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Author Topic: Medical Exams in Kiev for K1  (Read 98609 times)
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Sigh....n/t, posted by geh on Sep 10, 2005

You wrote:  "I have been to court so many times that my lawyer advised me to dismiss him because I had learned and gained so much legal experience that I didn't need him anymore."  

Yeah, right.  Here's a little secret:  Lawyers often fire clients that think they know so much about the law, that they start doing their own "research" and actually begin to interfere in their own case and become a nuisance to the lawyer.  Even with your self described new expertise in the law, you write "I think I have been screwed in every possible legal position possible in custody and support."  And now you THINK you know how to write an iron clad prenup? don't.  The only true "iron clad prenup" is the one that never gets challenged in court.  Sounds like you need to let your lawyer do his job and you should keep working at your own you can pay the high legal fees. Smiley

« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Sigh....n/t, posted by geh on Sep 10, 2005

For what it's worth,I remember a dinner conversation with my college age daughter living with me at the time over 5 years ago and just before I was planning to do a month-long trip to central-Asia former part of Russia to meet a lady that I was writing from a computer acquaintance...

In that conversation I had presented my daughter a living will I had prepared by my atty.and explained to her my motive for my upcoming  trip/vacation.I viewed it at the time as a much needed vacation and oppertunity to meet someone at the same time I was feeling was a good possibility I might have a future with.I left any major decisions and thoughts for "after" we had met and after I arrived back home to proces my thoughts.I WM and ended up V1.

I worried a little for my safety because I was headed to the boonies and didn't know anyone who specificly had been there before so I felt the will was something I should have had in order anyway but I remember telling my daughter that night as we sat,ate and talked about relationships that although she had seen me dating several different American ladies through the years that I never settled with any because I never felt any of them would've made a good lifelong companion for me and that my emotions were simply giving me a hunch that my destiny was calling me and I simply needed to fill the prescribtion by taking this vacation and meeting this lady I was corresponding with.

Well,over 5 years later...I'm still married to this lady I went to meet,have a wonderful son from the marraige and get along as well as can be expected in any relationship.
To me,the good companionship hunch was filled but "all the other things"...and there are many in a relationship,they all seem to find their own way of working out despite how we try to plan them most times.

There have been obsticles and there have been smooth transitions.It's life!
Bottom line...If noone ever had a desire to not be alone then we would still be alone.It don't matter where someone comes from or what is their color or nationality...

It's what the 2 of you do once you meet that determines the outcome...I've had moments I wanted to pull my hair out and I have moments I feel the wife is the best thing that ever happened to me.It all equals out...
It all depends on the individuals...So far,we've both managed to fill each other's voids...maybe it why many choose to not be alone throughout life.There is nothing wrong with a motive like that...

« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Geeeezzzz..., posted by RickM on Sep 11, 2005

Thank you for the words of wisdom and the success story.
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Sigh....n/t, posted by geh on Sep 10, 2005

[This message has been edited by LP]

...I stink using one word replies. My forte is the long rambling insult. I wish I could be as eloquent and perceptive as Charles (and by gosh, he's not even a physicist) but since you're too brilliant to listen to him I'll simply spank you and be done with it.

You're just another MOB chump who can't see the forest for the trees. I'm no longer surprised by anything guys like you do. Not how they allow their emotions to overule their intellect, not how irrational they become, not even how they're so clueless they'll actually broadcast their desperation to the world, something that used to astound me no end.

So you've fallen in love with a disembodied voice, letters, and a few photos. Optimist isn't the word I'd use. She even called you once? Imagine that, who woulda thunk physicists could operate telephones? And what does being one have to do with anything relating to women or marriage anyway? Who do you think you are, Bill Murray in Ghostbusters? Lol, "Back off man, I'm a scientist!". From where I sit it's a liability because every physicist I know is about as screwy as people come. Thye aren't exactly known for being the brightest of the bunch in ways that really matter. The only orbital compression you have is with your vision, it prevents you from seeing the world and yourself as they really are.

