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Author Topic: Russian language rules of the road??  (Read 18646 times)
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to it takes years to learn a language, posted by vagn on Nov 17, 2003

....Piss off pal. I said *illegal* immigrants. If you (or anyone else) entered this country illegally you shouldn't be coddled based on political special interests.

You should be arrested and deported. In fact, thousands are every week at the Rio Grand and major airports. But the ones who slip past the BP are OK? Thats serious BS. It's simply a of question of enforcing the law...period.

Most illegals in CA work whether they have a CDL or not. Of course, they don't have to because CA passed another law that says illegals must have access to the state's social benefits. When that law was repealed on outrage it was tied up in court while it remains in effect today. In fact, Californians have a long history of using the courts to defeat the voice of the majority. It makes democracy look like the joke it really is in the PRK.

Fortunately most illegals go to work right away because they're still afraid of the men in the green trucks and thats how it should be.

Such massive ignorance from a New Yorker is to be expected.

« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to The real deal..., posted by LP on Nov 17, 2003

strip out the abuse and your argument reduces to
pretty much nothing. Illegals scam the system.
Wow, big surprise.

I was talking about people that are here legally.
It was not clear to me that you were only talking
about illegals.  Thanks for the clarifcation.

Here's a choice quote:

==== Immigrants account for 11.5 percent of the total population, the highest
==== percentage in 70 years. If current trends continue, the immigrant share
==== of the total population will surpass the all time high of 14.8 percent,
==== reached in 1890, by the end of this decade.

It wasn't the end of the world in 1890, either.

Here's another:

==== Immigration has become the determinate factor in U.S. population
==== growth. The arrival of over 3 million legal and illegal immigrants,
==== coupled with 1.5 million births to immigrant women over the last two
==== years, accounts for nearly 90 percent of U.S. population growth since
==== the 2000 census.

What they fail to mention, is that those 1.5 million born here
are US citizens.  What are they getting at? Some wacko notion
of ideological or racial purity?

How about this:

==== In 2002, 39.2 percent of immigrants 18 and older are citizens and they
==== comprise 6 percent of all eligible voters.

==== Immigrants and natives exhibit remarkably similar rates of
==== entrepreneurship, with about 1 in 10 of both groups being self-employed.

Hell, who do they think they are, white folk?

==== The low educational attainment and resulting low wages of many
==== immigrants is the primary reason so many live in poverty, use welfare,
==== or lack health insurance, not their legal status or an unwillingness
==== to work.

Draw your own conclusions.  My view is that, given that they are here,
we should treat them as normal human beings.  In particular, we should
see to it that their kids are properly educated.  That's a win-win.
If they stay, they have a chance to make a decent living, pay taxes,
etc.  If they go home, they can improve things there and reduce the
pressures driving people to migrate to america.

If you want to put the screws to someone, pick the ones that exploit
cheap migrant labor.  Oh, wait... that would be you, assuming you
go to city restaurants or eat lettuce, avocados, peppers, almonds
and other stuff grown in the the south-west.

Bobby Orr
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to The real deal..., posted by LP on Nov 17, 2003

LP I agree with you on that one and I am from NY.
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not NY ignorance, maybe arrogance, posted by Bobby Orr on Nov 17, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

...No one can "do" arrogance like New Yorkers. Guys like him need to come and live in CA before they offer such opinions.

Let them see how entire city blocks and shopping malls have been transformed into foregin countries. Street signs, business, markets, all catering to people who should have learned to assimilate. And Heaven help you if you go into one of these places and don't speak the lingo, you'll get ignored like a bad smell.

I'm all for immigration, it's what made this country great. But the Ellis Island crowd was proud to become Americans, they gladly assimilated into society and kept their culture privatley at home where it belongs.

This new bunch isn't interested in that, they want to create a little piece of their homeland right here. Many could care less about American culture and are here only to use the system. If your fellow New Yorker lived here he would get the chance to hear many of these folks readily admit to it. I've had dozens admit to me they'll go back home as soon as they make a few bux. Good, I hope I get to take them there.

