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Author Topic: My day in Pradera  (Read 11043 times)
El Diablo
« on: December 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

I don't recall if I mentioned this to the group but I was in Cali for two weeks in October.  I always enjoy my time there and this was the case once again.  One of the great days of my vacation was an unexpected trip to Pradera.  Pradera is a small town about an hour from Cali by car and I was invited to go there by my friend Fernando.  

Fernando is a great guy.  He's educated, intelligent, speaks good English and one of the few Colombian men who I actually trust. (I'd be really surprised if he had mistresses on the side.  He just doesn't strike me as the type.)  Fernando asked me to accompany him to the public school he teaches at and talk with each of his classes.  Fernando is the English teacher there and I was happy to learn that we'd be talking more in English than Spanish.

So I arose one early Wedneday morning, Fernando picked me up and we made the hour drive to Pradera.  I didn't feel concerned about the rebels for some reason, it was open country and the road was heavily travelled at that time of the day.  We arrived about 8:30AM or so and to my surprise the school was waiting for me. The building was designed in such a way that the classes entirely circled a plaza or play yard that was in the center.  Each class looked out on the small plaza and the whole structure was closed off from the street.  As I entered the main entrance and walked into the plaza, all eyes became fixiated on me.  It was clear that the whole school new of my arrival and the children more or less rushed me as if I were a rock star.  I'm exaggerating but only slightly...

Fernando pulled me away from the crowd and we made our way up the stairs and to my first class.  This was his 6th grade class and as I looked around the room there appeared to be about 50 or 60 students both girls and boys.  I was thinking I'd be talking to perhaps thirty and with all the eyes on me, it made me at first nervious.  Fernando moved forward with things quickly, he asked me to introduce myself, give a basic bio and speak very slowly while annunciating clearly.  I gave the quick El Diablo story and then we moved on to questions and answers and other exercises for practicing English.  

The next class was the 7th graders, they were only twenty or so and I thought it odd that the class would  be so much smaller than the 6th graders.  I asked Fernando about it and he explained that a controversy had occured the year before with one of the teachers.  When the year was over, the teacher stayed but half the class moved on to the public school down the road.  

I was relaxed by this time and the question and answer period with the 7th graders flowed more easily.  The children through out the day had very creative questions for me by the way, everything from Shaq and Kobe to who was my novia. lol  But the most frequent question by far was regarding September 11th, where was I, did I know anyone who died, what did I think of terrorism, did I think Colombia was a terrorist country etc. etc. etc.  Here on another continent, far away from the NYC, these children were very interested in these events.

At the end of this 7th grade class a group of students cornered me and began asking for my autograph. I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone would want my autograph, but these kids really did and I was truly impressed by their enthusiasm and sincerety. It was funny but from that moment on, everywhere I went, the children wanted my autograph.  Recess came and instead of playing futbol or the things these kids normally do, they all gathered around for autograph signing.  I'm telling you, I was getting tired but I couldn't imagine saying no to such good kids.  One little girl, kept appearing over and over, she must have got my John Hancock three or four times.

When the day was finally over I had visited about six classes. I said my good byes to everyone and Fernando and I began our trip back to Cali.  It's difficult to describe the feelings I had while driving back to Cali.  It was such an incredible day, the children were so wonderful and genuine.  I was both happy and sad I guess.  Happy that they had shared their day with me but sad that I could not stay longer.  

A day like that will change the way you think about a war torn country.  I know in the scheme of things it was a small event but for me it gives me hope that things will be better for my new amigos in Pradera.

El Diablo

« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My day in Pradera, posted by El Diablo on Dec 18, 2001

a beautiful story!

in my experiences children in so called 'third-world'
countries reflect the genuine warmth and sincerity
of societies where basic human relations and kindness
are a necessity of life.

the kindness and and enthusiasm they FREELY showed you would
not happen here in the uk if you went to visit a school!

nor in the US - i'm from wash dc!

but let me correct myself. the kids here would probably
show some real innocent joy.

however, uk society is as cold as the indifference
of preying lizard.

my point is that in these rich societies there is a great
loss real human brotherhood in ordinary daily life.

-- lf

Cali vet
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My day in Pradera, posted by El Diablo on Dec 18, 2001

Charming. You're lucky you got out with your hide. Pradera is just before Florida where there are weekly guerilla incursions and constant kidnappings. A girl I know there says she hates to leave her house and doesn't unless she has to because of the threat of gunfire in the street.
El Diablo
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: My day in Pradera, posted by Cali vet on Dec 18, 2001

Well my friend Fernando is the husband of my novia/sort of novia's aunt.  They are good people and I like and respect them a lot.  Fernando and Dora both teach at the same school in Pradera.  They and one other teacher drive in from Cali daily but the rest of the faculty live locally.  Fernando and Dora have been teaching there for several years now, I think 5 or 6.  They have been accustomed to the commute and like the school they teach at.

Fernando never mentioned that our little trip was dangerous and I trust his judgement.  I'm sure gringos and locals have different standards regarding real and perceived danger.  The next trip I'll enquire about the kidnappings, street gunfire and danger that you are reporting of.  I'm curious because I'd really like to return.

El Diablo

Cali vet
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My day in Pradera, posted by El Diablo on Dec 18, 2001

Would that make Fernando your sort of novia's uncle? In any case all the Colombians I've known are very carefull about where they take their gingos knowing how we stick out so perhaps the guerilla are not a threat in Pradera, it's closer to Palmira but it sure isn't far from Florida where there is guerilla presence. I'm not basing these comments just on heresay from the resident I know. There was an article in El Pais a couple of months ago about the discovery of a network of guerilla tunnels in Florida. A month later the army moved in to do battle with the rebels over a wealthy shopkeeper who was kidnapped. And so on. You'd do well to check it out with your sort of's relatives.
El Diablo
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: My day in Pradera, posted by Cali vet on Dec 18, 2001

Good one CV, yes I guess you're right.  Fernando would be Lina'a uncle by marriage.  I guess I wasn't thinking straight, Lina always calls her aunt "tia" but Fernando is always just referred to as Fernando, oh well.  

Anyway regarding Pradera, it wasn't too much further than Palmira if I remember correctly.  And while I was there anyway, no gun shots heard.  

El Diablo

Cali vet
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My day in Pradera, posted by El Diablo on Dec 18, 2001

Make light of it if you like. It's your neck.
El Diablo
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: My day in Pradera, posted by Cali vet on Dec 18, 2001

I wasn't making light of it and least not in the sense you may think.  I truly appreciate your warning and I'll definitely ask about Pradera when I return to Cali.

El Diablo

« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My day in Pradera, posted by El Diablo on Dec 18, 2001

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