... in response to MARRIAGE BROKER REGULATION ACT DEFEATED!..., posted by JackofTrades on Sep 3, 2005Greetings all, I'm a long time reader, first time poster. This bit of "legislation" p*ssed me off the first time I heard about it. I'm ecstatic that it was given a resounding thumbs down by the powers that be. And yes, after following the link provided by Jack, I could not resist rubbing a little salt in their wounds as well. My post:
The sentance "The writers of the bill spent countless hours crafting language that would accomplish their goals and result in a bill with the greatest chance of passing." speaks volumes on just how bad this legislation was and how blatently discriminatory it was intended to be. Legislation by nature needs to be clear and unambiguous if the preceived ill that it is intended to correct is to be addressed. This bit of intended legislatively enforced behavior management was not and could never be enforced simply by the fact of all the built in provisos that attempted to allow "approved" dating sites, i.e. ones that catered to alternative lifestyles, as opposed to those that specialized in hetro relationships, to continue doing business unfettered.
Our lawmakers, in a moment of clarity, saw through this travesty and recognised it as the product a very narrow special interest group who based on questionable research data were attempting to foist their anti-masculine agenda on the public by removing the constitutional right of a specific group of citizens to associate with whom they choose. This one is a victory for civil rights.