If you immigrate to a country you should learn it's language first and foremost and use it in public. It's rude to speak another language in the presence of one who doesn't understand it, especially if the person doing it is fluent in both English and the spoken lanquage. I get this all the time in public. My usual response is to address then in Russian and when they look perplexed ask them how it feels.

We won't even get into how easy it is for illegals to work in CA. Did you know many women come across our southern border to have their babies in CA hosptials and then return home? Why is that allowed and who do you think pays for it?

Your fellow New Yorker is right, it takes a long time to learn a langauge. That reminds me of a women from Brighton Beach who was my seat mate on a plane to Kiev. She spoke hardly a word of English, if it weren't for my Russian it would have been a long and silent flight. When I asked how was it she had managed to get a visa to visit NY she replied (in Russian) she had lived there for 12 years.
I was flabbergasted...

And I'll be darn if I should pay to have everything from voting ballots to public announcments printed in 100 languages. And have you ever noticed if you call most companies in CA you have to choose English as an *option* on the phone system? The default is in something else.  Whats up with that??

Don't get me started...

« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, I'll buy that...., posted by LP on Nov 17, 2003

......... Hey stop the whinging LP!!  LOL

Its happening the world over. Fair dinkum. Doesnt that tell Ya something Bro? It should. I think its time to get Ya little *Citn* down here for a break and have a talk with the lads.

(And if possible bring a dozen or so girls from Poland or FSU with Ya.)

Its happening worlwide. I am not a city slick, but when I go to town I cant believe my ears! But its FACT. Too late if you want something else. :-(

Hey, the world AINT what it was 20 YEARS ago. Imagine another 20 years from NOW?

If you can, please advise me ASAP.

Best wishes

« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Your Not on Your OWN Remember !, posted by JohnL on Nov 18, 2003 ain't at all fair dinkum. And it's only prevelant in certain parts of the States. I moved to Oregon for awhile and was astounded at the difference in the quality of the people and life. It's really only bad in CA and a few other parts of the country.

I say again: I have no problem with immigration, my country's greatness was built upon it. Your's too. (Lol, at least we aren't a society based on criminals...well, other than our leaders. Wink

All I ask is a little more assimilation, at least make an effort to speak the language. A little gratitude expressed for the oppurtunity to be here would be nice too. You have to understand that in the States political correctness has run amok. And it gets worse as these people move into local and state government. It's feminisim all over again but with a bizzare twist.

I'd love a trip Down Under, I promise to make one when I can. It's only a matter of finding the time, the travel would cost peanuts. Sorry, no girls though...I've got enough crosses to bear as it is. Well, maybe one of your locals...a pal of mine is married to one of your women and that accent makes my diapers damp.

Be patient...put another Koala on the barbie and I'll get to you eventually. I'd like to spend some time with the lads and also do a little outback aviating.

« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, I'll buy that...., posted by LP on Nov 17, 2003

=== ...No one can "do" arrogance like New Yorkers. Guys like him need to
=== come and live in CA before they offer such opinions.

Been there, done that.  Five years in and around Santa Clara.

=== Let them see how entire city blocks and shopping malls have been
=== transformed into foregin countries. Street signs, business, markets,
=== all catering to people who should have learned to assimilate. And Heaven
=== help you if you go into one of these places and don't speak the lingo,
=== you'll get ignored like a bad smell.

This is too funny.  Yo!  I live in NEW YORK CITY.  This place is full
of foreigners. Mexicans, spaniards, real africans speaking swahili
and stuff, indians speaking hindi and whatever else, middle easterners,
and russians and ukes and and and and we have a CHINATOWN, a big one,
maybe you heard of it.

=== I'm all for immigration, it's what made this country great. But the Ellis
=== Island crowd was proud to become Americans, they gladly assimilated into
=== society and kept their culture privatley at home where it belongs.

Maybe it's that attitude that gets you ignored like a bad smell.

=== This new bunch isn't interested in that, they want to create a little
=== piece of their homeland right here. Many could care less about American
=== culture and are here only to use the system. If your fellow New Yorker
=== lived here he would get the chance to hear many of these folks readily
=== admit to it. I've had dozens admit to me they'll go back home as soon
=== as they make a few bux. Good, I hope I get to take them there.

