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Author Topic: Sorry, but it will be quite a little time..  (Read 13322 times)
The Walker
« on: February 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

....before we can post about Argentina.

This is VICKY.

The exercise lasted longer that we thought. I am home now but Don has been recalled and will be on his way to Kuwait in a week. He is not to take active part in the fighting but I know him he will try he is so reckless. He also took his two knives with him and his medicine bag and his personal special rifle that uses military ammunition.

He said for me not to say that there will be a war for sure. As there may not be. But I look at what is happening and today the Bad Man refused to destroy his illegal missiles and so I think there will be fighting and I am crying as I write this. We got home last Friday and he left today. We had a wondeful weekend together very romantic and we also had his family over especially his daughters and his grandson. I think he is worried about this deployment as he was especially careful to keep us all together as much as possible. I think he is afraid that the Bad Man may use some of his illegal weapons he says he does not have on some of his illegal missiles and that is why he will not destroy them. I told him then we should not fight but he said that it was better to fight now before he got even stronger that eventually it would come down to the USA and Iraq having a war and he would rather it was now before Saddam got any nuclear weapons. He said that some nations are just going to fight no matter what and it was better for us to fight on our terms.

I do want to wish everyone who has had a relationship or who has had a child the very best from us both but from now on I will be spending my time emailing my beloved. I may write here once in a while if I hear very good news but I am afraid that with Don gone I and Jose are going to be very busy again. Tax time is also coming up drat,drat,drat. I thought Don would not go anywhere again but there must be something very important coming up. So take care good people and I wish you all well. I love my husband more than my life but I hate being a military wife.


Dave H
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sorry, but it will be quite a little tim..., posted by The Walker on Feb 24, 2003

Hi Vicky,

Hopefully all of this will be over soon and Don will be back before you know it. Keep us posted when you can. Take care and Good Luck to you and Don!

Dave H.

Michael B
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sorry, but it will be quite a little tim..., posted by The Walker on Feb 24, 2003

My sympthay and good wishes for him too. I remember when I was a little kid and we lived in S.C., our boy scout leader was a lifer Marine, some kind of instructor at Paris Island. He already had enough time in to retire but he re-uped and as soon as he did, they sent him to Viet Nam (I think because he had some special MOS they needed, that was before we were sending actual fighters, only advisors). The poor guy had already been through WWII & Korea.

Someboy mentioned that he won't have to pay income tax (at least until he gets back). I think that's true, also look into something called the 'Soldier's and Sailor's Debt Releif Act'....he won't have to make payments on certain debts as long as he is serving in a combat zone. The debts don't go away, he just doesn't have to keep up the payments WHILE he is serving, and if I understand right they can't charge any late fees or reposseions or forclosures or stuff like that---if he hasn't already, have him check this out with an officer in charge of this kind of stuff, (maybe the Judge Advocate, I think is who he is suppossed to see). Don't feel bad or that you are 'cheating' to do this, the exact purpose of this law is to give some releif to the soldier's family, such as in your case, where you might not yet have enough experience to manage the ranch at a profit all by yourself or where the military pay is so much less than his normal civilin pay that the family is in danger of loosing their house etc.

Surigao Ken
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sorry, but it will be quite a little tim..., posted by The Walker on Feb 24, 2003



  Our prayers are with you both. I myself have not been called up as of yet, but I have my bags packed just in case. They have been cherry picking individual soldiers from my unit with critical MOS'S. I guess my number will come up when the scuds start flying. (I hope and pray not.)
   Take care and keep the home fires burning.

   SSG. Pearce


« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yes, good luck and God speed, posted by Surigao Ken on Feb 24, 2003

My MOS is 11-B1(P)... I have been out for all of 3 years and they haven't called me back :::knocking on wood:::

I wonder why the keep calling on the old vets... and making the bring their own weapons. I have served twice in combat in the last 15 years and still no call...

I am jealous.


« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to MOS..., posted by Kreeger on Feb 25, 2003

Call up all the old vet's,,let them feel good kicking Sadamn's arse,,plus you can't feed us a line of B.S. like some tex-a-can's.  Create a mythical story and give us some sheet!
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to MOS..., posted by Kreeger on Feb 25, 2003

 Hey just have to know the right people!
If the State Department owes you BIG, you might get your own war!
Dave H
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to MOS..., posted by Kreeger on Feb 25, 2003

Hi Joe,

But you let yourself go man! Just look at your photo on Jeff's site. You look like one of those hippy pinko protesters. You should have been keeping your head shaved to the skin with your combat knife son. Now go shave your head and I will put in a good word for you! ;o)))))))

I don't know but I've been told,
That man Kreeger's mighty bold,
Keeps his nuts in his hand,
Don't let um go to kill a man

Saddam's going to run in fright
When he sees Kreeger's come to fight
Then Joe's going to cut him up
And drink his blood in a cup

When Kreeger comes back to post,
He will have the right to boast,
Killed Saddam with just one hand,
Cut off his balls and had them canned...

Sgt. Dave H.

« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I hate to say this..., posted by Dave H on Feb 25, 2003

Hey Dave,

Nice cadence... Yeah, I had to let the hair grow for the job but I wish I could cut it all off again and get away with it. Man, I miss those $3.00 "high-and-tights"!

« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I hate to say this..., posted by Dave H on Feb 25, 2003

Send me!  I'm not much of a sniper and knives scare me, but I'm a heck of a tunnel rat.  Just have Ray take me up the Tigris in a PBR and I'll find Saddam's bunker!

