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Author Topic: the truth about the source  (Read 85231 times)
« on: February 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

I tried alot of the latin clubs around my neighborhood, and I also have many Mexican friends where I live. The truth is you can meet Latin girls in some bars around my neighborhod, and they are ok looking and nice but all of my Mexican buddies are telling me you are better off going to the source and bringing them back, because that way at least you can pick and choose alot easier,  what qualities you are looking for in a woman. In the bar there is alot of competition because remember any bar you go to the guys are always going to out number girls. Alot of my Mexican buddies actually got there wifes directly from Mexico, believe it or not. Most of my buddies say that the latin women here are cool and everything but if they are coming in directly from whatever country they are from to get married to you it is better because they are already committed to you and will do almost anything for you as opposed to the regular dating thing. I mentioned to one of my best friends I grew up with who does not live in the latin sub culture and is from a wealthy family in mexico city that I was going to Guadalajara on vacation. The first thing he asked was 'are you going down there to find a wife?" I said "yes" and he said "Guadalajara is the place to go then" It seems like most of the Mexican American guys I talk to do not see anything wrong with MOB marriages and actually encourage it, and they say the women are not  out for a green card or money they just want stability and someone to treat them well and that I had nothing to worry about with Mexican women but they said they were not to sure about Colombia.
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to the truth about the source, posted by mck on Feb 18, 2002

Are you going to Guadalajara with Mexican Matchmakers?

Are you doing a tour? Or a personal trip on your own?

I've considered this, because the idea of a six month visa just seems like a great idea to make sure that you are a good match...

« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Guadalajara? Are you going with MexicanM..., posted by MarkInTx on Feb 18, 2002

yes i am going on a tour march 14-21. I have my reasons for using Mexican matchmakers. Mainly because I have Mexican relatives who live about a 2 hour drive from Guadalajara, so if I ever have to stay down there, I can stay for free on my trips. Also, I live in Detroit but can get direct flights out of Guadalajara from Chicago for $340 and Chicago is about a 3 hour drive for me. It just makes things alot cheaper and easier for me to do the Guadalajara thing but I am sure Colombia may be slightly better but I am sure I will be happy there. I have heard no complaints about it. Guadalajara you tend to get the more conservative shy type of girl 80% of the time, where Colombia you get every kind of personality available. I just prefer the conservative shy type because there is alot less of a risk involved taking them back to live with ya.
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Guadalajara? Are you going with Mexi..., posted by mck on Feb 19, 2002

I tell you, I like the looks of MexicanMatchmakers. And, Guadalajara sounds great.

If Brazil doesn't work out for me, that's my next trip...

El Diablo
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Guadalajara? Are you going with Mexi..., posted by mck on Feb 19, 2002

I know the owner of Mexican Matchmakers and met him in Cali of all places.  He's a good guy and doesn't oversell his particular take on the whole process as some agency owners do.  

Also a buddy of mine from Michigan married a woman from Guad about a year ago through Mexican MatchMaker's and has nothing but good things to say about the experience.  I was recently catching up with a gringo who used to post here quite frequently and learned that he had just returned from Guad.  He had only good things to say about his experience at Mexican Matchmakers but hopefully he will post here soon to give a more complete account.

El Diablo

« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Guadalajara? Are you going with MexicanM..., posted by El Diablo on Feb 20, 2002

yuppers, the guy from Michigan lives in Grand Blanc not to far from me. He works for Panasonic. I also know a few Canadian guys who married girls from Guadalajara and so far I have not heard of any divorces and all the guys seem pretty happy.
Cali vet
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Guadalajara? Are you going with MexicanM..., posted by El Diablo on Feb 20, 2002

Interesting. I met the two (at least there were two originally) owners at Latin-Internet before they started Mexican MatchMakers. I wonder if you were there at the same time.
El Diablo
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Guadalajara? Are you going with Mexi..., posted by Cali vet on Feb 20, 2002

No that may have been the first time they came and I didn't meet either of them then although I may have been in town. Terry recently bought out the other owner.  Last year, probably around April was when I met him in person.  We went out with friends a couple of times, Blues Brothers and a couple of restaurants.

