... in response to End of visa for US citizens visiting Ukr..., posted by Philb on Apr 7, 2005[This message has been edited by LP]
...This is actually big news in Ukraine but I wouldn't get too worked up over it.
As mentioned, the US (and other countries) set visa requirments and fees based on reciprocity. The odds of the US altering it's stance towards non-immigrant entry for even a small segemnt of the UA population is unlikely. In fact we are in the process of toughening it for countries like Canada, ect. The border is being squeezed shut on all sides these days and the trend will continue. I say good...it's about time.
And even though King Geroge told Yush there were no hard feelings about him pulling his troops out of Iwhack you can bet he'll be spank in some way. It's the nature of the beast. Not to mention the much needed revenue stream UA would lose if they changed anything. Hopeful? Sure, but I wouldn't get too excited just yet. I'm sure Yush knows if he does anything the odds are UA will be on the losing end of the deal.
On a positive travel note the well known Aerosvit run outta JFK to Kyiv will be increased to 5 times per week begining mid May. Again, I say good...the non-revs were getting tired of duking it out with the paying for available seats.