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Author Topic: How do Latinas like northern us? brrrr....  (Read 2578 times)
« on: February 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

Just curious here. I live in Wisconsin, and have been hesitant to pursue this because of the 3 months of winter here where you're lucky to get a temp of over 32.  I've always wondered if she'd bolt for home when snow hits, or make me move to Miami. I look at my globe sitting next to me here and think why would someone want to leave tehe equator to live here, heck a lot of Americans can't figure out why we live here. Anyone from the North have any experience in this area?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to How do Latinas like northern us? brrrr....., posted by thomas on Feb 17, 2002

My wife's from Cali and she thinks it's cold here in San Diego where some people wear shorts year round!  However, a friend she grew up with in Cali lives in New York City now and loves it there (even in the winter).  There's going to be diversity among the women, even if we're taking about Latin women from the same city.  Rather than ask what "Latinas" like, you'll have to ask a specific Latin woman what "she" likes.

If you're really asking about Colombian women and not ALL Latinas, then the majority will probably have never experienced anything near freezing, snd that's a far cry from a -30°F Wisconsin night.  I've been in -40°F weather once in Ottawa myself, and would not like to repeat the experience.

You said, "heck, a lot of Americans can't figure out why we live here"

I gotta agree with you on that!

« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Brrrrrrrrrr, posted by Patrick on Feb 18, 2002

I thought you were in Seattle.

I was just in your town for a whole week. It would have been nice to catch up with you, maybe have lunch and say hi or something...

Sorry... I didn't know you were in SD...

PS: Your wife is RIGHT! I froze my A$S off in SD this past week. Air conditioning was on, and it was 50 degrees outside... what's wrong with these people???

« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to How do Latinas like northern us? brrrr....., posted by thomas on Feb 17, 2002

This question has popped up on this board from time to time, and you will here different responses. It's difficult to paint with a large brush, and predict how an individual will feel about the weather. So keeping in mind that I generalize, I will report to you what I've observed, and let you draw your own conclusions. I have female friends in Cali, my girlfriend included, and I know some here in the states from Bogota. The women in Cali complain, and will pull out the sweaters when the temp. drops right after a rain storm, or in the theater watching a movie with the AC on, with the humidity like 90%, maybe temp in the low 70's. The women from Bogota prefer cooler weather. This girl I know from Bogota finally settled in Washington, DC, which is colder then Bogota weather I think.
I live in Florida, and was born and raised in New York. I know what cold is. That's why I live in Florida. I don't enjoy the cold weather any longer, and start to complain when the weather gets in the high 60's. When I was in Cali the guys from up north were having problems with the heat, and no air conditioning. Me I loved it, and the ceiling fans were fine. It was hot in the cabs in the middle of the city with no AC. So my belief is that, you can find a women to accept anything, but in my humble opinion, the women from Cali prefer hot climates. Bogota cooler, and hot for the rest. craig
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