El Diablo

Cali vet
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Guadalajara? Are you going with MexicanM..., posted by El Diablo on Feb 20, 2002

Yes it may be a couple of years ago that I met them. Ok.
Pete E
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to the truth about the source, posted by mck on Feb 18, 2002

Latinas who grew up here or have lived here awhile are more similar to American women than latinas from Colombia.
The difference,besides reacting to supply and demand,is attitude.
By the source do you mean a place where things are different and better?My take is the ultimate source is Colombia and within Colombia Cali is the main source.Thats where the women are.People speculate about Mexico,but how many success stories have we heard?And if your going to fly to Guadalajara how much more time and money is involved in going to Cali?I bet you are at least half way there in terms of time and cost.So why not go where the real action is?I base this on success stories from this board.Lets hear some success stories from other places.I know Cali isn't the only place,but untill we hear alot more stories from other places I have to conclude it is the main place,the source of sources in my opinion.We have had success stories from other cities in Colombia,but they are in the minority.But any city in Colombia probably has better odds for a gringo than any other place in latin america.
But I have no problem with guys trying and exploring.Do it and report back please.
When I started my adventure I considered many places in latin america,but when I got serious I went to Colombia.It just seemed like where the overwhelming numbers of women were.The choice for me was Cali or Bogota.It seemed to me at that time that there was more going on in Bogota than now.More recently it seems more Cali.We get more stories out of Cartgena than Bogota lately.
Now I will admit that sence Cali has been a hot spot for finding women for along time that its scammer and player
girls are out in numbers,but they are still the minority I think.
Lets here some Bogota reports.Go for it ED.Maybe there are advantages.I must admit that one of the main reasons I went to Cali is I wanted to enjoy a tropical vacation while I was looking.Bogota didn't have much appeal as a vacation spot.
As far as dating that american latina may know from here,give it a try.I dated several latinas here.The ones from Mexico seemed quite similar to other American women.A lady from Brazil was very different.Even though it didn't work with us it got my interest up.Maybe I would have gone there if there were any agencies at all like the ones in Cali.It seems likes its mostly pen pal time out of Brazil and I'm not into that.Bores me to death.If a person had enough time to travel it might be interesting.In Cali you can fly in to town and things happen fast.
I guess I sound like a Cali fan.I did meet my wife there,but mainly I am just observing where the action seems to be.


« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: the truth about the source, posted by Pete E on Feb 18, 2002

Cali is a good place to go. Guadalajara is a fairly new place to go for MOB'S but I have hear many success stories out of there that are not posted on this board and I know what Mexican women are like and I know exactly what to expect. All the guys I have talked to that have been to both Cali and Guadaljara tell me both are good and alot of fun. The one guy I know who met his wife in Guadalajara had also gone to Cali. He said Cali was great and the women were awesome but the only problem is that any woman will hit on you in Cali, even in a shopping mall in Cali women will hit on you in mobs if they know your an American and he said the problem with this is you don't know which ones are just looking for a ticket to the U.S. and which ones are doing it for love. He said there are alot of great women in Cali and alot of guys have done well with women there, but he recommended Guadalajara because it is toned down a notch, a very clean and safe city and most of the the women are nice, sweet and conservative which is more of what I am looking for in a place for a vacation.
Pete E
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: the truth about the source, posted by mck on Feb 18, 2002

Guadalaja has a reputation as a nice city.I have heard many people say goods things about it and nobody say anything bad.I'm sure it is "toned down" compared to Cali,the question is what are the chances of finding somebody there,particularly for the gringo who doesn't speak english.I get the impression that guys who go to the lesser know and less developed places tend to be guys who speak spanish and are more comfortable going it alone.
Also,I have heard about the beautifull women of Guadalajara,but the Mexican women I have seen to me do not compare to Colombianas in beauty.Many seem to have a broad shouldered,narrow hipped look.I can't remember ever seeing a Mexican women with a bubble butt,they are usually lacking in that department.Not so in Colombia.


« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: the truth about the source, posted by Pete E on Feb 19, 2002

Pete says "I can't remember ever seeing a Mexican women with a bubble butt".  

  I can't believe you said that.  You obviously haven't spent any time in Mexico.

Pete E
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: the truth about the sour..., posted by digital1942 on Feb 19, 2002

I think YC below makes a good point.See my response to his post.


« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: the truth about the source, posted by Pete E on Feb 19, 2002

Hey Pete,

The physical features you described regarding Mexican women, are characteristics of northern Mexicans.  From the info I have seen here, the physical features you are looking for becomes more pronounced as you move southward.  In other words the farther you venture away from the American/Mexican border the more common those feature become.


P.S.  Sounds like you have J-Lo fever!!!

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