 dollars and give her a couple of your CDS that you like--she would be the envy of her friends. GREAT GREAT gift might be (saw this in Miami on vaction one time) an authentic coat of arms or ensignia of her family last name and an explication of where her name came from and some history on a very elaborate, delicate engraved paper..about $30 at the time--DUDE--seindo detallista---"the little details" Colombian women (women in general) love this--it shows you took the time to search something different, rare for her.---Anyway can give you lots more examples but I can smell the lechona Tolimensa and arepas de choclo--help this helps--God Bless--Colman
Cali vet
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to What gifts/things do Colombianas Like???, posted by KnowledgeIsPwr on Dec 24, 2002

On giving gifts: After returning from a three day trip in the mountains with my Dutch buddy and a Trujillo village girl and her little boy last year I sort of had a novia. We three went down to Tulua as I was headed back to Cali from the bus terminal there but before I caught the bus I wanted to take her shopping because she was totally poor, poorer than Cali strata one. Her boy's shoes had gotton torn up on the trails and she owned just a couple of changes of clothes for herself. So after getting some good shoes for the boy we went looking for some jeans and blouse for her. She handled some jeans and asked what I thought. I started with the usual gringo "well what do you like honey? Your the one whose going to wear them" and my friend who'se lived in the village for three years interupted me in English and said "No, you tell her! It's what she expects. This is Colombia". So I said "These" and she responded docily "si mi amor" as if we'd been reading a script. I was amazed. Of course this sometimes functions to a lesser extent in the city and certainly depends on education level and social position but I think it's  fundamental in this society and an important lesson for guys new to Colombian culture. Leave the "whatever you like honey" response we've been taught our whole lives back in the states.
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Whatever you like honey, posted by Cali vet on Dec 25, 2002


Very good, sound, and useful information.

Yes, we (AM) have been kind of condition to try in be thoughtful, and understanding, which is important, but we also need to be a little more directive in interacting with LW as it's apart of what they've been use to, and kind of expect, to an extent.

The paradox is in finding the balance and in not being too over-bearing, i.e. machista.

Thank you for your feedback!


« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to What gifts/things do Colombianas Like???, posted by KnowledgeIsPwr on Dec 24, 2002


In response to your question...

When I first visited Paty and Her family I took a little bottle of Channel # 5 wrapped very pretty, and a wrapped and decorated box of Godiva chocolates, and a dozen long stem red roses....walking through the airports was interesting.

For her daughter I took a stuffed bear....

For my swegra I took a nice bottle of California wine.

Always remember...its the thought that counts...women always like chocolates, flowers and perfume...


« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: What gifts/things do Colombianas Lik..., posted by Dean on Dec 25, 2002


I really appreciate the feedback, however, I've always found perfumes to be a personal selection, and I'd probably have to approach that one a little different.

As for the wine, what is the climate and attitude in Colombia regarding drinking because it seems that not as many of them do as here in the States.  I'm curious if it's just because they can't really afford it, or that they don't really want to drink?

Stuff animals are always a good bet, for any woman, or child.

Thanks again!


« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to What gifts/things do Colombianas Like???, posted by KnowledgeIsPwr on Dec 24, 2002

Hey Wizard,

I appreciate your feedback, and would welcome your feedback, and insight if you have any.



« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Wizard!! - Please read and reply!! -- Wh..., posted by KnowledgeIsPwr on Dec 25, 2002

[This message has been edited by wizard]

to help a fellow traveler in the pursuit... Granted, there are many more gringos here that have more experience than me, but I will share my observations...

First, Colombian women are no different that any other women in the world... With the exception that they are no where near as jaded or materialistic as AW... For the most part, LW possess a "sweetness of being" that I have not experienced since I as a teenager dating in high school... Yes, there are players in LA, just like here, but a savy person can read the road signs... ie: Red Flags...

You must take into account that many gringos write to ladies in LA, but few actually make the trip... Those that do make the trip are generally overwhelmed with their options once in LA... The kid in the candy store syndrome... The ladies generally don't get that excited about a gringo until they actually see you in person...

For the most part, this is what I have observed... LW enjoy all of the same feminine trappings as AW... Flowers, small gifts, candy, clothes and items we would deem necessities here but are luxuries to them... You must remember that many of these ladies survive on between $100US - $200US per month... The important thing is the gesture, letting them know you are thinking of them... They all think we are rich gringos, so don't reenforce this perception with extravagant gifts...

There is a distinction between someone you are just corresponding with and whether or not you have met them in person... For those ladies you are corresponding with and have never met, casual gifts you may send something unique from your home city, like a shirt from a local sports team, a small piece of jewelry or maybe a framed photo of you with your city as the backdrop... This will let them know you are sincere and peak their interest... For ladies you HAVE met and are truly interested, step up the quality of the gifts in direct proportion to your interest... A little nicer item of jewelry, ANYTHING from Victoria's Secret, roses or something she may have mentioned in conversation that she would like to have...

As far as what LW like to do, well, if you don't salsa you better learn... Salsa dancing is a skill that LW attain at birth, embrace it... Aside from this, the usual agenda,  shopping, dining out, taking you on tours of the local attractions, getting to know YOU... You should be their primary focus, and vice versa...

Talk with any LW in this game and you will hear the same response parrotted back to you... "I seek someone faithful, honest, sincere, financially stable and not machista"... If you are a gentleman, open, honest and sincere, you will do ok... If you fall into the "Ugly American" category, then clean up your act... As Patrick has so often added, before you begin this process, take a long hard look in the mirror, get rid of any baggage in tow and learn some Espanol...