I got news for you, sparky.  The italians came here, formed italian
neighborhoods, and spoke italian.  Same with the norwegians, chinese,
irish, germans, poles, and jews.  The kids are bilingual.  Many of the
older folks never gain fluency in english.  And it's not for lack
of wanting to.  As to going home... everyone dreams of going home.
Most of them are "stuck" here -- doing it for the kids or some other
reasonable cause -- like eating or not getting shot at.

=== If you immigrate to a country you should learn it's language first and
=== foremost and use it in public. It's rude to speak another language in
=== the presence of one who doesn't understand it, especially if the person
=== doing it is fluent in both English and the spoken lanquage. I get this
=== all the time in public. My usual response is to address then in Russian
=== and when they look perplexed ask them how it feels.

Maybe they're searching for words to describe the grace
and beauty of your spirit.

=== We won't even get into how easy it is for illegals to work in CA. Did you
=== know many women come across our southern border to have their babies in
=== CA hosptials and then return home? Why is that allowed and who do you
=== think pays for it?

=== Your fellow New Yorker is right, it takes a long time to learn a
=== langauge. That reminds me of a women from Brighton Beach who was my
=== seat mate on a plane to Kiev. She spoke hardly a word of English, if it
=== weren't for my Russian it would have been a long and silent flight. When
=== I asked how was it she had managed to get a visa to visit NY she replied
=== (in Russian) she had lived there for 12 years.  I was flabbergasted...

=== And I'll be darn if I should pay to have everything from voting ballots to
=== public announcments printed in 100 languages. And have you ever noticed if
=== you call most companies in CA you have to choose English as an *option* on
=== the phone system? The default is in something else. Whats up with that??

=== Don't get me started...

Yeah, your argument boils down to "why should I have to pay for it."
The answer is: No one else has that kind of money.

You've only got one vote.  Too bad the benjamins don't get a vote each.
The thing is: The benjamins seem to be causing you some pain, and that's

« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Ok, I'll buy that...., posted by vagn on Nov 17, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

lol, ok you win.

I think we understand each other so I'll bow out. That you'd trade the Bay Area for a place like NYC says it all. Santa Clara? Thats the worst place of all, no wonder you're tolerant of it. What a foul place that Silicon Valley/San Jose area has become. If it's been more than 5 years since you left you wouldn't recognize it. I'm on the other side of the Gate but even Santa Clara beats NYC.

Hows the weather there? You get to freeze your azz off *and* deal with the folks we're speaking about. They aren't like that here you know, different class of immigrant altogether. And they don't have to stay here, far from it. As said, all I know can't wait to leave. Bye bye is my response, I'll drive 'em to the airport. Hell, I'll even fly 'em home.

Btw, what works in the big city doesn't translate too well to Santa Clara or any suburb. And I point out the percentage of illegals in CA far exceeds NYC or anywhere else. Someone has to deal with that statistic snd that someone isn't you.

"It was not clear to me that you were only talking about illegals."

Then you should read more carefully, it was clearly stated.

Tell you what: You stay in your bleeding heart, liberal, Hillary infested  stronghold and I'll stay here and do all I can to run the illegals *and* their "poor, starving, we need to feed 'em and care for 'em" kids out.

After all "Sport", they shouldn't be here in the first's the law.

Bobby Orr
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sparky?..., posted by LP on Nov 17, 2003

I hate to get back on my soapbox, but America will look more like a blend of Africa / Latin America in 75 years.  Canada is falling the way of America, but there is alot more open space.  The last stronghold may be Russia.  That is why I urge all of you to hedge your bets by giving your children the option of relocating to Russia.  Right now the economy / system of Russia may be horrible, but a 75 year projection says it will be better for your future than here.
NYC is just a horrible mess.  It is not the United States.  Come here and see your future..........chances are you will run!!
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Thats why the future is back in Europe /..., posted by Bobby Orr on Nov 18, 2003

Jeff S
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to You'd be right...., posted by LP on Nov 16, 2003

But you can take the written drivers test in lots of languages including Russian and Hmong:

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