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Author Topic: I'm Out of the Game........................  (Read 49999 times)
« on: December 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

After 3 years chasing girls from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, I quit!

I was going to meet my Russian squeeze of 3 years, and countless visits in many countries including her own.  We were to meet in the Med on the 27th, and spend New Years together, and get to know each other even better....which already, I fealt was substantial.  I had told her that after many visits and 6 inches of emails, I was ready to pull the trigger, and she was thrilled.  Then we began discussing paperwork and what she should bring for my K1 filing when I returned, and I said I would need her to think about a prenup (marriage contract as they call it) and that I couldn't get married without one.  I spelled out that my house (that I had already  repurchased from my ex 12 years back, although she had paid nothing for it) would remain mine, and my business, cars, other assets.  She would be paid $5000 per year for every year we were together should the marriage fail.  I expected her to be happy.  Instead, I was told that my house should only remain in "my column" for one year, when, thereby, it should become "ours" so she wouldn't become "homeless" should things go wrong.  I said that her house in Russia, and her dacha would remain hers, that her daughter would live in, run, rent them, and I wasn't asking her to sell them and give me the cash, and she'd always have a home there, as well as here.  More arguments, accusations, claiming I only counted cash, and not love.  I said I was not 16 any more, and needed to seperate love from money.  She said she was in her mid 40's, had had one husband of 22 years, wasn't looking for a short term relationship/marriage, etc., etc.  Well, anyway, it has with her apologizing, saying she mis-understood, that her language skills had deserted her, ( her daughter is fluent) and she began backpedling, trying to fix the damage done.  Mind you, the assets are substantial, and she only found out when she asked last week...and I told her what things were, Ferrari, Porsche, Shelby, business, income per year, etc.  

I just wanted to tell my story's end, having been here for a while, and been a "participant" in the process 2 years before I ever knew this site existed.  I have been the most cautious, prudent student of the MOB process, and I was disappointed in the end.  

I will say it once more.  Look at the way things really are, as opposed to the way you would like them to be.  Look for character in another person.  (That's who you are, when no one is looking.)  Anyone can be fooled.  Trust your first your teachers told you....don't change your answers in a multiple choice test, as your first instincts were the ones to follow.  And...look at what "she" is able to do, then, what she is "likely" to do.  Actually, these are good rules to follow in life, in any situation!!!

What will I do now?  I have only met one American woman in 30 years who has "character" and I will chase her.  I'm back home, without the nightmarish paperwork to file, the encumberance of a 10 year liability should the Feds draw down on a failed relationship, even though I was willing to do so.   I feel free to build my plane, race my cars, spend my money foolishly if I choose, without being a counselor, priest, babysitter. has gotten a little simpler for me, and I'm happy for it.  

I may "pop in" from time to time.  There are 2 on this board who know me, who I would love to meet some day.  KingDante and our good friend/banned Mark, I would advise "to keep their powder dry"....all others I wish the best of luck.

All the Best, God Bless, and Good Hunting.

Your Very Own "Meadowlark Leamon."    

« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm Out of the Game........................, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 9, 2003

We can go round in circles forever trying to understand and justify the actions of the other party, especially if we don't want to believe what is apparent. After everything I have seen, my personal view is that anyone expecting to go into a marriage on the basis that they stand to make a profit financially from its demise, and who confirms this position by protesting at the prospect of not making (much) profit in that event, is a red flag.
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm Out of the Game........................, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 9, 2003

From what little I know of you, reading about you would lead me to advise you to look for ladies in the Scandanavian countries. You might find them to your liking.
Good luck in your future pursuits wherever they are.
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm Out of the Game........................, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 9, 2003

I am not going to argue with your reasons, but if I may I would like to reply with some thoughts from her point of view.

A Russian woman of her age (42) is looking for long term security....she is looking for someone to take care of her into old age. Russia is not going to do this for her, where the average pension is $50-$60 per month. If her children cannot support her then she will be just another babushka out peddling flowers at the Metro station. There will be nothing for her to return home to...the Russian economy is improving...but it appears only the "new" Russians are enjoying it, the elderly are pushed out of the job market when they become of pension age (after 15 years of work).
This woman also wants a better life for her children, I have yet to meet a young adult raised in the FSU, living here in USA that wants to return to Russia...not even for vacation. The opportunities are endless here for them, especially if they are smart kids (like my stepson) that easily climb up the career ladder a little faster and become successful.

