... in response to Re: Re: Well, uh..., posted by Bear on Aug 20, 2002I do not think it is too much to do with what you eat. True the spices are a little different, but flour is flour and potatoes are (is?) potatoes and fish is fish. Unless she is feeding you baluts ha-ha. The different spices should not make that much of a difference especially if you still also eat American foods. Filippine diet does not differ that much in ingredients from American. Just in style and spice. Unless she is feeding you too much of one thing, such as cabbage. Too much cabbage can influence your general body odor, as can too mahny fermented dishes. A normal varied Filippine diet should have no effect on you unless you are sensitive to a certain spice or ingredient.
Native Vietnamese and Korean cooking will definately change your body odor because of the way they prepare many of their dishes. Mukman or kimchee can change your religion. Don will eat "winter" kimchee which he sometimes makes himself but I do not like it and since it does affect his body odor and he does not eat it much for that reason.