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Author Topic: Ladies revenge  (Read 9629 times)
« on: December 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

For all you "mature," men who are looking for "young Honeys."

When the young girls have worn you out and you are dead and buried.   They will be  partying on with a "Boy Toy" on your insurance money.  Seems fair, after all "What a way to go" and when you are lunch for the worms what will you care.

« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ladies revenge, posted by wilmc on Dec 9, 2003

More women marrying toy boys
By Sarah Womack, Social Affairs Correspondent
(Filed: 12/12/2003)

More women are marrying younger men than ever before, a study showed yesterday.

The figure has almost doubled to 26 per cent in 25 years among men marrying for the first time. Among women marrying for the first time, the proportion has risen from 13 per cent to 20 per cent.

More than half of the marriages involve age differences of more than five years, the study by the Office for National Statistics showed.

Examples include the actress Gwyneth Paltrow, 31, who married Chris Martin, 26, last week. The actress Emma Thompson, 44, is married to Greg Wise, 37, and Madonna's husband, Guy Ritchie, 35, is 10 years her junior.

One of the reasons for the trend is that older women who want children are attracted to younger, healthy males, statisticians say. Women in their thirties and forties are also more emotionally independent, economically secure and enjoy their sexuality more. Men in their twenties and early thirties find these qualities very attractive.

The social implications of the change are significant.

Until now, the assumption that wives are a few years younger than their husbands has dictated how governments reach economic decisions. The five-year gap between the retirement age of men and women is one result.

But in 2020, when the state pension age is equalised at 65, many women will reach retirement before their husbands.

The report also shows a shift away from marrying before the age of 30.

In 1963, 77 per cent of men and 84 per cent of women were married by their 30th birthday. Now only 43 per cent of men and 55 per cent of women are married by that age.

A spokesman for the Office of National Statistics said: "It may be that age is less important to people. The man does not have to be older to give the woman status or financial security. Marriage is more of an equal partnership."

Steve Slon, the editor of The Magazine of the American Association of Retired Persons, said: "Today women have the jobs, the money and they call the shots."

« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ladies revenge, posted by wilmc on Dec 9, 2003

A couple of shows coming concerning Russian agencies and the folks who use them...
Discovery Times channel - "Russian Brides" several times this week starting December 8.

May be an interesting show... Previews show women talking about the old but really rich guys, how most are dorks, etc.

The show description is :
"RUSSIAN BRIDES explores the world of Russian marriage agencies from the perspective of the Russian women themselves. In Russia today there's a 'shortage' of eligible Russian men; women are forced to compete for their affections."
Then on Discovery Health channel - "Seeking Russian Brides" on December 15, 16.

"Pat and Brett, American men, use a matrimonial agency to find a wife... in Russia. Follow them as they travel to meet their prospective spouses, up to the wedding and laugh at the fantasies that the East and West continue to entertain about each other."

« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ladies revenge, posted by wilmc on Dec 9, 2003

My sense of humor may be a little to subtle or perhaps distorted.
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ladies revenge, posted by wilmc on Dec 9, 2003

There were some great points made about compatibility
and age differences.  As a friend of mine likes to say,
"there are no rules in marriage."  Excerpts from the

Getting Over the "Shoulds"

"We have strong 'shoulds' on ways of partnering up," Kathryn Elliott,
PhD, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Louisiana
at Lafayette, explains to WebMD. "We are victims of inner-critic
constrictedness. We think we should only weigh 120. We should marry
people within two years of our age. We pathologize anything that isn't
within those shoulds."

The key to making older women/younger man relationships work, Elliott
says, is to match what she calls voltages. "Choose someone who is
your voltage type -- has the same level of intensity about life. If
the voltages are different, one becomes the pursuer and one the
distancer. This can create pain."

Voltages are not a factor of age, she says.

"What you don't want," she explains, "is one partner wanting to go out,
the other stay in; one willing to talk, the other wanting space (and
silence to enjoy it)."

About Boomers:

"The boomers are lost sheep," she says. "All they can do to get a woman
is dangle their Porsche keys." As you peel back the decades, though,
the men get "cooler," she says. Guys in their 30s get her vote. "They
grew up with AIDS, they are considerate. Such men (at least the ones
interested in older women) are stable and mature. They don't want to
be mothered. They want a woman who knows who she is."


There you have it.  Losers are out.  Men with savoir faire are in
demand, as always.

Jersey Mike
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to my take on the article is a little diffe..., posted by vagn on Dec 9, 2003

I get suspicious when some ivory tower-type social critic (you know, the ones with letters after their names who write self-help books and often teach at liberal universities) decides to declare a national social trend largely on the basis of a couple of high-profile Hollywood actresses dating younger men.  

The subtitle of the article states that one-third of women between the ages of 40-69 are dating men at least 10 years younger than the women.  Somehow, I doubt this to be true - but, of course, the media would never mislead us with false facts in order to support a liberal social agenda, would they?  Then again, since the media is all giggley over the 20-year difference between Demi and Ashton, then they shouldn't have any objections to us 40 and 50-something guys who bring over a bride considerably younger than ourselves.

Interestingly, the 48 year-old woman (and self-help author!) quoted in the article has written off all Baby Boomer generation men aged 40 or older.  The article states that she has been with the same man who is 20 years her junior SINCE 1992!  In 1992, that would have made her 37 and the boyfriend 17.  Oh, the humanity!  What if the roles were reversed? - condemnation of the man would be the order of the day.  Do I detect a bit of a double standard on the part of WebMD?

I think I'll write an article for, "Raise Your Testosterone Levels Naturally - Date an 18-Year Old Brazilian Woman".

Bobby Orr
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Pop social commentary, posted by Jersey Mike on Dec 9, 2003

Write the article, I'll gladly edit it for you.
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Pop social commentary, posted by Jersey Mike on Dec 9, 2003

"We are victims of inner-critic constrictedness."
"Voltages are not a factor of age"

These two phrases sum up the article, IMHO.
They are also gender neutral.

The ditzy "voltages" instead of "compatibility"
is there to clue you in that this is one of those
"by women for women" pieces.

=== Oh, the humanity!


=== I think I'll write an article for, "Raise Your
=== Testosterone Levels Naturally - Date an 18-Year Old
=== Brazilian Woman"

Insufficient spin.  Try something like "18yo Brazilian
Women Seek Parity With American Men -- Demand 20 Year Age
Gap in Relationships."

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