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Author Topic: Colombia News Hot off AP Wire  (Read 22679 times)
« on: April 10, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

BOGOTA (Dow Jones)--Attacks on the Cano Limon pipeline cut total Colombian
crude production to 579,130 barrels a day in March from 614,300 in February,
state-owned oil company Empresa Colombiana de Petroleos SA (E.ECO) said in a
statement Tuesday.
 March's total was down from the 631,700 b/d year goal set by Ecopetrol, as the
state firm is known. The average for the first three months of the year is
626,200 b/d, also below the target.
 Ecopetrol said rebel attacks on the Cano Limon pipeline, which is the
country's second most important, has cut production there to less than 10,000
b/d, which is less than 10% of its capable output in normal conditions.
 Cano Limon's production was less than 50,000 b/d in February and 118,000 b/d
in January, according to the field's operator, Occidental Petroleum Corp. (OXY).
 Repairs have cost more than 2.5 billion pesos ($1=COP2308) while a further
COP600 million has been earmarked for cleaning up spilled oil.
 Occidental has had a force majeure in effect over its obligations as operator
since Feb. 27, after storage at the field filled up and production was shut
 The pipeline, which normally takes crude to the port of Covenas for export,
has only operated for a few hours since February 17. It has blown up more than
60 times in the year to date, on target to easily beat last year's record of 98.
 The army says most attacks are by the country's second-largest guerrilla
group, the National Liberation Army or ELN.
 Oil and its derivatives are Colombia's most lucrative legal export, accounting
for around 35% of total 2000 export revenues.
 But without major new discoveries, reserves will be depleted fast, forcing
Colombia to become a net importer by 2004, with potentially dire economic
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombia News Hot off AP Wire, posted by JunFanTX on Apr 10, 2001

Colombia to invest $160m to explore 20 fields
Bogota |Reuters | 11-04-01
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Colombia's public and private sectors will invest $160 million to explore 20 potential oil fields across the Andean nation this year, state-owned oil company Ecopetrol said in its bi-weekly magazine Carta Petrolera, published yesterday.

"Ecopetrol and its associates estimate total investments of $160 million in exploration activities," it said. Empresa Colombiana de Petroleo, or Ecopetrol, said the hike in exploration comes as Latin America's fifth largest oil exporter moves to reverse its decline in oil production, caused mostly by natural fall-off in output from mature fields.

Colombia needs to discover new wells or it could lose its self sufficiency by 2004, it said. Ecopetrol added the results of three oil exploration projects would be released by the end of 2001, including data on the U.S.-based Occidental Petroleum Corp's potential find of 2.20 billion barrels in reserves.

Oil is the biggest export revenue earner in Colombia, Latin America's fifth largest economy, which also ships nickel, coal and coffee abroad. But the oil industry has been hard by recent rebel attacks that have slashed production and caused companies to miss contractual export obligations.

Separately, Ecopetrol said yesterday Colombian oil output fell to 579,130 barrels per day in March, down from 723,500 in the same month last year amid rebel attacks along the 780-kilometre oil pipeline Cano Limon, run by Occidental.

Analysts estimate that Colombia has 37,000 million barrels in untapped reserves, but virtually all are located in unexplored regions of the country controlled by rebels fighting in Colombia's 37-year-old war.

Despite the conflict, enthusiasm over potential oil discoveries remains high. In 2000, Colombia signed 32 exploration contracts with multinational and local oil companies, compared with just one contract in 1999, due in large part to a cut in taxes on the industry due to changes in exploration licensing policy.

The most promising oil discovery prospect is the Samore block in northeastern Colombia, which is run by Occidental and has potential reserves of above 1 billion barrels. Other hopefuls include the Capochos and Iscana blocks, also located in northeastern Colombia, which have potential reserves of 900 million and 250 million barrels, respectively. Capochos is operated by Spain's Repson-YPF while Iscana is run by Hocol.

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« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Update..., posted by Houndog on Apr 13, 2001

They have about as much chance of getting that oil to market as I have getting married to Jennifer Lopez...later


« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Update..., posted by JunFan68 on Apr 14, 2001


Your fiancee has got it all over that bimbo.

« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Update..., posted by JunFan68 on Apr 14, 2001

Puerto Rican girls are very pretty.  and when their asses aren't big they are very shapely.  however, a somewhat big ass like Jennifer is preferable to no ass.
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombia News Hot off AP Wire, posted by JunFanTX on Apr 10, 2001

Just some more info guys.

COLOMBIA - Colombian Threat Highlighted to US Congress

The US Commander for the Southern Command, General Peter Pace, told a House of Representatives committee April 6 that the “greatest threat to Colombian democracy” comes from the right-wing paramilitaries. Pace said he has evidence of cooperation between the Colombian army and the right-wing paramilitaries, although Colombian President Pastrana is trying to correct the situation. Pace then traveled to Colombia to explain the consequences to the military if they do not cut ties to the paramilitaries. Also on April 6, FBI agents and State Department and private security experts testified before a House Subcommittee that Americans are running a serious risk if they live, visit or have commercial interests in Colombia. Both the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN) view Americans as prime targets for kidnapping and extortion. The private security expert added that many companies are finding it difficult to recruit Americans to work in Colombia and many of these companies may have to relocate. Similarly, some 38 congressmen wrote to Colombian President Pastrana suggesting that members of the Colombian Army’s 17th brigade assisted the right-wing paramilitaries in their March 5 attack on a small village in Antioquia State. They wrote that the army knew the paramilitaries would attack the village but did nothing. PERSPECTIVE: The Colombian government needs to address these Congressional concerns or face possible diminishing support in Congress for assistance to Colombia, akin to the 1980’s when Congressional support for assistance to El Salvador diminished because of close ties between government security forces and right-wing death squads. (04/09/01)

VENEZUELA/COLOMBIA - Venezuelan Ranchers To Form A Self-Defense Group Against Colombian Guerrillas
Venezuelan ranchers, who live near the Colombian border, have publicly stated that they intend to organize themselves and form a self-defense group to confront incursions by the Colombian guerrilla group, the People’s Liberation Army (EPL). The ranchers say that are receiving advice in this regard from Colombian paramilitaries. The guerrilla problem for the ranchers became more urgent last week when a rancher was killed (DIS 04/04/01) by Pro-Chavez activists. Another rancher abandoned his ranch in Tachira State a year ago when the EPL killed three of his employees and threatened to kill him. He charged that the Venezuelan military is too weak to stop the guerrillas. The ranchers claim that there have been 117 attacks over the past year, but the Colombian government, while countering that 80 percent of the incidents were not guerrilla incursions, admits that even 20 percent constitutes a problem. However, President Chavez has taken a strong line, saying he will jail anyone forming a self-defense group. PERSPECTIVE: This move has long been anticipated. Colombian guerrillas have been invading Venezuelan territory with virtual impunity for many months. The ranchers have no confidence in the populist and pro-Castro Chavez, who regularly criticizes them for not using their land productively. Moreover, the ranchers believe that Chavez is pro-guerrilla and has little interest in protecting them. The formation of the self-defense group will be one more step in the political polarization of Venezuela under Chavez. (04/09/01)

« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombia News Hot off AP Wire, posted by JunFanTX on Apr 10, 2001

Looks like instead of giving huge swaths of land away to Rebels, they need to take control of and secure huge swaths of land from the rebels. So that exploration can resume.

The AUC just mounted an offensive against the ELN in the New ELNlandia pastrana gave them.

The Colombian Att Generals office filed a warrant for a FARC commander today on Drug Charges....the first of such actions.

The Colombian Army confiscated 1200 new uniforms and weapons of Venezulian origin......although Ven. claims they are facsimilies made in the US....LOL..


« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Colombia News Hot off AP Wire, posted by Houndog on Apr 10, 2001

« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to so do you still think that the civil war..., posted by Traveler on Apr 12, 2001

Well fool, there are over 2million internal refugee's in Colombia due to the war, conflict or disagreement....what ever pastrami wants to call it....along with 40 thousand civilian dead.  If you look at the numbers of women joining agencies the numbers don't go up in proportion to the souring economy or the violence.

