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Author Topic: MOB is exploitation...  (Read 35892 times)
« on: December 03, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

Exploit = 1. to make productive use of; 2. to make use of meanly or unjustly for one's own advantage. (Merriam-Webster)

They usually refer to the second definition.

Let's face it: MOB is exploitation. But so is the business of lawyers, doctors, contractors, police, politicians, ministers, and you-name-it. They all exploit someone else's misery and fear. Your doctor may tell you to be healthy. But if you are really healthy, you don't need a doctor. Police scorns the crime. But if there is no crime, they are the first to go. I can't find one business which won't exploit. Every creature exploits, from virus to human. Survival itself is exploitation and its process is called "evolution."

Those who exploit to the highest degree are the most respected in our society. Doctors and lawyers are good examples. The best exploiter in the world is Bill Gates.

Now feel better? Exploit heck out of FSU ladies. Oh, I am sorry. I forgot the first definition: to make productive use of, if you feel better that way.

PS: By the way I have been doing fine so far. I don't know what will happen next week, though.

« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to MOB is exploitation..., posted by romachko on Dec 3, 2004

This is true-with anything in this world,anything to make a so-called Buck and to do it with any type of bad intentions is Exploitation.Look the Boxing game has been Known to do this.The tennis game is starting to explore the Fsu in the great talent of riseing superstars.Sports in gen are a breeding ground of sinster people out there to exploit great sports stars.
Mob-can and will be exploitation to a certain degree
C'mon get a whole bunch of sterotypes sell them on HOT
make Your wang bigger girls,You can obtain them idear
have some Obtain them and be happy,show that as a tool
Use the HOT looking one's as bait and get more sterotypes=Make lots of $$ for owners and such

Major div 1-a schools use this exploation every year in recruiting.Have the hottest girl on campus take the star sports kid out for diner,meals and such and then try sex on him to come to that school.

There are some scum and some good people out there
But with anything when the country is in dire staits
people will do anything to survive.Its basic undertsanding

The funny thing about this whole MOb game is,some advice i was told meet many girls,take them out get to know them
Blah,blah,blah and when I do it here in the states
Im chasied,yelled out,Told i was moral corrupt when in all reailty isnt that the same as what You're all doing In fsu
whats good For the goose i assume isnt good for the ganter here in the good ole usa when We do it to am girls

« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to MOB is exploitation..., posted by romachko on Dec 3, 2004

I have to say Romacho-I agree with you 150% That Thinking is "playa"! Which in the world of all woman,Universal speaking it works.I get your point loud and clear! Thats a True "pimp" way of thinking! I have to seriouslly question
why You doing the whole "mob" way.when with confidence and self Boasting You can do anything You want! I have to say to all the men whom bashed and got annoyed by this man's
post,is what he say's is true.LOok The weak fail,In the wild the animals kill the meak and weak.We cant cause of Nature and were civil enough to know thats a wrong thing
It is i agree.I must add HE makes loads of sense.C'mon in all reality ever since someone came Out with MOb there has been so much explotation its not funny! Thats the way of the bussiness,the nature of the beast so to speak.
Untill the some whom still want to Venture out and get a Hot looking wife.TO keep her is to act like your doooty dont stink.
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: MOB is exploitation..., posted by Gmen99 on Dec 4, 2004

'Cause it's an easy way out.

Do I sound a confident man? H... No. Neither am I a womanizer, who had had only five women before MOB.

Without MOB how many women can you get to know? You are restricted to your locals. Suppose that you live in a city with a population of 200,000. About 100,000 (one half) are female. After eliminating kids, babushka and married women, less than 20,000 are in maritable (?) category. But some of them have no desire to marry or lesbo or something. Those who are seriously looking for a husband will be about 10,000, at the most. You can actually see (not meet) 1000 of them at best. You can actually meet and talk with 100 of them, if you are lucky. Some of them are looking for a man who is rich like Bill Gates or muscular like California governor or generous like Santa Clause, or all of the above. I don't believe that you are in that category because, if you were, you won't be reading my writing now. Your possible contact has now shrunk to about 50. I am talking only from the lady's point of view. You don't necessarily like all of them. You would probably eliminate at least 40% of them. So you have about 30 ladies. Remind you: this is your starting point. Many of them drop off or you drop them by one reason or another. Now take a look at MOB. AFA alone has a pool of 20,000 ladies. There are many others. Even though many are multiple-listed, there are easily more than 100,000, practically all of whom are looking for partners. Many of them post their wish list. So, you can avoid unnecessary conflict. There is a search engine. Have you ever heard of "search engine" for your locals? Even after eliminating many because of various reasons, you still have much larger pool than locals and those MOB ladies are in your desirable category:( Of course you have a lot of competition with other guys. But keep in mind: there are extremely few guys, who actually travel all the way to Russia or Ukraine. Many of them are all talk-no action type. So, your chance is not as bad as you might think.
In fact there are extremely few guys, who went there but decided to pursue locals only. Some of them have been visiting there for years.