And why do you have to keep pointing out you're not an idiot? Is a connection to nuclear weapons the best you can do? Yeah, what a contribution. And amateur historian is right. If you'd bothered to study the end of WWII you'd know Japan was more than ready to call it quits. We'd already caused more death and destruction by firebombing other cities than the two nukes combined. They were ready and willing to give up as long as we left their Emperor installed, something we steadfastly refused to do but then capitulated to almost immediately after they surrendered. The fact is had we done what they asked (and what we did in the end) the invasion of Japan would've never occured. We wouldn't have had to extract our ton of flesh by vaporizing two cities, exposed the world to the specter of nuclear annihilation it still lives under today, or began a decades long escalating arms race/cold war that nearly brought us to that point. Not an idiot? I'm curious, how much of not being an idiot does one have to be to live in the middle of nowhere while practicing a life and profession that leaves one poor, lonely, bitter, and shortsighted?

So you've had a lot of crap in your life. Big deal. I wonder whose fault it was? Must have been the witch's huh? No wonder you can smell it a mile away. Well, in the immortal words of Curly Howard: "Nuk, nuk...good thing you can't smell it any closer". Frankly you exhibit all the signs of a classic MOB loser, someone who shifts the blame for his screw ups to others while thinking marriage to a foreign woman is the sliver bullet that'll solve all his problems. I know your type: every day you're forced to add another name to the list of people who piss you off. And to think there are multitudes like you out there. It boggles the mind.

It's abundantly clear you must be one lonely hombre but in the end I don't care what you do. I don't care what you are, where you live, what she does, how old she is, or even if she's a Nerdette  but so ugly you have to look at her through a cardboard box with a pinhole in it. To me you're just another desperado who had to go abroad because the local tomatoes weren't interested. Not much of a history buff either, you've forgotten those who ignore it are doomed to a repeat performance.

Btw Einstein, I've never been taken for a ride. Never been dragged through the courts, never lost a penny, and never needed a prenup. I'm just a lowly bus driver living a halfway decent life in my glass house (which allows a clear view of the outside world) with a good woman. Some of us aren't so desperate that we fall in love with people we haven't met, need to marry after one visit abroad, or even marry at all. Not to mention I've forgotten more about FSU women than you'll ever know. Put all that in your cyclotron and smoke it...

« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ah well..., posted by LP on Sep 10, 2005

« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ah well..., posted by LP on Sep 10, 2005

I must be talking with Dan Rather.

Anti-war, but willing to pick a fight quicker than Atilla  the Hun.

Willing to re-write history (from an un-named source which is usually himself) just to get attention & feel important.

Legend in their own mind.

Got nothing better to do on a Saturday night other than ripping into someone you do not even know.  Obviously there is not happiness in your love life.

If you wanted some entertainment, you missed a great battle in Columbus (Ohio State v U of Texas) or you missed two great fights on HBO (where a legend was beaten into retirement) or you could have used your right hand!

« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Ah well..., posted by geh on Sep 11, 2005, whatever you say.

Funny you should mention last night though. If you only knew but telling would cost me more than you're worth. I'll bet if the situation were reversed you'd be spilling it to anyone who'd listen, which is why my breakfast is being made as I type this and it'll be an Egg McMuffin for you...again. You can huff and puff all you want but you're easily trumped: living well really IS the best revenge.

Have a nice life, at least what's left of it. As we say in my biz: Buh-bye!

« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok Gene-ius......, posted by LP on Sep 11, 2005

To me it appears that you have intelligence and some wisdom to offer based on how you write.  I apologize for my rant.  I get defensive when I am referred to as being theoretical (whether it be in Physics or women) rather than practical.  I am looking for help and not destructive criticism -- I should not give it out either -- I was wrong.

I think the problem here is that I cannot write all the details of what happened with my ex-wife, what is happening with my life now (and in the past), and what is happening with my lady friend in Kharkov -- by the way she is not mail ordered (I finally figured out what MOB stands for).  Neither can I write what is going on in my head, my heart, and my soul.  And, I think that we can both agree that you don't know much about me to make some of the assessments that you have.  In order to dish out any criticism (whether constructive or destructive), one must know more about the particulars -- whether that be you and your wife or me and my lady friend or anybody and their lady.

We can disagree on the merits of dropping the bomb on Japan. Scholars have been arguing that point for many years.  However, we could agree not to be disagreeable.  Whether that be with regards to bombs or bombshells.

