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Author Topic: How specific should a personal ad be?  (Read 2129 times)
« on: November 14, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

It's a simple answer... It depends on YOU and what YOU are looking for.

I know I get tired of the bickering that goes on sometimes in these groups but sometimes good discussion does come out of it. As I read these posts, I did want to offer my experience. Anyone here can take it or leave it. That's the good thing about being human, you have the choice to use what YOU feel right in using. These posts and opinions are just that, opinions. Everyone should take from these discussions only what is useful for you. When I first got here I did take many posts personally (as I believe most new people do). I thought each person was trying to tell me this is the ONLY way to do it. It wasn't long before I realized I should just read everything and use what I feel is useful, for me, not anyone else.

So with that, here is my experience in my search. My first experience with a Ukrainian woman came 10 years ago. At that time I really didn't know what I wanted. I thought I did but after we decided not to get married, I did some soul searching. At that time, I was not specific what I wanted. I was looking more for outside beauty, even though I knew inner beauty was even more important. I was smitten by the outside beauty of this woman and I have to say it is EASY to do. So I ended up with a fine lady but we were not compatible. We both liked each other for the wrong reasons. We liked each other because we were different. I thank God we never got married because I am sure we would have been divorced.

That time I learned a lot about me and about what I wanted. I did decide to give up on the long distance romance, for now, because it was difficult being so far away. The travel didn't bother me but I felt if I REALLY loved someone it would be difficult being so far away from each other. So I decided to search close to home. I joined Great Expectations and did a video of myself. It was a complete waste of money. I joined singles clubs and even helped run one myself and even set up events. I met many AW at that time. I learned more about myself. I started to place ads that were very basic. I got replies but I had nothing in common with these woman. Then the internet started to become popular for single people. I started to place ads there and answer ads as well. I met some wonderful woman but not my soul mate. So I wondered, "how can I meet the girls that I am most interested in?" I went to one of the popular online dating services and I placed an ad. It was specific but just basics. Again I got replies but none were very interesting. So I decided to do something that I have never seen on an online ad. I wrote EVERYTHING about me and what I was looking for in a woman, what I can offer a woman, etc. I thought if a woman read the entire ad they must be interested. A funny thing happened, I got so many letters from all over the world. Almost every woman told me they were attracted to me because I knew what I was looking for. I had to even take down that ad. I was not prepared to start writing so many women but I tried. I found that I was not comfortable writing so many. I ended up meeting a few of these women including a woman from Switzerland & one from England. I also met a few American girls. Because I was writing so many I made some mistakes since I was not organized. I also could not write them as much as I wanted so they thought I was not interested.

Now, using all that I learned, I started my new search in Ukraine. I decided I would write 5 girls at a time buying addresses. In my very first letter I was SPECIFIC. My letter was 3 full pages and each letter I wrote from start to end. There was no cut and paste. These lettesr were written for that specific girl. Yes, many of what I was looking for was the same but I still wrote each letter seperate. I told these girls all about me and what I was looking for & where I was going in my life. My plans were if one stopped writing, I'd buy another address, always writing 5 until I found one woman that I wanted to meet. What surprised me is I got replies from 4 of the women right away. I didn't hear from one woman in a long time but she wrote me anyway saying that she was already married. I did not translate my letters. These letters were in English and sent by snail mail. All 5 said they really liked my letter. It was different then other letters they got. It told them I was serious about what I was doing and all 5 letters said I was attractive to them because it sounded like I knew what I wanted. I ended up very close to one woman and went to see her in May & June. It took me 39 years to figure out what I wanted but I know I found her now.

This is just my story, use all, some or none of it. It is my experience and all of you will have your own experience. Some of you will want to run specific ads, some of you will run simple ads, some of you will buy addresses and visit one, others will only run ads and meet many. Isn't it wonderful being human so we have choices? No one way is right or wrong. Use the experience of others to learn and build YOUR OWN STORY. All of us are different so don't take these posts as someone being right or wrong. Take only what YOU need...

Good luck to all of you!

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