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Author Topic: Latin women Connection  (Read 14533 times)
« on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

Does anyone know anything about the Latin Women Connection? The guy said he is married to a latin woman and opened his agency after that.
Has anyone ever used their services?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Latin women Connection, posted by jDave on Dec 9, 2001

Hi jDave,
While I never used the agency services of LWC I have met the owner Robert Vignolar on two different occasions.
He is a fourty something lawyer from the states. He went to Cali and met his wife there but not through an agency.
He started LWC as a business for his wife. They both live in the states and take turns going to Cali to manage the business. However there are times when neither of them is in Cali. Robert has a secretary running the business in a new location on Avenieda Sixta, generally a good location in the north of Cali. His mother-in-law, who lives in Cali, also has a hand in overseeing the business. Robert is one of the most responsive agency owners in Cali. He works very hard to provide good service and is concerned about his clients satifaction. He also truely likes the women who join his agency and will protect them from Ricardo Cabezas.
If a woman no-shows an appointment twice he eliminates her from his agency and he is none to happy if a woman is more than a few minutes late for an appointment. He also requires a woman to come to the first appointment whether she thinks she will like the guy or not. If a guy is a Ricardo Cabeza he is invited to leave and not to bother returning to use the agency services. He truely works both sides for thier mutual benifit.
Robert also has a condo in Cali. It is a very nice 3 bedroom place in a gated complex with an armed guard 24/7. The last time I was there, there was a very nice young lady named Lucia who was the maid. She comes in every morning to clean the condo, makes your breakfast and does your laundry. Since the condo is not directly related to the agency it is very possible to have some privacy. On my second trip to Cali I stayed in the condo and as it happen no one else was there at the time. This was soon after 9-11 so the travel scene to Colombia was a bit off. For me it was a great deal, I had a 3 bdrm condo with maid service all to my self for 10 days. Robert did show up the last night of my stay with a business partner and I had a chance to talk to him again about the agency scene, the woman involved and the men as well.
Often men going to Cali will stay at the condo, which gives them the right to use the LWC services(no membership fees here) and then take a short walk to Latin Best and get a one week membership there, thus having the use of two agengies for a reasonable sum.
On my first trip to Cali I stayed at the Latin Best B&B for 10 days. Luz Amparo runs what is now the oldest agency in Cali(I think). She has had over 600 successful marriages through her agency in 10 years and as of 1-11-2002 mine as well. The same applies at LB, if you stay at Luz's B&B you get to use her agency as part of the deal. However at the LB B&B you cannot have "overnight" guests. As a first timer to Cali I found staying at LB a great advantage. Besides the appointments you set up through Luz, it is very common to see many women who come to the agency throughout the week. Some are first timers checking out the agency and some are women who belong to the agency and who just happen to "drop in", checking out the new meat is more likely.
In either case I recommend both agengies and thier owners.
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Latin women Connection, posted by FenixRises on Dec 9, 2001

Thanks Fred I appreciate the info.  I still haven't decided whether to use an agency or not.  Not into the big party run through the room and find one concept.
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Latin women Connection, posted by jDave on Dec 9, 2001

Hi jDave,
As far as I have experienced neither LWC or LB hold "big party run through the room and find one concept" type parties. When I was at LB a small group went out one Friday night for an evening of drinking and dancing. There were only about 15 people total. Robert at LWC has similar small group parties at the pool where his condo is located. I have not been to one of these parties so cannot give you any info about them.
If you are fluent in Spanish you probably do not need an agency service. I have heard mixed reports from different guys who just went cruising in Cali. Some good, some interesting and some not productive. As far as I am concerned the agency worked great for me and many others but it is not the only way.
You pays your money and you takes your chances.
IMO any individual's success, anywhere, as regards finding a marriage partner, depends solely upon the individual in question.
SA or Asia or Russia or even the USA may or may not be a good place to find a mate, depending upon the individual doing the looking.
I think too many people treat this experience like a trip to the store. "I like that one I think I'll take it home with me".
I think you get my meaning.
Buena suerte
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Latin women Connection, posted by FenixRises on Dec 10, 2001

Thanks Fred:

appreciate the info. I for sure don't want to treat it like a TRIP TO THE STORE.  If thats the case I'll keep looking in the USA. As for when I get there The ladies that are respectable and what I'm looking for will get treated as such. Not like they are some product on the shelf.

« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Latin women Connection, posted by jDave on Dec 9, 2001

Also Latin Brides
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Latin women Connection, posted by jDave on Dec 9, 2001


Latinbrides have an awesome site with lots of beautiful women.  I went through every single video file on the site. Nearly every single women, on the video interviews, seemed sincere in what they were saying(how they were saying whatever they were saying...laughing..); even though I can't understand spanish.

What's your experience with

Have you ever been to the agency before?



« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Dave..I just came back from latinbrides...., posted by hilton on Dec 9, 2001

Hey Hilton

My first trip to colombia will be this coming year.  This site has answered a lot of questions for me. Just trying to get all the info I can.

El Diablo
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Dave..I just came back from latinbrides...., posted by hilton on Dec 9, 2001


I took a quick look at their website and it looks like Latin Bride is REALLY Latin Encounters but repackaged in a nicer format.  The address is in the United States so perhaps Margareth is doing some marketing with a gringo.  Some of the agencies have multiple sites and Latin Encounters has at least three.  The bottom line is that if you go on their tour or stay in their B&B, you'll be at Latin Encounters.  

