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Author Topic: Hey Pete, I followed up your post below !!!  (Read 34392 times)
« on: December 14, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

Sorry for getting back to you so late. I was tied down.


Pete E
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hey Pete, I followed up your post below ..., posted by Aaron on Dec 14, 2001

No problemo.I have been somewhat out of touch here in Cali.I traveled all day Tuesday,plus now the computer is very slow and I donīt always have access to it.It uses the only phone line in the house.I am getting my cell phone programed for Cali today.


Pete E
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hey Pete, I followed up your post be..., posted by Pete E on Dec 15, 2001

Sounds like you are in to latina material.With your age and
range of choices you should meet many women.I know a very nice and cute 20 year old,goes to the University,good family,speaks some english.She has a friend I have not yet met who is 28 or so with a kid.Maybe I will get a chance to check her out.My wife has several friends who want gringos but I fear they are not up to guys expectations in the looks area.Guys usually come down here wanting a great looking woman and they are avialiable.I tell my wife I donīt think this is going to work.
Be carefull in Austrailia.My cousin was there and then went to New Zealand where he married a woman who was butt ugly plus a head case.I think the hornyīs got to him.There might be some foxes.Donīt wind up with the wrong woman out of geograsphical convenience.This Ausrailia Gig must be a rare opportunity.


« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Hey Pete, I followed up your pos..., posted by Pete E on Dec 15, 2001


Let's keep in contact. Right now I live in State College, Pennsylvania. I'm originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

I'm looking for an attractive girl, but she should have allot more going for herself than looks. The personality and maturity of the girl is important for me too.

The Australian job was an offer that I couldn't turn down. Everyone that I work with told me to go for it. It will also be a big career booster too. My plan is to stay over there for 4 years at the most.

When I come back looking for jobs, I will be able to write my own ticket during negotiations with American companies.

These last two years have been difficult being alone. And I don't want to go to Australia and be alone for 4 more years. I can't do it anymore. Also, I think the loneliness that I have been experiencing has been affecting my work. Being with the right person, I would be allot happier, and more content in all areas of my life.

If I was going to stay here in the states, I could easily go to Colombia in the spring and stay a month, but it isn't going to work out that way because of this move.

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo,

Pete E
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Hey Pete, I followed up your..., posted by Aaron on Dec 15, 2001

If you donīt want to be alone the next 4 years it seems like there are 2 main choices.
1.Find a Colombiana and get her to go there with you.
2.Choose a local girl in Ausrailia.
Of course the other approach that I used to practice was find someone to be with even if you are not that interested.
(you will do untill the right one comes along)Not only is this unfair to the girl but it can get complicated.Years ago I had friend in this situation,who wanted to get rid of the girl.They had this song at the time called "50 ways to leave your lover"."One of the ways was slip out the back,Jack." "He said I canīt do that,its my house."He wound up marrying the girl.She wasnīt a beauty but I guess he dcecided she would do.Maybe this is how my cousin got his loser wife in New Zealand.
Maybe you can do a little research on Colombianas going to Austrailia,so you will know the options if you meet somebody.With your week or so in Colombia this will be tough.
You could E-mail alot of girls and get them to visit you in Austrailia,if they can get tourist visas to there.This could get expensive.You would probably have to pay the air fare.Few Colombianas could afford it.
Aah,I just remembered,Austailia is know for long vacations for workers.Maybe you could travel occasionally t Colombia from there.
The other thing is you can always adjust your plan as you go.Maybe you wonīt like Austrailia.Maybe you can move on in less than 4 years.


« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey Pete, I followed up ..., posted by Pete E on Dec 17, 2001


I know that Paul Simon tune. It's a classic. I have been in situations like that before, but I don't want to get involved with anyone like that again.

What I'll do is to try and meet girls in Colombia, and tell them my situation. I'm sure many wouldn't think that it is a drawback. Actually it can be an advantage because not only is Australia a beautiful country, it is most likely easier for Colombians to get visas to go there.

We will see. Enjoy your vacation.


Pete E
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Hey Pete, I followed up your..., posted by Aaron on Dec 15, 2001

If you donīt want to be alone the next 4 years it seems like there are 2 main choices.
1.Find a Colombiana and get her to go there with you.
2.Choose a local girl in Ausrailia.
Of course the other approach that I used to practice was find someone to be with even if you are not that interested.
(you will do untill the right one comes along)Not only is this unfair to the girl but it can get complicated.Years ago I had friend in this situation,who wanted to get rid of the girl.They had this song at the time called "50 ways to leave your lover"."One of the ways was slip out the back,Jack." "He said I canīt do that,its my house."He wound up marrying the girl.She wasnīt a beauty but I guess he dcecided she would do.Maybe this is how my cousin got his loser wife in New Zealand.
Maybe you can do a little research on Colombianas going to Austrailia,so you will know the options if you meet somebody.With your week or so in Colombia this will be tough.
You could E-mail alot of girls and get them to visit you in Austrailia,if they can get tourist visas to there.This could get expensive.You would probably have to pay the air fare.Few Colombianas could afford it.
Aah,I just remembered,Austailia is know for long
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