I can understand her wanting to protect herself by asking for more money in case the marriage goes bad, believe me when I say that these women have "knowledge" of the lucrative divorce settlements given in this country....many of these women have support groups in place the day they step foot on U.S soil to advise them of all legal and lifestyle problems....on both sides of the globe.

I am not an authority on this subject, but I might add that as a condition of AOS, I had to sign a document that declared in the event my Russian wife of 2 years and I get a divorce...It was my responsibility for financial support of her for 10 years after AOS, in the amount of $1200 per month here in California. I also do not know if it stands up to court scrutiny but I do know these women all know about it. I suspect that if any Russian woman is of able body and does not have a language barrier, that amount will be her burden to support herself and not your burden. The reason for this support period is because she will not be allowed to apply for government support (welfare) for 10 years.

« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Your forgetting one thing...., posted by Apk1 on Dec 12, 2003

$12,000 per year for 10 years = $120,000

If you married an AW for a few years and it failed, you would never have that expense.

« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to very interesting, posted by thesearch on Dec 12, 2003

My ex tried for $48,600 plus my house after 2 months of being married. I agree with globe, if she's in it for the money then she needs to go away.
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm Out of the Game........................, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 9, 2003

I totally understand.

Of course you know best what took place and everyone else here can only throw their two cents in based upon their perception - their perception of what - probably more of their own past experiences as the few words of yours they have to go on just can not transfer the reality of your experience.

But even I have a feeling about all of this. First of all, you have from what I can tell gone about all of this pursuit of a FSU woman in the correct way. You even picked a woman who was close to your own age. I would guess closer than anyone else on this board. Being a man who has fared well in the financial world, you could have used that unwisely to get any age woman you desired. So, for these things, you already have my respect.

I will say that a few of your past posts did leave me with thoughts that you were not really sure if you wanted to get married that much. I had no idea what I was picking up on - it just hit me that way.

Now that is certainly a lot better than a guy who has to get married to feel whole as that type of guy will move forward when there are red flags all over the place that should be telling him - stop - wait etc.

So, if you really get the feeling that this lady is more interested in money than you - I would do the same as you.  However, I will have to agree with KenC that misunderstandings happen very easily with these ladies. I know from personal experience --  woa - could I tell you a few stories about that but -- the bottom line is that this lady may not be after your money at all.

The bottom line is also that if you were really taken by this lady, then I would guess, suspect that in the back of your head - the part you are not telling us or her is that although you have openly closed this there may be a part of you still willing to evaluate her wondering what the total truth of it all is. And, there is a remote possibility that it is not over.

I wish you the best.

« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm Out of the Game........................, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 9, 2003

Good for you! I mean it's too bad it didn't work out, but you have definitely spared yourself lots of grief and hassle... and maybe much worse. I think you already have a great life and that marrying this woman will only result in a loss of considerable freedom and endless hassles. The American woman you mentioned sounds interesting (with character). Yeah, go for it. That makes much more sense.
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm Out of the Game........................, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 9, 2003

I watched the Globetrotters whenever I could. Meadowlark Lemon was one of my favorite Globetrotters. With that said, maybe you could put your assets into an entity where you have control and no one can touch them. Control is just as good as owning but even better, removes you from any liability and each entity is seperate. Find a good lawyer who is an expert in this area. I am not a lawyer, but I am sure you had dealings with lawyers in the past and can find a good one. Prenup is a safe bet. Hope this helps. Take care and god bless.
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I'm Out of the Game..........Future ..., posted by JoeC2003 on Dec 10, 2003

[This message has been edited by Lynn]

Bravo on "Control is just as good as owning but even better, removes you from any liability and each entity is seperate."

But why would you want to use a lawyer? Anything a lawyer creates is under "statutory law" which is created by the corporate government/BAR---anything created under statutory law is controled by statutory law and may be broken by same.

By asserting one's self as a "flesh and blood person" not a corporate entity "US Citizen" you are garanteed the "RIGHT" to contract under the "organic" Constitution for the united States of America. This would be under "common law", which was the basis for the Constitution and runs pretty much concurrently with the Uniform Commercial Code (which "is" what our courts are run under----don't take my word for it do a little research). In fact it does no good to assert your "Constitutional Rights" in court [actually, judge's chambers---see Black's Law dictionary under "Chamber"], one should be reserving their rights under the UCC.

