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Author Topic: I'm sending her home!!!  (Read 35604 times)
« on: December 24, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

I warned her but she didn't listen and now shes gone and done it!  I said don't pray for snow or I'll send you home.  She did and now its snowing here in Houston!!!:-(

Where can I get cheap tickets this time of the year?

The Bear family

« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm sending her home!!!, posted by Bear on Dec 24, 2004

Like the NY Lottery ad goes....."Hey, you never know".
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm sending her home!!!, posted by Bear on Dec 24, 2004

Since she seems to have connections upstairs, maybe she could pray for some snow in San Diego. It's hot here!

Got to go to the beach now... Merry Christmas!


« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Before you send her home..., posted by Ray on Dec 25, 2004

I guess, that San Diego will see "snow"...the same year that one of their teams will when a championship....

H-H-H-Ha-Ha (laughing while fighting 20 degree temp)

« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Grrrr....Not nice to tease those freezin..., posted by Hoda on Dec 27, 2004

Is that 'plus' 20 degree temp? That's not so bad. It was negative 24 at Clarksburg, MI today.

Look at the positive side. You could put all your frozen food outside and turn off your freezer to save electricity. Just don't leave your beer out there!

Watch out for the Chargers in the playoffs. They're ready to kick some ass! (either that, or get their ass kicked) :-)


« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Before you send her home..., posted by Ray on Dec 25, 2004

1st time it snowed in Houston since 1989.  I missed that one by being out of town.  But I do remember spending 3 years in Germany.  In the service, once while out for certification of transporting nuclear warheads it got down to -32F and the windchill off the chart!  We passed with the highest score ever given.  I think the testers didn't want to get out and the wind anymore than we did so they radioed in a lot of the grades.  Another time I had to drive an 8" self-propelled artillery gun down an icy mountain road in the middle of the night - no steering wheel, two steering arms.  Man did I hate Grafenver(sp?).  For being in a place with no active military situations, I don't know how I survived!

The cute thing though was the heat wave that year.  It got all the way to 98F.  Germans dropping like flies in the unbearable heat?

People here just don't know how to act around snow, they're dangerous.  Houston has so many freeway bridges that I just know if it we get a hard freeze people are going to become vehicular missles trying to drive on them.

I can imagine snow where you are!  You'd probably have liberals from the communes out blocking the roads so no one would destroy the "pretty snow".  While the homeless claimed it s a republican plot to to force them off the streets.  The Democrats would be on the TVs saying George Bush and his oil buddies has somehow caused a "el nino" with the unabated use of petroleum products that will devestate mankind.  Sorry, with Honey's obvious pull with the big man upstairs I just can let her pray for snow for you there.  It would end life as we know it.

The Bear Family

senior citizen
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Before you send her home..., posted by Bear on Dec 26, 2004

I was at Graffenwoehr one winter on OP Church. I was attached to the 3rd Armored Division DivArty. We were observing the fall of artillery. From Pap South you could see the witch's tit and the yellow submarine the best. That night, it snowed 5 feet and we were snowed in on the OP (4 of us, I was the ranking NCO). We radioed into range control and they relayed to our unit but they literally couldn't get to us. So they came over in a Huey and dropped food, water and fuel for our stove, along with extra stovepipe. We used the extra pipe to run the vent above the snowpack (it took us three hours to tunnel out and get atop the OP bunker and lay out markers for the chopper to drop on (they couldn't land because when they tried, they threw up so much snow it was a white-out). They dropped a whole pallet of c-rations (plus two cans of coffee), a pallet of water and two pallets of diesel for the pot-belly stove. We used branches and our ponchos to seal off the open window and door of the concrete bunker and fired that stove up cherry red. We had ran another set of pipes to draw in combustion air and to prevent carbon monoxide buildup. We lived in the bunker for three days until a military version of a D-9 bulldozer could get to us and dig out our jeep and bunker.

I also saw a snowfall of three feet and -65 winchills at Wildflicken that same winter. We were on OP Church that night but we were able to claw our way out as we had a gamma goat instead of a jeep. The goat was ugly and cantankerous but if you knew how to drive it, you could go just about anywhere.

« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Before you send her home..., posted by senior citizen on Dec 27, 2004

I was the surveyor chief for my company, 1/94 FA, 3rd Armored, out of Darby Kaserene in Fuerth.  We did the same as you.  Called in fire missions and observed the placement of rounds.  We ususally set up near the minute men missles where we could see the border.

My Artillery group was one of the 1st to get gamma-goats.  I loved it because it would turn in the middle.  But the heater!  We could only run it abt 5 minutes because it was too powerful for the cab of the vehicle.  To this day when ever its hot outsiode I ask if someone left their gamma-goat heater on.  They give me the strangest looks. hahahaha

The Bear Family

senior citizen
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Before you send her home..., posted by Bear on Dec 27, 2004

We used to take gamma goat heaters and put them in the back of our conex CP vans. Heat the whole back of a 5 ton box in Graf in winter. I wish I had one of those today. A little diesel fuel and a gamma goat heater and you can heat the average three bedroom ranch house.

I was Marine Liason and was quartered with F btry 333d FA (TAB)- called F Troop after the TV show -when I was doing artillery adjustments. They were at Hanau.

Wonder why some smart guy doesn't adapt them for 12 volts instead of 24 volts and sell them. A fully-charged car battery would run a gamma goat heater for 24 hours. Make great emergency heat.

Jeff S
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Before you send her home..., posted by senior citizen on Dec 28, 2004

.. the ready, fire, aim gang, huh?

- Jeff

« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Before you send her home..., posted by Bear on Dec 26, 2004

It’s not THAT bad out here on the left coast Bear. I did say SAN DIEGO, not SAN FRANCISCO!

If it snowed in San Diego, there may be a few “girlie men” hugging the trees to keep them from freezing, but the Governator would likely declare a state holiday and start singing Austrian Christmas carols :-)

We have snow every year in the mountains about 45 mins out of town, so we can take a short drive to play in the snow without having to shovel it off our driveways.

Did you guys have the traditional Filipino humongous meal at midnight on Christmas Eve? LOL! We did…


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