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Author Topic: Free advice and experience on a CD (FREE)  (Read 10207 times)
that guy
« on: November 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

  If anyone is interested I will do all the work free and with no charge to produce a CD with experiences relating to the search for an FSU bride.
  I will collect the stories written by any members who want to participate and include pictures on all areas of our subject. No advertisement will be allowed and the total cost of the CD will be at cost only. My work will be free and the cost of the CD will be what it costs to buy a blank CD.
  This collection of stories and experience will be free and without solicitation to anyone. I will not make a dime in the process. I will encourage all to send stories and pictures to my address as to help others in the search for an FSU bride.
  Having been to the FSU four times already I can add a lot of pictures as well as interesting read.
  Below is my email address and hope to hear from any and all of you. Please keep in mind that the purpose of the CD is to help people like ourselves and not charge them to learn from us.

« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Free advice and experience on a CD (FREE..., posted by that guy on Nov 18, 2003

Guys photos up on my website.

I know one thing it wasn't pretty and of course, they were quick removed.

Personally, I wouldn't subject you or your wife to public display.  After all, you may never know who is lurking out there in cyberland looking to exploit someone.

Protect your your privacy.

« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Free advice and experience on a CD (FREE..., posted by that guy on Nov 18, 2003

I don't know who this guy is, but I counted the word "free" five times between the subject and message body.  That alone raises my suspicions.

There's been fake web sites put together with forum members photos before.  I would be careful of sending your photos to anyone you don't know.

« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Please use caution dealing with this guy, posted by Patrick on Nov 21, 2003

Very suspicious to say the least. He's "halfway done" with this great project and just now mentioning it? Of course, "he" had to gain our confidence first with a few (IMO) suspect posts. Don't bite guys!!! We all saw what can happen when you share personal info and/or pics a few years ago, remember?
that guy
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'm with you Patrick!, posted by Rags on Nov 22, 2003

I agree with you to not contribute to the CD if you feel you might have a privacy problem. I agree that you can check out the CD when it's complete and then see what you think. Don't feel that I've just started posting because I'm desperate for help from Planetlove members.
 It's not about hinging on this forum to finish my CD it's about letting you know it will soon exist and your welcome to view it on completion. There's nothing here that will hamper it's completion or slow it down. Just letting you know.
NW Jim
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I agree, posted by that guy on Nov 23, 2003

Like others I'm a bit mystified by what you are up to and your motivations. If you've read this board for a long time, then you know that people who show up out of the blue are sometimes viewed suspiciously--especially when they're soliciting stories and or customers for a commercial product.  

Your idea had merit 10 years ago, when the FSU was just opening to the MOB scene, and the internet was just getting started. This has become old hat by now. There are a fair number of books, articles, and untold web sites devoted to the issue. It's not like newbies don't have access to information.

The other problem of course, is how to get a balanced picture about the risks. There have been some pretty negative experiences posted here, guys like Travis who were put through the wringer emotionally and financially.

Anyway, feel free to contribute your experiences and expertise to the dialogue.

that guy
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Why now? , posted by NW Jim on Nov 23, 2003

Thanks NW Jim for the greeting. I'm glad you see a bit into and my motivations here.
 It's true that I'm not interested in making money through this project but that may seem to cause a red flag to many people here who have indeed paid good money for bad services as well as good services.
 I suppose if we had the real freedom to bring a Russian or Ukrainian woman to America without the K-1 visa then it would ease the process a bit but due to the requirements of our governement and knowledge that must be learned by ourselves it makes a hard task for the average man.
 Back in 1989 I was married to a wonderful woman from New Nealand and the marriage lasted seven years. She died in an automobile accident and my daughter is all I have to firmly remind me of her on a daily basis. Back then we met here in the United States and she was on her third tourist visit. She never returned home from that third trip here and we were allowed to do all visa work here and without here returning home.
 Today it is true that rules and regulations change regulary in this area and with the 9-11 event happening back in 2001 it seems things will always be open for change.
 You mentioned my idea had merit 10 years ago and I agree with you completely on that. The difference with my project is that it's not to make money and also not to advise other than someone learning from each mans different and unique story.
 We all know that each man has a view and a story about this process which cannot be deemed the exact same as any another man. The pain and joy are always different and the total journey is interesting in itself. To me this makes the process of finding,meeting,and possibly marrying a woman from the FSU a journey that cannot have too much information to look at.
 I agree with you in that trying to sell these experiences would be a business venture that would probably be based on how much money one could make and that's why it's not.
 Imagine that you looked at the CD and enjoyed the experiences of another mans journey while at the same time found a connection to him in his search. Having cost you little or no money to do this it  might serve as a way to think about the process more deeply and at the same time possibly drop the idea of involving yourself in the process completely.
 I'm not a bad person and have no wishes to put people in a situation that they feel is not for them. I am a person who passes you a CD in hopes that you enjoy it and maybe learn a tad bit more than you already know.
Bobby Orr
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Why now? , posted by that guy on Nov 23, 2003