Look, the bottom line is, I have free tickets on airlines and stays in hotels from all the travel that I did in the 1990's.  I want to travel to the Ukraine (which I could not do before due to my DOD clearance status) and have a great 12 days.  For me, it will be a very, very inexpensive vacation.  I have found (through a third party -- my friends Alex and Tanya live down the street from me and immigrated from the Ukraine) a really beautiful 33 year old, 5'8", 128 lb, blonde haired, and green eyed woman who is intelligent, sincere, and very interested in me.  We have written over 200 times by email and talked over 20 times on the phone -- I am interested in her.  I want to meet her and figure out whether there is common chemistry and physics.  I just hope that I have enough brain cells left after the action to make common sense decisions.  But, in the worse case scenerio, I ask her to marry me -- the world for me will not come to an end and neither will I be put into a box that I cannot get out of.  I can still come back to the states and assess matters in the comfort of my living and words of this forum.  Keep in mind that the best plans always change the minute the battle starts and can then change with every skirmish in the battle.  I just hope that if I fall into the depths of making decisions that are not logical -- someone will be there to offer some wisdom with the proper constraint and understanding.  If you can do that I would be appreciative.  If you cannot, then maybe it would be best if we did not get off on another rant again.  I would like to use the other insights and wisdom that are available in this forum.  And, this request applies to anyone else who responds to my postings.  I recognize that in this game of women from the former USSR their are few successes and many failures.  I just hope my failures do not have large consequences and I pray that I shall be successful with much happiness -- I know the odds or 4:1 against success.  


« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I Offer a Truce -- For All to See, posted by geh on Sep 12, 2005

...Truce not needed. These spats break out on occasion. After all, we're dealing with the Power Of The Bush. I seldom bash beyond a post or two and don't hold grudges. Besides it's just an internet forum, it's jackassery to get wound up over what some yahoos write on it.

It's true I don't know much about you but I know a lot about the kind of people who get into this on both sides of the equation. As will you once  you've been around it as long as I've been. And yes, I know we're all individuals...just like every one else. Understand? But I'm intolerant of those who stagger around MOB (a catch all term we use to describe any aspect of this endeavor) like drunken baboons while giving the rest of us a black eye. Whether you're one or not isn't the real point because their numbers are multiplying daily. This business draws them like flies. The stories some friends in immigration have told me would make your hair stand on end. Not to mention what I've heard from my contacts in Ukraine.

That said, I feel most of us have a responsibility to police the losers (even if it seems like shoveling shit against the tide) as best we can before they ruin it for those like you who may (we'll see) be under control. It's not an irrational fear. There are several groups actively working to change non-immigrant visa policies in the US because of the whackos who flock to MOB. I suggest you read europete's post above. If you have any common sense remaining you may wish to closely examine what you're about to jump into. It's not gonna be easy. It's not gonna be cheap. It has the potential to be one of the most emotionally exhausting things you've ever done. Did I mention it's not gonna be easy or cheap?

Don't get me wrong, some of these women can be Heaven at times. Others times? Be very afraid. Even the good ones are loose cannons. Such is the price to be paid for femininity. And until you've sat in a tiny kitchen and watched one in a miniskirt and heels clean and gut the fish she just pulled out of a river you won't understand just how much of an enigma that femininity can be. I'm shaking my head in amazement at the photo as I write this.

Anyway, I'll not ignore your eloquent request to begin anew even if it wasn't required. You exhibit a balance of grit, sensitivity and, most importantly, a self awareness that maybe, just maybe, will serve you well in this crazy business. It's the single greatest weapon you have against  the Power and you should've demonstrated it from the start. In light of that I'll strive to keep your "newness" in mind as long as you remember I'm a battle scarred veteran of this board and the MOB scene in general.

Btw, no one needs to know the details of your life or past "mistakes". In fact I suggest you keep your past, as well as your present and future, close to home. I do. As long as an individual can be objective about his or her situation they'll do OK. Most find that to be a very tall order however. In your case I suggest you remember one thing: The witch was the most wonderful creature in the world the day you married her.

Like you I travel on the cheap so I've spent years running around Ukraine (no longer called "The" Ukraine btw). While most of these guys are/were on a mission to marry I wasn't (same with Globetrotter although he's far more tolerant of drunken baboons). As such I know a lot about these women through sheer exposure. The overly romantic (the hole in the soul types) here often don't agree with what I say but everything is based on extensive experience, sheer numbers, and objective observation. Not to mention I have dozens of female friends in the FSU, former "participants" with whom I remain in contact with. They were very candid about themselves and their MOB sisters when my ball was no longer in play. Conclusions? Again, be afraid.