Jim "six shades of green, man" bo

« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I hate to say this..., posted by Dave H on Feb 25, 2003

I thought you were sgt pepper lonely hearts for marife daveh???


« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sorry, but it will be quite a little tim..., posted by The Walker on Feb 24, 2003

Gee, that’s terrible VICKY!

Now you’ve got me worried. I thought retired military were always the very last to be called up in a national emergency. I think you're right, this must be something VERY important coming up. Maybe I better start packing my sea bag.

I don’t know what to do because my damn uniforms don’t fit any more and the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Thrift Shop doesn’t have my size either. Do you know if Don got a full clothing allowance or did he have to pay for his own uniforms? I figure it will cost me at least $600 to buy all new stuff. Why did Don have to bring his own gun with him? I knew the government is running in the red, but I think they should at least find a way to buy us guns and ammo when they recall us and send us off to war. I don’t know if I can afford this crap.

One good thing about Don going overseas is that he won’t have to file or pay his income taxes for this year until well after he returns Stateside, so that’s one thing you won’t have to worry about. Also, I kinda think that the congress will pass a bill making all combat zone pay tax exempt, so that will help a little.

I sure hope they don’t send me to Kuwait! I think I’d rather take my chances in Jolo. Tell Don to make sure he keeps us posted from the war zone. It would be real nice to get some first-hand reports from the troops instead of having to listen to that friggin’ idiot Dan Rather on the evening news every night.

I do agree with Don though that it's better to go kick Saddam's ass now than to wait until he sends some of his crap over here with the Abu brothers. I just hope they get it over with soon.

Cheer up VICKY, I’m sure Don will come home safe. This war shouldn’t take more than a couple of weeks according to the so-called experts. Just try to relax and keep smiling and it will be over before you know it. Keep us posted, O.K.?

OBTW, who gets to milk the bull while Don is away? :-)


The Walker
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yikes!, posted by Ray on Feb 24, 2003

He just called me for an hour from Fort Mead Maryland. He was getting some kind of briefing today but he could not say what of course. He says he will be on the airplane tomorrow night and will try to call me before he leaves.

He took his very special rifle I think he got it from the military or had it made to military standards. He will not be issued a regular rifle if he can help it as this one is very special. It shoots the same bullets as the military rifle but it is much more accurate. It sort of looks like the regular rifle but is has extra parts on the inside to "tighten it up" as he says and it has a very rugged telescope on it and some extra parts on the outside. I am sorry but I know little of guns myself. Don always said that it is better to shoot the other man before he can even see you and he can shoot someone very far away with this gun. He also took his own pistol which is just exactly like the military pistols I think he got it from the same company and uses the same ammunition because he says a man shoots better with weapons he has had for a long time. His two knives are very different. One is a long knife and sharp on both sides. The other is shorter and fits around his neck or in his boot but is also sharp on both sides. He calls it a "just in case" knife. Both of them are very sharp. He gets away with taking his personal things as he always has I guess it is tradition. He still has all his uniforms but he got his new desert uniforms while on base for the alert exercise. He took three pairs of boots with him and no dress uniforms but plenty of socks and underwear and lots of disposable razors. I had to sew the new rank on his collar as he was promoted in Afghanistan. It is a black leaf that almost looks like a star but it is not a star. He used to be an enlisted man and a part time officer but was recalled as a real officer before and they had to make it permanent. He was issued all his other things he needed like canteens and helmet and things today.

I do not know what he is doing and I could not say if I did but he is doing some sort of supervision or coordination of something that must be very important but even if he told me which he never does I would not understand it I am sure.

Oh yes we do have to file our taxes! I had to work with the accountant last year when he was in Afghanistan. The farm is incorporated and it must file taxes. He can defer his personal income tax but we always do it and I hold his power of attorney anyhow. I just sign where the accountant says to sign. The tax people have never made a fuss over last year when I signed as the accountant attached a letter about Don being on active duty in Afghanistan and they never made a sound about it.

I will go now, thank you all for wishes and for those who will give wishes when I am too busy to write.


« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Yikes!, posted by The Walker on Feb 24, 2003


I didn’t know Don was a mustanger. Oh well, I guess not everybody is perfect (LOL).

Hey, that long knife of his sounds nasty. Would that be sort of like the one Rambo uses? I hear you can really gut somebody in a hurry with one of those. I sure hope he doesn’t have to use it over there! And that special rifle of his, sounds like he is a …(Shhhhhhhh!) sniper? Maybe he’ll get lucky and get a shot at Saddam.

Be sure and tell Don to keep his head down. We’ll be looking forward to his sea stories when he gets back.


The Walker
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Yikes!, posted by Ray on Feb 25, 2003

So THAT is what a mustang means! A former enlisted man made officer? I never understood that when Don said he was a mustang I thought he meant something else Smiley

Have you seen Under Seige the first one on the battleship? Remember the knife that Steven Segal used to fight Tommy Jones at the end? It looks like that but I could swear it had a baby food name on it. Gerber. But I was probably mistaken as I tried not to think about how he has used it in the past but the name was funny and sort of stuck with me. The smaller knife looks just like it but it is only a fourth the size of the big one but still has the sawtooth edges on part of it just like the big one. He used to take a Swiss knife with him but he switched to one of those folding multiple tools with knife and pliers and everything on it he said it was more useful and less dainty.

Don't worry I told him not only to keep his head down but everything down preferrably in a cement shelter a hundred feet underground.


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