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Author Topic: Internet dating is OK!  (Read 63628 times)
« Reply #45 on: January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to From the horse's (Dingo's) mouth..., posted by Ray on Jan 19, 2004

Yes Ray it is true,
If you bad mouth me then sorry Charlie but I have a right
to respond back to YOU as well. If that makes me a troll
then everyone who disagrees with you is a troll as well.

I have been on this board for as long as most members.
This board is for expressing opinions and contributing ideas.
If you can't handle someone elses opinion then get busy working
on your board and you can have it
all to yourself.

If another member male or female disagrees with me I'm going to respond in kind.  I know Ray you've never had a disagreement with a women before right? LOL !!!!!!!!

I agree with the other posters who have commented that you
need to start showing some manners and quit being so arrogant in your postings to new members and people who are not originally from this country.  Something tells me that will Never happen.

Your attempts at being a psychiatrist are pathetic. Maybe you
can figure why you're so obnoxious and arrogant before you try figuring out someone else.  For starters why do you spend 24 hours a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year on this board fighting with every one you disagree with and not
stopping until you've had the last word?

Not a whole lot else going on in your life I would guess. How sad.


« Reply #46 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: From the downer cow's (Ray's) mouth...., posted by Dingo on Jan 19, 2004

Gee, I'm so honored to be the most important person in your pathetic little life Dingo. Here’s a homework assignment for you. Go stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself these questions:

1. Why am I spending all of my time trying to start fights on PL instead of spending some quality time with my family?

2. Why can't I sleep at night because of my burning hatred for Ray?

3. Why doesn't Ray get pissed at my childish insults? How am I ever going to make him mad? Should I attack his wife maybe? No, that didn't work with Bear.

4. Why doesn't Ray ever let me have the last word? Just because I threw the first stone and started all this mess, he should still let me have the last word. It just isn't fair! What am I going to do?!

5. Why do I feel like I am going to cry? I just can't handle this anymore. When is Ray going to let me have my way instead of calling my bluff? How did he ever figure out my secret that I am really nothing but a little troll?

6. Why doesn’t anybody here on this forum believe my pathetic lies? Is it possible that they aren’t as stupid as I thought?

7. Why is my life so screwed up? Why did Ray put a hex on me and cause every single problem in my life? How did he do that anyway?

8. Why doesn’t Ray hate me like I hate him? It just isn’t fair!

That’s O.K. Dingo, you don’t have to answer those questions here in public. After all, haven’t you already embarrassed yourself enough here? But I would strongly recommend that you write down your answers and show them to your psychiatrist at your next session.

Poor little sick Dingo. Get some help! You need it… :-)


« Reply #47 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Well, well, well, posted by Ray on Jan 20, 2004

Everything your saying is 100% true about YOURSELF. I will pray for you.
« Reply #48 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Well, well, well, posted by Ray on Jan 20, 2004

Ray you've just done a GREAT job of analyzing YOURSELF.
See 1-8 all apply to YOU !!!!



Cheers Dingo

« Reply #49 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Well, well, well, posted by Ray on Jan 20, 2004

Diaper man Ray were your fingers bleeding after you typed that?

Cheers Dingo

Attack, Attack, Attack !!!!

Dave H
« Reply #50 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Well, well, well, posted by Dingo on Jan 20, 2004

Hey Ray and Dingo,

You guys are killing me! I think I just soiled my diaper for the second day in a row from laughing so hard! I think you guys are really becoming good friends. ROFLMAOCUMSLPASIMMDFD!!!

Dave H.

Peter Lee
« Reply #51 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Oops I Did It Again!, posted by Dave H on Jan 20, 2004

I think your right Dave H hehehe
« Reply #52 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Oops I Did It Again!, posted by Dave H on Jan 20, 2004

[This message has been edited by Ray]


Hey Dave, where have you been hiding?

You need to be real careful around here or some bozo might accuse you of being part of the “Planet Love Power Structure”. If you ever want to join the “Click” (ROFLMDGAO!), let us know and we’ll send you an application form. Jimbo is the treasurer, so you’ll have to make arrangements with him for the dues. We’re running a special this month, where you get a really cool free magic froggy clicker if you sign up before the end of the month (Click! Click! Click!).

Send me the bill for your diaper service and I'll take care of it for you. Don't you know the disposables are the new rave now? I’ve been using them for years (LOL).

Do you think I should let Dinko have the last word so he will stop his incessant whining and crying? Oh well, I’m sure that he would just find something else to cry about anyway (CUMMFLA!)


« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Oops I Did It Again!, posted by Ray on Jan 20, 2004

Hey Ray,
Don't blow a gasket!


« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I agree with Bryan 100%, posted by SteveG on Jan 18, 2004

Hi Steve,

Let me see if I can address some of your concerns.

Actually, the “mumbling” remark was directed more at some of the weird stuff this guy was saying, like “There is no reason, why you should try to find a local woman…”. What is that supposed to mean? What does he care if someone tries to find a “local woman”? I can think of many reasons why some guy might want to do just that, can’t you Steve? Perhaps it none of HIS business who any other guy seeks out for a partner, don’t you agree?

How about “It is the man, who decides, how and where to look for his girl from Asia or from any other place in this world - and this is nobody's else business.” So? Why come to THIS forum and preach to us about our right to look for a foreign woman??? That statement just didn’t make sense in the context of his “discussion”.

Or this: “It is the man, who is searching around the internet and due to far distance, you have to collect informations and contacts by surfing through various sites first, and this is not the business of some radical feminists and racists to prevent you to collect contact informations”. What the heck does all that mean? Can a woman not also use the Internet to collect “informations and contacts”? Is there somebody on this forum telling the guy that he can’t use the Internet? I’m sorry, but it just didn’t make sense Steve.