Finally, IMHO, a letter writing campaign is a waste of time... Five minutes of face time can wipe out six months of letter writing... If there is no chemistry, there is no chemistry... I tried this at first but the rewards did not justify the effort expended... You will hear from many AM that you should just climb on a plane and go... When I first started this process I thought this was a cavalier notion... But you know, they are right... Don't fall into analysis paralysis, just climb on a plane and go... Your eyes will truly be opened and you will NEVER go back to dating AW...

My 2 cents...

Your mileage may vary...

Feliz Navidad y buena suerte...


« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Always willing, posted by wizard on Dec 25, 2002


You are the man!  

We're pretty much on the same page.  I kind of disagree on the letter writing part, however.  I think that it's an inexpensive way to weed out some less then desirable ladies, and as well, it buys me some time to "get rid of any baggage" that I may have, and my work won't allow me to take time off until later on in the year (2003).  But I do hear what you're saying.

As for the learning part, hence my User Name, I'm learning everything from La Espanol to La Salsa, and everything in between. Additionally, I try to read some of the Colombian newspapers (online) and the local Spanish newspaper, "La Opinion".

Thanks for your feedback, as always!


« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to What gifts/things do Colombianas Like???, posted by KnowledgeIsPwr on Dec 24, 2002

Once you have a novia, here are a few things that are either harder to get in Colombia or more expensive in Colombia that she will like.  And it is not too expensive for you to buy it in the United States.  

I don't recommend bringing any gift for somebody you don't already know.

1.  A pair or Aerobic exercise shoes.  Women like the American ones better than the Colombian

2.  A backpack.  You can buy really nice ones in the US for $40 to $60.

3.  Anything from Victoria Secret (they have a webpage and you can have her pick out her size.  You will have to convert from US size to the European size system).

4.  A Paluche.  In Latin America, this is a stuffed doll that you pick out and bring to your novia.  When you
    are gone this is a symbol of you that your novia remembers.  My novia sleeps with hers.  

5.  A walkman, cordless telephone, Spanish/English translator or other electronic product.

« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Gifts for novia, posted by valuedcustomer on Dec 24, 2002


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Feedback like this is what I'm seeking, and really appreciate.

I'm not planning on giving anything to anyone, yet.  I'm hoping to gather some understanding, and insight into things to consider, and what might be enjoyed by my (someday) novia.

Thank you for your insight, and suggestions.  Believe me, I'll definitely add them to my list of things to consider.

Best wishes, and Happy Holidays!!!


« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to What gifts/things do Colombianas Like???, posted by KnowledgeIsPwr on Dec 24, 2002

Merry Christmas,
Without trying to sound negative... this is an impossible question to answer.  What do Americans like?  Any country is made up of individuals.  I would suggest getting to know the individual and then you will know what that individual likes or dislikes.  Good luck with your trip.
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: What gifts/things do Colombianas Lik..., posted by Hiker on Dec 24, 2002

Hey Hiker,

I thank you for your wisdom, but I think that you're just side stepping my question/posting!

Admittedly, it's broad, but I intended it to be because I was hoping and seeking some NON-directed feedback.  

I'm not looking for an absolute answer/suggestion, but rather dialogue.  I would welcome thoughts, suggestions, and insight into what others have found, or uncovered.

As for your question what do Americans want?  

This is very general, and some what stereotypical assessment, but lets give it a chance.

-Power, in some instances
-To be loved, i.e., why a lot of us are here.
-To be understood (female) and/or supported in the things we pursue (male)
-To leave a legacy, i.e. off-spring
-To have the American Dream, e.g. 2.3 children, a nice house in the suburbs w/the picked fence, and no care in the world as it relates to money and finances
-the list goes on....

Yeah, I'm mature enough to know that this is probably what most people want (yes, I'm sterotyping), or would like to have, but I gave it a try, and I answered your question.

"Don't give feedback, to JUST feedback!"

I'm not looking for an absolute anwer, but just some THOUGHTS, and sharing from others who might have some insight to give on things that they've discovered/uncovered.

As always, I TOTALLY, SINCERELY, AND IMMENSELY appreciate everyones feedback!

Sincerest Wishes, to you and all whom you LOVE.


« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to What gifts/things do Colombianas Like???, posted by KnowledgeIsPwr on Dec 24, 2002

Some gringo sent flowers to my wife before he even met her.  He was wasting his money.  She was not impressed.  The good ones are not as interested in what you can give them as in who you are.  


« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: What gifts/things do Colombianas Lik..., posted by DallasSteve2 on Dec 24, 2002

Hello and Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!

Thank you for your feedback, but admittedly, I've found that to send a token of your affection and desire to get to know someone is not COMPLETELY A BAD THING.

For the sake of discussion.  Let us just purpose that someone sent you an X-Box, Playstation 2, Nintendo Cube, whatever you like, with all your favorite games or desired items of choice.

You would TOTALLY be blown away, and you would be thinking DAMN!!!, "how nice/special is that".  

It's a fact, everyone likes to be made, to feel/felt and shown that they are special.  It's human nature.

But more to my question/point, etc., I can appreciate that your wife might not have like, or been impress with the "gringo's" attempts to convey his interest in her, but it's been my research, hence the name, that most people enjoy and appreciate a few actions/events of affection that separate them from all the rest.  

If you don't mind, could you ask your wife what is something she would welcome receiving, but yet, has never received?!  I would think that is something that she is not telling anyone about, but would TOTALLY enjoy if someone, i.e. YOU were to give it to her.  This might assist me in getting some insight into my initial question/posting.

As for wasting my money, I have some extra cash to spend, and if need be, I can make-up the gap, BUT I only have one life, and one heart, and I'd prefer they not be broken on someone that wasn't right for me from the start.

I wish you, and your lovely wife the happiest of Holiday Days, and a blessed New Year.

Thank you, once again, for your feedback!


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