Why don't you place your energies where guys really need help ie. decreasing K1 visa processing times for US citizens wanting to bring FSU women into the US or for rolling back the 60's immigration policies.
that guy
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Misplaced energies, posted by Bobby Orr on Nov 25, 2003

Good idea but I would have thought this site works in that area? I know another site that does more work through legislational methods than this one. Not too much headway happening afyter 9-11.
 It seems logical you can go ahead and get the woman over here without too much trouble but the task is not for the dreamers still.
that guy
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Please use caution dealing with this guy, posted by Patrick on Nov 21, 2003

You advise to the concerned is well taken but don't confuse my FREE statement with anything other than FREE.
 Skeptics are everywhere and this place has many of them. I assure you this CD will be produced but not because of PlanetLove and not for PlanetLove. This CD is and will be produced for regular guys with regular dreams...... No catch Patrick and that's a fact.
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Please use caution dealing with this..., posted by that guy on Nov 21, 2003

'cus somethings coming.
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Please use caution dealing with this..., posted by that guy on Nov 21, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

...Claims to have read the board for years but never posted. Now shows up and wants to do all kinds of "nice" things while kissing some azz at the same time. Funny how a guy who's been around so long but silent is now so eager to gain acceptance and say his peace.

Which is what exactly? All smoke and mirrors, so far I've seen nothing. Has lots of claimed exerience yet offers none. On the contrary, seeks to amass it from others. And for what reason? Altruism? lol...yeah right. Shows up right in the middle of a scrap too, look at when he first posted.

Listen up "guy"'ll take more than your cheap shot below to rile me, if you've been around here as long as you claim you'd already know that. You'd also know you've got lots of your "facts" wrong. You'll have to earn it the old fashioned way in this place. Fact is, I bet most here already think you aren't on the level. In other words, you're not worth their time. And certainly not worth mine. You didn't add up correctly from the very first post...and you're not even bright enough to figure out why your offer could be seen as lame.

Offer us something of substance...or do us all a favor and take a hike.

that guy
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Uh huh......, posted by LP on Nov 22, 2003

Poor old LP your starting to sound like Jack a bit too much now. Not that Jack was not an expert or anything but your buttons have been pushed and you don't like
 You need to lighten up mate and not take yourself so seriously in this little sandbox. I'm not your enemy here but I can return your insults with more savy than you wanna give me credit for.
 I enjoy reading what you have to say most of the time but when you get your ego mixed up with your detective work it seems to cause yourself more mysery than it's worth. I'm not asking for your approval here mate and your surely welcome to demonstrate your intelligence. Seems to can't get it through your head I'm not opting to answer any questions you have because the last time I checked my membership did not involve going through you to
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Free advice and experience on a CD (FREE..., posted by that guy on Nov 18, 2003

You've been searching for a Roosky bride for 7 years?
What kind of standards do you demand?
Just curious.........
that guy
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to But 7 years?, posted by tfcrew on Nov 19, 2003

I've been searching for about 4 years and have watched this board for that long.
 At present time I'm engaged and will probably be married soon. My fiancee works with candidates for local and regional elections and will be a televised host next week for the debates.
 I've not been seeking a wife for seven years but have been engaged for a year and a half. My way of doing things in this arena may be different but not too different from most men.

 I would like to burn a cd that would help people like ourselves. The cd would be from our experiences and what we have done in our quest. I will probably go ahead and make the cd myself but if anyone wants to participate that would be great.

 No advertisements will be included in the cd and no mention of "who" did this for me and why "they" are the best will not be the objective.
 Reference to dating services will be mentioned but not by name or affiliation as to deter from "pumping anyone's business up.
 It's good to mention how a "person" or persons received good business connections but no names or business will be mentioned.
 The aspects of the "journey" will be the main point about things and hopefully a virtually free advice cd will be produced. It will work great becasue "you" and "myself" will be the advertisement rather than the actual array of businesses who try to gain footage and throw tons of advice. Who better to explain this quest better than the men like us who have actually done the walking and talking in this pursuit of the FSU bride?


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