Do the math....look at the BIG Picture of life....not for me...for you. I Get It !

Look at the numbers of people in the US and the World looking for romance outside their sphere of influence and contact. Frustration, Technology, and Acceptance are what drives the Long Distance Romance Game....coupled with poor choices in the close proximity of ones own sphere. People who look at life realisticaly and finaly accept that they might not get lucky in their local mall, and decide to become proactive about finding a suitable, desirable mate in a time frame of the sooner rather than later or never variety.

Along with the acceptance that modern technology can further their efforts to that end. What the long distance romance venue really shows is many people becoming realistic and deciding to take the initiative on their own behalf. Simply recognizing that if one increases their exposure to potential mates they also increase their Odds of finding someone they really want, rather than just settling for whatever.

So the real answer to your question came from Latin Woman quite some time back....A Jerk here, will simply be a Jerk on vacation there. And will have no better luck because of economics that he has in his own back yard. Don't believe me ? Just ask Rueben.

Do your homework.....maybe then someday you will start to "Get It".


« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  The REAL STORY...., posted by Houndog on Apr 12, 2001

what does that have to do with my question???  previously you stated that the reason there are so many MOB in Colombia was because of the machismo.  However, machismo exists in Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, brazil, Santo Domingo, Panama, Uruguay, Ecuador, and Chile but where are the MOB services there??

surely you wouldn't say that machismo only exists in Colombia.  

it seems to me that the social situation in Colombia has deteriorated so much that women are looking for a way out of their country so they don't have to become one of those refugees you cited.  

I saw that LC is closing down because of the cheaper competition.  Obviously, Cali and Colombia are reaching the saturation point of MOB agencies.  Someone commented that there may be new opportunities in other countries since Colombia is saturated.  However, because other countries of South America do not have the same social crisis that Colombia has, there may not be enough interest to establish an agency service.

Now, in the future if we see armed conflict or extreme social disorder in other countries like what is happening in Colombia, I can assure you that the climate will be right for the MOB services.  

« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to you didn't answer the question  Henry, posted by Traveler on Apr 14, 2001

maybe you better wear those 20 dollar bills taped to your face.....

But I do want to thank you for proving the point many of the good guys here with cajones enough to take your type on that a jerk will wind up just as alone over there as they find themselves here. Oh sure you will trip across one desperate enough or needy enough someday....even a blind pig can find acorns.....

However you prove that most of the women are looking for good decent men to love, settle down with and have real families.

Keep strolling those bars....practicing your espanol and talking your get lucky eventialy. But don't forget to tape that 20 over that Big "L" tattooed on your forehead.

Later Loser, Houndog

« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: find a GF yet HuhHuh??LOL..., posted by Houndog on Apr 14, 2001

but you are not compatible with American women right dog???

after seeing your picture I can appreciate this statement. you could be the poster boy for hoof and mouth disease.  

that's funny about desperate and needy.  Seems to me that there there is plenty of that in the MOB industry both in the north and the south.  

despite your incessant posting, I see your English hasn't gotten any better.

« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to that's funny, you are the one that had t..., posted by Traveler on Apr 14, 2001

....and was successful....and I didn't end up with a bar girl........

So if you want bar girls why do you look in foriegn countries..Huh all the bar girls know you at home..Huh I think so....

In fact your the kind of guy that is cuasing women to resort to the internet to seek a mate.....LOL...

Like I make my point for me...


« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Wrong idiot...I wanted too., posted by Houndog on Apr 14, 2001

your pants are on fire!!

On Tue, 7 Dec 1999 14:07:42 EST
you wrote:

"Words can't begin to describe the Sting of pain I feel when I realize that
AW of all Nationalities reject my offers for a date ,dining and dancing
because I don't have a six figure income,left my rolex at home and my Italian
Supercar is in the Shop for service. The pain of this prejudice seems to be
rampant through out our society.
 With such prejudice it's no wonder guys like me are going to LA to find
good women."

PS: did you miss me??

« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Wrong idiot...I wanted too., posted by goog on Apr 15, 2001

hope all is well
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