I think it was Joe Kennedy that said "Own nothing, control everything"

that guy
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: I'm Out of the Game..........Fut..., posted by Lynn on Dec 11, 2003

Well said and stated.
Frank O
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm Out of the Game........................, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 9, 2003

Globetrotte sorry to hear about that. I can understand where you are coming. HOwever I'm from almost a polar opposite. I'm very much middle class & NOT affluent as most are in this board from what I can perceive. I'm a musician thus a calling not considered desirable by many unless you are one of the less than 1% who happen to make it. Having played in a "big" band & realized the scam they run I have decided to continue teaching. Having said that I do own 2 properties albeit very modest ones. The thing is they are paid for & mine. Whereas I don't own a Shelby, Ferrari or Porsche (though I'd like) I own a modest 97 Plymouth Breeze which also is PAID for. I am very blessed to be able to do what I like. My bills are also very low as well so I guess I'm blessed in doing what I love. I made ALL THIS very clear to ALL ladies whom I corresponded with. Automatically many removed themselves from corresponding with me based on THAT solely. I think that's GREAT!! No misunderstanding there. I can understand a lady wanting stability they deserve that. I have that, however I dont have LUXURY. AT least not now. I will be transferring some assets from real estate to stocks as the market is poised for an 80's style boom imho. Bottom line my wife knew what she was gettng into & loved me regardless. I was blessed that when I married my first wife she REFUSED to sign a pre nup & told me she was marrying me for ME & NOT for the little I own (I'm blessed my real estate is commercial a BIG +). When we decided to part amicably she actually HONORED our agreement. She took NOTHING from me. As a matter of fact we processed our divorce papers WITHOUT the use of an attorney. Diana my current wife was the one who mentioned a prenup simply because of fears put into her. & The only thing she wanted was custody of any children should we split up. I guess I'm grateful for my situation in that I don't have to worry about that. But reading your post I could see how having such an abundance of blessings could turn into a liabiliy as you might not know who to trust or in a "normal" situation such as this in asking for a pre nup you could be perceived as the bad guy. However I think your demand was FAIR.
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm Out of the Game........................, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 9, 2003

I understand where you are coming from, Globetrotter. Your principle is that, should the marriage fail, neither party will come out of it in significantly different circumstances than when they went in. You would still hold all your assets, and she would be compensated proportionately for giving up whatever it is she's giving up in Russia (does she have a good job?)

I would suggest calculating her compensation on a sliding scale. If you separated after one year, she will not yet have put down strong roots in the U.S., and it would be relatively easy for her to go home and pick up where she left off. Also, separation after just one year could also be due to questionable motives from either party for getting together in the first place. Taking these considerations into account, $5000 should be quite enough.

However, if you separated after 10 years, it would be fair to say that both parties came into it with the best of intentions and probably gave it their best shot. Also, after 10 years, having put down roots in the U.S. and loosened her ties with her homeland, going back would be much more difficult; it could even be that she would end up worse off than if she'd never left. In that scenario, 10 x $5000 is probably inadequate. On the other hand, why should she expect to take half of your hard earned assets? Somewhere between $100 and $150,000 would seem more reasonable.  

So, I would suggest $5000 after 1 year, increasing in annual increments of say $1000 ($6000 for year 2, $7000 year 3 etc) up to a ceiling of between $100,000 and $150,000. The amount increased annually, in line with her credibility which also increases with every year you stay together.

« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm Out of the Game........................, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 9, 2003

I agree with your decision to end the relationship but not the search if that's what you want. I think you should have talked about the prenup earlier though. You likely would have had as much argument from a lady from the US on this topic. A friend of mine recently told me I need to not look elsewhere for a wife and just get some "home grown American grief".

A few years ago I bought my ex out of my house. My girlfriend at the time asked if I was going to put her name on the title...that pretty much told me in an instant what her intent was. Look at it like this, you learned what her intent was before she had legal recourse to take what she could. I don't think you should end your search but again I agree with ending this relationship though I understand it isn't easy; from an emotional perspective.

« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm Out of the Game........................, posted by Globetrotter on Dec 9, 2003

stay married to you for 5 years, you would only give her $25K?  Is that all SHE thought she was going to get?  After 5 years, buddy, you'd be paying her a LOT more money than that in alimony.  You should have made it clear that the $5K per year amount was only EXTRA money, not the divorce settlement.  Of course she was upset.  ANY woman would be, if she thought that 5 years of her life with you were only worth a total of $25K.  Your offer was patently absurd.


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