I've been noticing over the past month that you've been checking out all the agencies, Latin Love, Latin Internet, etc. etc..  I think it's great to understand the agency scene and do your homework (Oh God I'm starting to sound like Houndog).  A word of advice however,  don't get too caught up into this agency or that or the photos on their sites.   Before I went the fiirst time, I had a whole list of gals I had been checking out.  I was interested in meeting a few of the gals I had seen on the Latin Love website.  When I got their I discovered most of the gals I had been obsessing on were either taken already or NOTHING like I had imagined them to be.   My little fantasy was just that a fantasy.  My advice to newbies is check the photos out on the websites to motivate you to go but beyond that the photos are truly meaningless.  

El Diablo

« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Dave..I just came back from latinbri..., posted by El Diablo on Dec 9, 2001

Thanks El Diablo

I'm doing my research but trying not to overthink things

« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Dave..I just came back from latinbri..., posted by El Diablo on Dec 9, 2001


I have been noticing the same thing about the different websites that I have been doing my homework on.

I have recently stopped doing my homework because my mind has already been made up.

I'm going with LatinLove.  Why?

1) I trust the owner, Bud.  He didn't start for profits like everyone else; he's got enough businesses in the united states to keep his pockets full.  He got family members to run his agency because he wanted to keep family members in the 'hustle' and allow them to make a little money from the agency.
2) is the 'original free for all' non-membership(with the exception of daily room fee) marriage agency.  Fact:  Competing against something that is free is a very dangerous thing, especially when women find out about an agency that has a good reputation; like  It's hard for companies to compete against a model of 'free' when everything else is a 'charge for'.
3) I know Adriana is sincere.  And, because of this, I trust her; even though she don't have the slick website like all these other cats. It's not the website that count as much.  Being that LatinBest is in a new location, and according to Bud, LatinBest now has close to 2000 women, whereas before it was closer to 700 to 800!  Location..location..
4) Finally, being that I have done my homework, and now have to go 'experience', I am satisfied in knowing that Hoda has just told me that Bud, the owner of, wasn't in business to create a 'monster marriage agency'.  He was in business because he wanted to stop and put an end to so many guys getting ripped off by all these agencies that are putting up 'falsified' pictures of women that are not even at their agency; nor have ever joined.

I have more reasons than the above, but you get the point.

Oh, before I forget, I had a 'christian buddy' who emailed me(Ken) and wanted to know if I would ever put an advertisement out on the latinbrides website(paying $75 to do so).  I told him that even though it was tempting and cheap to do so, I didn't want to fill my basket with girls that didn't turn out the way I had invisioned them to be.  Placing an advertisement before you actually get to the agency is like tying a rope around your neck.  All you're doing is setting yourself up for something that you may not want later on.  From the models of failure that I have seen, based off of guys that have tried to do(placing ads unseen) what I/Ken was thinking about doing, has allowed me to see their failures and not replicate them. I'm not saying that ads don't work.  For some they do, but for most they don't.  And, in this case, I'd rather go with the flow of what hasn't work for most than to go with the flow that has worked for a few.

The product(women) are so dynamic until you have to be their in order to feel the product.  Women are not static.  So, it's best to be at the place where the women are at so that you can get a feel of their whole self instead of what they write to you in a letter.



El Diablo
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Diablo...exactly bro!!, posted by hilton on Dec 9, 2001

Hey Hilton,

There's a whole group of us guys on the board who met at Latin Love.  I have great memories of the Palace from when I stayed there.  I really like Bud and I know most guys appreciated his enthusiam and good spirit.  It sounds like you've thought things through and I'm sure you'll enjoy Cali.  When are you thinking about heading South?

El Diablo

« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Latin Love, posted by El Diablo on Dec 9, 2001


If I could leave at midnight tonight, I would!  You better believe it bro...

But, do to my present software project that I'm working on, in conjunction with two different websites that I'm, personally, creating for not only this software but for another project that I just finished up, it will take me another two months or so to even think about heading south.

Excitement has got ahold of me until I just want to urinate the enthusiasm out of me!  Don't laugh, I'm serious dude(smiling).

I haven't thought about an american women, nor my past negative situation, ever since I found this board, and Hoda(and a few other people) sent me their trip reports.

It seems like I'll be on high until I get that ring on my future wife's finger.  And, even then, the fun will just have begun...



El Diablo
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Tough question..., posted by hilton on Dec 9, 2001


Well it looks like you and I may be headed down to Cali at about the same time.  I'm thinking early Spring and staying for a couple months myself.  

Something you should be aware of is that Colombia will generally only allow you to stay as a tourist for 4 months cumulative in any given year.  When you enter the country, the costoms agent will mark 60 days (90 if you ask) on your passport. A few days before the 60 days expires you'll need to go to the government beauracracy referred to as DAS, to get a 30 day extension.  You're limited to two extensions or four months max.  Last year, I returned to California the day before my four months expired.  There is a way to stay longer but I'm not sure about all the details.  At the DAS office they said I would have to travel to Bogota and pay some kind of additional fee.   There's a few guys on the board who've been in Cali even longer than I and they probably know how to do it.  Keith and Norm come to mind.  

El Diablo

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