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Author Topic: To address Matt's confusion.  (Read 10805 times)
« on: December 09, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

Well, it seems things have cooled down a bit, and we are through with name calling and flames for a while, so I will attempt to address Matt's questions re my actions in the order he presented them.

#1 Nanette and the cell phone. Nanette was not a 'special penpal' as you put it. I met her on one occasion, and bought lunch for her and dinner for her and her family. I also took her to a movie. After that, I had no contact with her for two years until after my breakup with Myrna. At that time she immediatelky asked me for the cell phone. The reason I gave her the money which she spent on the phone was in fact to test her honesty, because I strongly suspected she was lying to me. She was.  She DID call and text me on several occasions afterward, but I was not having it. In the end I sent her a nice letter explaining everything in detail, and I have heard nothing from her since. (Not that I expected to) (Could this be the 'filipina pride' you refered to?)

Furthermore, the only person drunk at any time we were together was her father, who got plastered at my expense every time I was there.

#2 NO, I have no interest in Febtember, I respect her because I feel she is honest and sincere, whether I agree with her beliefs is irrelevant. I didn't like seeing her get the axe for stating her beliefs honestly. At least I believe she PRACTICES them.

#3 Religion, to me doesn't matter. I don't care what religion they are, what bothers me is the double standard. In any religion, how can they be 'God fearing' if they sin on a regular basis or as a way of life? Perhaps god fearing to them means they have reason to fear? Religion doesn't make anyone a better person. It's what is in the soul that matters. I DO have some beliefs, it just doesn't happen to be in a religion.

#4 I seldom drink in the daytime, so 'lunch with Larry' was a sober affair. Almost all of the girls that went on these lunches did indeed call me afterward.

#5 Loser, maybe, but I am not a punk. The chances are very high I could rip you apart in less than 60 seconds if I chose to do so. I spent nearly 10 years in the martial arts, and at 180 lbs I can bench press 250. I passed the forest fire fighters physical last summer which requires a person to carry 40 lbs for 3 miles through mountain trails in 45 minutes. I did so in 95 degree heat. Could you do it?

#6 I am not playing victim. I am simply stating observations and how I came to the conclusions I have reached. If it sounds to some that I am rehashing old stuff, it is not because I am crying in my beer, but rather I am trying to present a clear picture to those that are new here. I am not depressed nor even upset anymore with the way things have turned out. In fact, I am positive they turned out for the best excluding a few things. My intention with the post leading to all this was to gain positive, objective input from others and gain others views. I had hopes that maybe some of us could learn something out of all of this. I think possibly I succeeded. Everyone but you and Ray replied objectively. There was some very good posts. Obviously most everyone else is more mature than you two are.

#8 High road? You may have finally tried to take the high road, but it was pretty late in the game. For the most part I ignored your insults and attacks all along.

#9 You shouldn't gloat about what you've got if you don't want it to be attacked, expecially if you have just done your best to insult someone. I don't suppose you showed your wife how she came to be in this string? Again, my opologies to her for my part.

Peace out. (As you would say)


The Walker
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to To address Matt's confusion., posted by shadow on Dec 9, 2002

#5 Loser, maybe, but I am not a punk. The chances are very high I could rip you apart in less than 60 seconds if I chose to do so. I spent nearly 10 years in the martial arts, and at 180 lbs I can bench press 250. I passed the forest fire fighters physical last summer which requires a person to carry 40 lbs for 3 miles through mountain trails in 45 minutes. I did so in 95 degree heat. Could you do it?

Wuss. ;-)

Better be careful passing our wolf cookies like that. Let's do a pecker check:

1. 30 years in various Special Forces.

2. 3d degree black belt in Jiu-Jitsu, plus a lot of stuff we learned (called Kill-Quick) not in regular lessons.

3. Battle experience in hand-to-hand, very good with a knife or bare hands (I'm still here, ain't I?).

4. Do three sets at 250 three days a week, plus other exercises (except during calving season).

5. Weigh 185, 5'10" tall.

6. Carried 80 pound field transport battle pack all over earth at one time or another, all terrains, in heat and humidity of Vietnam to the mountains of Afghanistan, from sub-freezing to 120 degrees plus. Through rain, snow, sleet, hail, and mortar fire. Plus flack jacket, helmet, boots, weapons, ammo and web gear.

