Wayne went to Cali for a week & found himself spending 3...lol! Wayne hit on some key points, that a few of us here, have been repeating of what should be your foundation in your quest to find & be found by love.
Itīs been unimaginable....simply unimaginable. Iīve done the works and experienced the whole range of activities and some mild mistakes.
Point: You gotta be in it, to win it! You gotta get your narra azz's off the fence. The is no perfect, mistake or pain free way to get there....
It took about 4 days for my heart on high defrost to start to warm. I didnīt even realize how cold it had become.
Point: The social/love scene here (or the lack there of) has jaded your hearts & minds in ways you couldn't believe possible.
This country is the country of contrast. Absolute evidence of Godīs creation all around, and also the opposite. The warmth of the families, children, and people Iīve met has been inspiring, and has left me with a whole new perspective about the US. I will leave on Friday a different person.
Point: These people are human. They seem to be happier less in regards to worldly posessions than we are, with more! You will learn to appreciate what we have in our country awhole lot more, once you step out of it.
Without a huge trip report, I will share one opinion that I now feel strongly about.
Point: Wayne, you've already posted a HUGE TRIP REPORT...LOL!
I have met many men looking for a women and many, many nice ladies.
Point: I think he saying the nice ladies out number the scammers!
I believe that a man who comes down here will attract the same type of lady as he is as a man. I sincere, kind heart will attract the same. And the other.....well enough said.
Point: If the fields of your heart are choking with the weeds of deception, bitterness & envy. You deserve what you get. Something bad or NOTHING AT ALL!!!! If you go down as a Ho-stroller, that's all you'll find....
So, an honest look in the mirror, is the 1st step before getting on the plane.
Point: Check yourself, before you wreck yourself.....
I met the women of my dreams...the type of girl that simply is not available in the US. I thought I was crazy for coming down here. Now I think it would be crazy to not come.
Thanks Wayne, thanks so very, very much. Be safe, Travel safe...