Hey, after all, we live in the Internet age. Let's take a full advantage of it;)

« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to MOB is exploitation..., posted by romachko on Dec 3, 2004

The reality is that the
overwhelming majority of the
"exploitation", perhaps 85% to 95%
is the other way around, id est, FSUW
and "agencies" exploiting Western men
for financial gain.

On the other hand the vast majority of
Western men are sincere in their pursuit
for love, even if many if not most proceed
without caution or relevant information and knowlege,
and with naivete and gullibility.

Get your facts straight professor!

« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Exploitation Reality, posted by WmGo on Dec 4, 2004

WmGo,  how in the world can you state that the ..." the vast majority of western men are sincere in the pursuit of love"...Huh?  Thats is just ridiculous.  Just how in the world would you know?  Do you know them all???  Have you met them all and interviewed them all???  Ya got a ream of stats on that?  C'mon.  And don't forget there's all kinds of "love".  An' we gots all kindsa twisted folks with strange needful love needs.
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Exploitation Reality?Huh Huh?, posted by tim360z on Dec 4, 2004

[This message has been edited by WmGo]


You make a good point. No, obviously there is no study or statistic that anyone can point to. That is why I tried to temper my assessment with references to what *is* a more arguable reality with Western men - ignorance. Certainly, however, I am very confident in my assessment that the "exploitation" is way more about separating a man from his money than anything else. Yes there is no doubt, and I have seen it with my own two eyes, that there are men who are going after women way, way too young for them, and this is disgusting and no doubt exploitation. Many of these men who fall into this category though have been duped into believing that these *girls* have no problem with these 20+ year age differences. And then there are those who know better. And yes there are some strange characters involved, but again they are just chasing a dream they have been sold.

You have to realize that I have a lot of experience in FSU and with FSUW. I have dozens of permanent contacts there. I have been exposed to sufficient information and experiences from which to draw a valid conclusion. Obviously, the reality is that the majority of the "exploitation" is coming from one direction or the other. I stand on my long term, well studied, well experienced opinion that the overwhelming majority of the "exploitation" is on the part of FSUW and the FSU agencies. The "exploitation" is driven by good old fashioned desire for economic gain - whether leaving the country is included or not.

Regards Tim!


« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Huh?, posted by WmGo on Dec 5, 2004

I agree with that WmGo.  Many of the "agencies" do indulge in exploitation.  Some much more than others.  If some guy is going to believe alot of the agency propaganda he will be conned because of his weakness and inability to differentiate between reality and the thoughs swirling around in his mind.  

Show a conner a weakness and he/she will see it as a vulnurability and that vulnurability can easily be exploited.  Add a little stupidity to the equation and...

There are just alot of lonely guys who spend too much time on the internet. And alot of these guys are not a bunch of noble innocents either.  Two way street.  Ciao, GOD Bless, Tim

ps:  Economics is in everything.

« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Exploitation Reality?Huh Huh?, posted by tim360z on Dec 4, 2004

[This message has been edited by LP]

...Nah, whats the point? Theres no getting through to most of these types.
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to You got that right....., posted by LP on Dec 5, 2004

"Then you have guys who aren't bright enough to know being called entertaining isn't always a good thing (nice going Chief)"

Hey i laugh at you scowl remarks aimed at me,Cause as i see it I Moved on from here and found a inner peace in finding
whom i want! Yes MOb will always be here for me and you and anyone else that decides thats in there best interest
when ever someone bash's you you run to a corner,as a true pimp may say 'when all the buildings in Ny fall,big pimping still be standing tall" and which that being said
A true playa like myself will always see fit to out do you
In the aw way.Cause brotha I have to wonder why i left
the Mob game behind,cause of people like you,See how i see it as a former "lE" you just couldnt cut it in the real task force you had to bash people on BBs funny dude.
Look I could care less what you call me,and i agree with the poster.

« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: You got that right..... LOl, posted by Gmen99 on Dec 5, 2004

...Nice try. Inner peace? Local girl? The fact is I've been where you're at for a long time. In fact it's people like *you* that make me wonder why I even keep my hand in this.

Relax, I'm not gonna bash you in the future. You revealed enough during your last stint to make my slack list. For the same reasons as wsbill you'll get plenty because its obvious that to hassle you would be just plain wrong. Contrary to popular belief even I have some morals.

So big pimp away playa, enjoy it while it lasts...

« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Lol yourself...., posted by LP on Dec 5, 2004

You slack list-You just put me in Jovial kind of mood.
You're Not Going to bash me anymore is just plain wrong
Hey great want a medal?.? Im going Pimp away as much as i can Now and when Im seasoned in the game and all my oates have been sowed I will come back to the whole "mob" game.
I have found some Great secrets on how to Obtain a beauty of a girls maybe right now let me check my black book (6-7)
deep if i was a football team i would have a depth chart of 7.
when all 7 decide gmen99,isnt the "playa" then i will come back and be ready for the Mob game.Ohhh did i hit a soar spot "moral's" ohhh pooor baby want a Nice Girl to kiss it and make that BOOO Boo go away! hey to answer to people on here i learned doesnt get you anywhere,and You dont have to answer to a so called person on BBs whom starts drama,and we all know girls love drama,check your gender at the door,BUD!!
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