There are others here with experience of different flavors. Dan and KenC are always worth listening to when it comes to the "after effects" of marriage, as is (dare I say it) MarkinTX, when he posts. One downside is all are reflecting on their experiences with one woman: theirs, not yours. But their observations still have merit because one can't easily remove the culture from a real FSU gal. Course, you must take their objectivity about their wives with a grain of salt, especially Mark's. He's as whipped as they come but sometimes I wonder if we should all be so dumb and happy. If nothing else he's a reminder of the very fine line between love and codependency.

Ray is the guy for immigration matters. Streetwise is a level-headed bloke (lol, when he's not writing poetry) and worth a listen, as is Charles, RickM, Bobby Orr, Philb and a few others. Then there's Jack, who runs an agency and is, well, Jack. Haven't heard from him lately though. And Patrick, who doesn't say or interfere much (as any proper God would) but who never has his finger far from the button. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Travis and Frank, whose lives pretty much exist solely to serve as a warning to others Wink.

It's up to you to decide whom to beleive. In the end we're all just pissin' in the wind and no one gets out alive. I know, a bit long winded. It's a curse. Anyway, your apology is accepted and mine tendered in return.

« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I Offer a Truce -- For All to See, posted by geh on Sep 12, 2005

Just know the game before you get into it.  That's all anyone was trying to tell you.  Your chances of success are probably more like 50/50, just like here.  You should know the lay of the land, such as: younger women just may "trade up" once here ie, someone from Eastern Europe that they have more in common with than with you, someone younger or wealthier.  Your friends Alex and Tanya may even have someone in mind for her, but simply need you to bring her here!  (It's also been rumored to be very dangerous if your new squeeze has someone from their home country to show them the ropes.)  Know that since the last disputed presidential election, the cabinet has been dismissed, and that Ukraine now has European prices for goods with Eastern European things are tougher now than before.  

You can become engaged for a year or more while you make several more trips there to get to know her better, similar to what you would do here if you met someone you liked.

Budapest is an inexpensive place to meet.  So is Turkey.

You will piss people off if you tell them you know what you're doing because you are a physicist...which again has nothing to do with the game (a dangerous game) you're now playing.  When you come across as a "know-it-all" you will be burned.

Lastly, unless you have a very good income, I wouldn't even start.

And again, nobody here wants you to fail.

« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I Offer a Truce -- For All to See, posted by Globetrotter on Sep 12, 2005

You are right.

I spoke about pride (a few weeks ago) with this lady that I am intested in.  She had good words that for the most part I agree with.  In any case, it somewhat applies here:

"A PROUD man believes he has only one equal and that one equal is GOD.  He thinks he knows all and shall eventually become the scorn of all around him."

I shall be more humble.

« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I Offer a Truce -- For All to See, posted by Globetrotter on Sep 12, 2005

[This message has been edited by LP]

...Good post. Short. Coherent. Accurate.

Hey, I'm a know it all. How come I don't get burned? Wink

Now I almost feel bad I jumped on him. I should've cut him slack and left it at the "sigh" until he coughed up more. The squeeze is always saying I'm "self-dog housing", whatever that means. When I figure it out I'll know even more Wink

The other guy (FT) is still a loser though...

« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not bad...., posted by LP on Sep 13, 2005

...Told you Globe. Hook line and sinker. Pay up Wink
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Lol...., posted by LP on Sep 13, 2005

I see you are having a hard time standing alone now. Enlisting help? You need it. LOL The jokes on you and I am embarrassed for you. Still have'nt looked at yourself apparently? You CAN change. Credibility takes years to develop and moments to destroy.  Now it is 6 posts you have spent on me.
Your Buddy
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not bad...., posted by LP on Sep 13, 2005

... nice doctor Jeckel and Mr Hyde imitation and thank you for thinking of me at the end of your post.  I see I hurt you and I am sorry for that. How does it feel to be on the other end of a rambling insult?  Now go ahead and tell us how you were not hurt, thats why you have spent portions of 5 posts on it.  Did you ever think you had something to re-learn in this life? Think about it before you jump someone without having a clue.

"Quick to JUDGE, Quick to ANGER, Slow to understand Ignorance and prejudice And FEAR walk hand in hand."

Your buddy

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