AR-AR-AR!!! Who wants some!?

;-) Don ;-)

« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to AR-AR-AR! (grunts like Tim Allen)  ;-), posted by The Walker on Dec 11, 2002

This is my Stats

1)6.6 275lbs of muscle

2)Bench 400lbs with one arm , while im eating a sandwich
and changing channels on the remote with the other Arm.

3)50 years Navy Seal,Green Beret, Combat trained in all specialties, including underwater conversation with filipinas, while juggling.

4)22nd Degree black belt in Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, and

Any Takers?

Happy Holidays to one and All

Dave H
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to AR-AR-AR! (grunts like Tim Allen)  ;-), posted by The Walker on Dec 11, 2002

Hi Don,

Just messing with you! ;o)))

Don't tell Vicky that it's 81 degrees and partly cloudy in Ft. Lauderdale, Key Largo and Key West are both cloudy with 79 and 75 degrees respectively.

Dave H.

« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I've Got You Beat!!! ARRR-ARRR-ARRR!!!, posted by Dave H on Dec 11, 2002

« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to AR-AR-AR! (grunts like Tim Allen)  ;-), posted by The Walker on Dec 11, 2002

I only do blowhards.  



« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to To address Matt's confusion., posted by shadow on Dec 9, 2002

My Goooooodness, you bench 250 pounds, 10 years Martial arts?Huh? What does that suppose to mean??? I myself has over 15 years of experience in Boxing, Karate, Judo..and a Body Builder nut..All this is personal satisfication, it means nothing when it comes to fighting. What make you think the Guy is going to fight fair and square??? Most Guys now days use Guns to settle fights. King Colt made all Men and Women equal. Btw, I never owned a fire arm, best defense is to live in Peace with all men, avoid being around People that may cause Plms. God Bless
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to To address Matt's confusion., posted by shadow on Dec 9, 2002

1)Any penpal feels special.You didn't pick her.You don't seem to be in touch with anybodys feeling but your own.Your original posts said you were upset cuz even when she got the phone she didn't call.

2)Never said you did.

3)I could care less what your religious beliefs are or are not.Your pretty judgemental for a guy who has sinned also.

4)Lunch with Larry seemed a painful affair.I believe besides your "chump change" test you grilled these girls pretty good.Asked them all sorts of questions and even had one or two crying acording to your old posts.You had bitterness in your heart and they were gonna fail your test.

5)Gee.That ten years in the martial arts.Was that twenty years ago?You say you are 180 lbs?You didn't mention how tall you are.Is that 5'7?I have seen your picture.You're a little heavy,dude.I am not worried that you threaten me.I hope we meet in the RP someday.If I am there when you are then you can count on it.Punk.Maybe I will pay the cops 100.00 to throw your azz in jail with the homos.Just for grins:)

6)You do play victim,Larry.You want to share your stupid mistakes with the newbies to protect them from grief?I seriously doubt anyone would be foolish enough to ingnore the red BANNERS that were flying in your face.Your story is one for the ages because you were so blind.Cultural differences?Hardly.Foolish Kano.

7)There is no 7

8)You didn't ignore my attacks Larry.You just made low class responses to Joy.I was waiting for you to come back with responses like in this post.Attack me.Disagree with me.Thats fine.You seem like you are the one who has calmed down.I will show her this post and especially the last sentence.She might pity you but I'm sure she has no hard feelings.She is just that way.

9)"I got what you want".That really got you,huh?.Actually, for that statement I will apologize.Sorry.I am Blessed so it really would be a sin to gloat.I mean it.Sorry.

That original post you made was a rehash of two years ago.I am sure you have moved on from those days so I will not comment on that trip anymore.I will call you on anything that I think is BS in the future.If I don't agree with your oopinion I will post it.I will expect your responses to be directed to me in the future.That is the way a discussion board works.

Peace Out,

tito Matt

« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to To address Matt's confusion., posted by shadow on Dec 9, 2002

You're nothing but a fake!
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