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Author Topic: Hoda and the "putabuscas"  (Read 81746 times)
Cali vet
« on: December 21, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

Hello Hoda I've noticed that you seem to be on some sort of crusade against "putabuscas". I've got to tell you that in the visits I've made to Cali I've met an awfull lot of guys at agencies who visited "casas de citas". In fact the very first time I went to Latin-Internet there were five Americans there and on the second night four of them went to a whore house. I was the lone exception, not for any moral reservations but just because that wasn't what I went to Colombia for and I didn't want to confuse my issues. But that was me. For a lot of guys, especially those who've been in the service (and Europeans maybe more so) that is a perfectly legitimate outlet and it does't mean they aren't in Cali sincerely looking for a wife. If you find that offensive...well that's you but I think it's really presumptious to try to force your personal code of conduct down everone elses throat. Now what I recognize is that this board is an inappropriate forum for discussing or sharing such adventures and I wouldn't want to hear about it here. However attempts to brow beat others into towing the line of any individual on this board would be the greatest offence of all.
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hoda and the "putabuscas", posted by Cali vet on Dec 21, 2001

I wish the girls who sign up at the agencies could read this board. It'd give them a better perspective and would let them see that some gringos are not the "great husbands" they wish for and behave like some of the "much-dreaded" Colombian males.
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hoda and the "putabuscas", posted by Kenfer8 on Dec 22, 2001

I know three girls who read this board on a regular basis.  Two in Cali and one in Rio.  The one in Rio started reading back when the big debate went on regarding girls in Brazil.  It changed her opinion completely of North American men.
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Hoda and the "putabuscas&qu..., posted by TexasRob on Dec 23, 2001

What is some of the feedback, that you've received from your lady friends in regards to some Americans visiting their countries?


« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hey TR..., posted by Hoda on Dec 23, 2001

I often hear how disillusioned they are with the men of their own country.  Unfortunately it seems they often base their opinion of the American male from sitcoms on television.  A couple of years ago I was talking to a girl from Bogota.  She now lives here in the states.  She belonged to an agency in Bogota and she told me several stories of how she began to realize that television is not reality.  She said the guys would all tell her how materialistic and dishonest the women in the USA are, and then all they wanted to do was talk about how successful they were.  She said she heard one lie after another.  Although she did end up meeting a guy and marrying him.  They seem to be very happy.  My friend in Rio reads this board and gives me a hard time, in a humorous way, about how much we generalize women.  If a woman is from one place she is one way, if she is from another place she is a different way, etc.  I am waiting to hear from her
regarding going to South America hunting a wife and visiting a whore house in between dates.  
I know I wouldn’t want to marry a girl who is working in a whore house,  and I can’t image a woman being interested in a guy who is a patron of one.  
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hoda and the "putabuscas", posted by Kenfer8 on Dec 22, 2001

One of my dearest friends in Cali, who me & Stivalis consider our sister "Colombian Woman" used to pop in from time to time to offer insight from the "other" side of the equation. She stopped posting because, she needed to devote more time to her graduate studies in international business law. She'll be attending a university in Belgium sometime this spring. What amused & angered her the most, was the attitudes of some of the Northerners visiting Colombia. She felt that the men needed to be screened as much as the women!


« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hoda and the "putabuscas", posted by Kenfer8 on Dec 22, 2001


I totally agree with you. I think the more mature ladies of the agencies are less naive, and realize that all cultures and counties of people have men that are dogs. These women are more caution, and selective with the men they meet, as all the other women should be.  

And I don't like how many agencies portray Colombian males as poor candidates for spouses. I don't believe that, because I know too many Colombian males, and married couples where the men are great partners. Infact they help me in many ways in looking for ladies for relationships, and have been excellent role models for how I would like my relationship to be in the future.


« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Good Point Kenfer!!!!!, posted by Aaron on Dec 23, 2001

soooooo..does that mean that all those stories we hear from the sur american women about how their men are dogs,unfaithful,liars,users, etc are not true? does that mean the sweet little calenas are lieing to use ? hmmmm ?
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Good Point Kenfer!!!!!, posted by pack on Dec 23, 2001

However, the myth of how bad Colombian males a little over played by the agencies, some girls and some American guys trying to be these girls' super heroes.
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to No, it doesn't mean that all of them are..., posted by Kenfer8 on Dec 23, 2001

weeeeeelll, iv been to alot of agencies, talked with alot of agency owners/mgr , and talked with a whole lot of agency girls....and i have never heard a gringo say that nor have i ever heard a agency owner say that...but i have heard tons of the colombianas say that! so its the girls that make that claim about their own men...are they lieing? exagerating? or what?
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: No, it doesn't mean that all of them..., posted by pack on Dec 23, 2001

Well maybe you need to look more closely at their websites.  Unless the agencey websites have changed the wording, the claims are made there.  

I am just saying that it takes a very small mind to believe that a person must be bad because of being born male and in a specific country.  Three weeks ago I was on a horse ride in Colombia and I was talking to a guy who had caught his wife the night before with another man.  People cheat.  It is the nature of mankind.  It has nothing to do with nationality.

I think many choose to believe this to help justify why a beautiful young girl twenty years younger than themselves would marry them and leave friends and family behind.  We don't want to consider that it might be nothing but economics.  This is not a bad thing in my opinion but we should at least be honest about it.

« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: No, it doesn't mean that all of ..., posted by TexasRob on Dec 23, 2001

iv seen those websites a million times  for years, iv met most of the agency owners .
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: No, it doesn't mean that all of ..., posted by TexasRob on Dec 23, 2001

well tr where do you think the agencies get that idea? they ask the girl ...why do you wanna join? why do you wanna meet gringos? the girl answers ..well the colombian men treat me bad , they show me no respect. bingo the agency owner just repeats what the girls have been telling him. ok you say it tkes a small mind to believe that a man born in a certain country is a certain way? well then the colombianas must have a small mind ? is that what you are saying? cuz they are the ones that are saying this.

ok so people cheat, its the nature of mankind...whats your point? i think when the women say negative things about their men i dont think they are just talking about cheating ...i think that is only part of their complaint.

well you say many believe this to justify being with a younger woman...well maybe a few do but i dont think that most do. i think most know the score. i also dont think you can catagorize people like that, there all kinds of guys go down there from all parts of the world  with different attitudes about the culture the girls and just exactly what they are looking for.

as for the ladies yes some of it is economics but not all of it, i think the ladies have many reasons  to want to marry a gringo, just as we have many reasons to want to marry a colombiana.

« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: No, it doesn't mean that all..., posted by pack on Dec 23, 2001

Every Friday and Saturday night during late spring I go catfishing with my friend Ronny.  We take turns driving.  We usually return home about 3 am.  When I drive we come home with no problems.  When he drives we get pulled over by the cops in Highland Village.  I am white he is black.  I am sure he gets pulled over because "THEY" say this, or "THEY" say that.  

Let me see your drivers license sir...  hmmm I see that you are a Colombian male...  so how many times did you cheat on her today?  Did you beat her today?  I am sure it is genetic and you can't help yourself...    

I don't think so.

« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: No, it doesn't mean that..., posted by TexasRob on Dec 23, 2001

I am not going to argue with you.  I just do not tolerate people well who have small minds and want to put everyone into a group.  The world is made up of indivuals.  I know there are cultural differences and social differences the world over, but to assume that all the guys in Colombia are bad hombres and the women will all be mother Theresa when they grow up is a bit much for me.

Also if all the guys cheat and the women do not...  do the guys all fly here to cheat with the evil American woman or where do they go?

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