How about “It is the man, who has to get on the plane first - and check personally, what is going on at the other end of that internet-contact.....this is THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT to be successful to find a foreign woman for marriage.” Huh? Is getting on the plane first “THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT” to be successful? Why can’t a woman get on a plane first? Do you agree with that stuff Steve? Makes little sense to me.

I don’t know how his post came across to you Steve, but what I saw was man filled with hatred for feminists and white women. Is there something wrong with white women Steve? My mother, my sisters, and my daughters are “white women”. Does he hate white women?? It sounded that way to me. Some of that stuff sounds almost racist, and definitely insulting. All this “It is the man” stuff completely ignores the fact that there are also WOMEN out there looking for a foreign mate and you have seen then right here on this board Steve. I don’t think ranting or mumbling was that far off, but that’s just me I guess.

As for your comments about Dingo, what can I say? Do you know what a troll is Steve? You’ve been here long enough to know better I think. If this doesn’t sound like an unprovoked attack, written with the sole intent of starting a fight, then you’re just strange Steve: “Don't waste your time trying to get answers from Ray. Once he doesn't agree with your opinion he will just attack you. He will never answer your questions. He's too narrow minded. Also, you as you will see he always has to have the last word.” Sorry, but that is definitely a troll in my book! Dingo has apparently been stewing for a long time and couldn’t wait for the opportunity to take a cheap shot. Yep, what a “man”! ROFLMGDAO!

Anyway, thanks for your comments and personal “attacks” Steve :-)


« Reply #55 on: January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: You agree with Bryan 100%?, posted by Ray on Jan 18, 2004

As for your comments about Dingo, what can I say? Do you know what a troll is Steve? You’ve been here long enough to know better I think. If this doesn’t sound like an unprovoked attack, written with the sole intent of starting a fight, then you’re just strange Steve: “Don't waste your time trying to get answers from Ray. Once he doesn't agree with your opinion he will just attack you. He will never answer your questions. He's too narrow minded. Also, you as you will see he always has to have the last word.” Sorry, but that is definitely a troll in my book! Dingo has apparently been stewing for a long time and couldn’t wait for the opportunity to take a cheap shot. Yep, what a “man”! ROFLMGDAO!

Anyway, thanks for your comments and personal “attacks” Steve :-)


My reply:
Well Ray again you're confused. My reply was NOT unprovoked
you just got through "trashing the Newbie Johann" and I was replying to "YOUR" arrogant post.

It was not a "cheap shot" it was very fair and accurate.
Just try reading your own posts.

If you don't agree with someone you will attack them.
You won't answer questions.
And of course you always have to have the last word.

Speaking of Stewing for a long time, time for you to change your diaper.  "Ok now that was a cheap shot" Bwahh haaa!!!!


« Reply #56 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: You agree with Bryan 100%?, posted by Dingo on Jan 19, 2004

Oh please Dingo, don't insult our intelligence by claiming that you were only protecting the poor little innocent "newbie". You're nothing but a fake!

You've been waiting for a chance to throw more stones and start another fight ever since the last time you made a total ass of yourself on this forum. I know that you’ve been lying awake at night trembling with hatred for me and anyone else who exposes your stupid little game. So what? You just admitted that your whole purpose here is to attack me, so why don’t you just drop the bull crap bleeding heart nonsense and get on with your attack. After all, it’s what you live for according to your own admission.

Dingo: “Ray I'm not here to attack "others" just YOU. Also I'm here to put your sorry stink hole in your place.”

I can’t stand it, I’m going to die laughing! You think that scared me with that pathetic little threat of yours? What a dork! Go ahead Dingo, continue making an ass of yourself. It’s quite entertaining you know :-)

And what is this nonsense you’ve been spouting that I don’t answer questions on this forum??? Are you a complete moron or just the biggest liar that ever lived? Would you like to place a wager on who has answered more poster’s questions on this forum Dingo, you or I? No, I didn’t think so.

I’ll tell you what bozo, I’ll keep answering questions here whenever I think I can be of help and you do keep doing what you are good at, starting flame wars and disrupting the forum. That seems to be all that you are good for, you arrogant little liar!

Now stop with the bull crap before I bust a gut laughing! Attack away little man… CUMFLATNTPIMPWITTKFCWL!

Your buddy forever,

Ray :-)

« Reply #57 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to You are such a phony!, posted by Ray on Jan 20, 2004

projecting his feelings of inadequacy on to others. A common defense mechanisim for folks with low self esteem and inferiority complex. He makes these really intense posts that you can see are filled with angst and hatred and ends them with ROTL. As if were supposed to believe hes on the floor laughing and not red in the face frantically typing with veins popping out of his forehead.

Lighten up dude its just a message board

« Reply #58 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to its obvious Ray is, posted by bryan on Jan 20, 2004

Hey Bryan, that was a great post.
I especially like the part about him being "Red in the face
with veins a popping" God I hope we don't kill the guy.

Ray sure did a good job "Anal"yzing  himself.
Man what a hypocrite!


« Reply #59 on: January 20, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to its obvious Ray is, posted by bryan on Jan 20, 2004

Did I touch a nerve again? You just couldn't sleep all night thinking about me, could you? Maybe YOU should lighten up you little hypocrite... :-)

Oh, what's "ROTL"Huh Maybe you meant Bryan is a TROL?

You still haven't answered my question Bryan. What makes your opinions any better than anyone else's? You're just an arrogant, ignorant, pompous ass.

Click! Click! Click!



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