... in response to Re: Re: Getmarriednow.com, posted by lswote on Nov 3, 2003[This message has been edited by AJ277]
"stick to looking for a woman *about* the same as you could date regularly *here* in looks and age range".
All I can say to that is WTF are you talking about? Why would you go to another country if you could get the woman you want here? Why go to the trouble and expense?
As a man married to a beautiful Colombian woman 16 years younger than me, I can say unequivocally that I couldn’t have gotten my wife if she had been an American. But that doesn’t mean you can’t expect to find love and happiness with a woman from another country and culture, because the point is, other cultures have different standards about what to look for in a significant other and what constitutes a successful partner.
This seems a silly argument or discussion?
WTF am i talking about?
- my advice is to date the same general age range and looks you can date herer succesfully.
it seems fairly clear.
this doesnt say to not date younger women, if you can here then fine.
if you CHOOSE to go to a foriegn land with the main purpose to be finding a younger woman than you could normally date here -
my opiniojn is that it isnt rational or good thinking and your criteria is a little messed up in looking for a wife.
or life partner.
I did NOT say you could get the woman you WANT here??
and i did not say exactly the sanme.
i said "about" the same and of course ytou havnt found asoul mate or you wouldnt be expending your serach.
So of course this is the reason to look elsewhere wether it be another city in your country or the world.
but the meaningful first critiria shouldnt be younger and looks far from what you would date "here" if you want to be successful long term.
you married successfully it seems and congrats!
and treally i dont find 16 year extreem at all.
i would if you couldnt date that age range here or near it. say 10 years.
Tons of guys are successful with greater age gaps,, but most if successful could have pulled the same thing off with a woman of thier own culture.
you stated-"other cultures have different standards about what to look for in a significant other and what constitutes a successful partner"
sure!! some do , some dont.
this being the Russki forum the statistic dont bear this out in the FSU.
they "generally" marry within 5 years age difference,, perhaos even closer in age than most Americans?
the exceptionms to this are common to most of us.
1.a man of wealth or power
2. a man of unique character, fame, or personality
3.a very intelligent man.
in the FSU you will see the wide age gaps in the above situations.
same as the good old USA.
a man with these traits will be able to date such women in any enviroment and country so of course he can a bit more successfully in the FSU as well.
if you go there and use the economic desparity to "pull" a much younger,more beautiful woman than you could here, then you dance with the devil !!!
because you are on even playinmg ground when she is here.
To deny this or think otherwise is ignoring basic human traits and emotions.
why do you find a younger woman attractive "in general"
you think women are truely wired so differently LOL
can it work long term ? of course it "can"
is it good to advise someone to use the economic disparity?
because that is CERTAINLY all you are doing with those critiria being "first"
Im not saytng you personally did this at all.
but you are defending a point of view that doesnt seenm that rational.
if you date "about " the same as you would here ,
whatever that mauy be-
your odds
of being successfull long tern are better.
I cant see how you could argue against that ,
why go to the trouble and expense?
are you infering the only reason to go to another country is to get a younger prettier wife?
then why not go to Canada? oh it wouldnt work? why?
Brazil? FSU ehh maybe huh?
if much younger women flirt with you here, of course they will over there.
if they run away here., then if you marry one there you will be a lucky SOB if things turn out and should play the lotto more often.
I think the reason to go is because you havnt found the right person for you yet so why not expand your search.
go to find a wife, a good person and match for you that destiny lucjk and fate have not had you meet yet.
the more people you meet -
you increase your odds of finding someone truely compatable.
Let me get this straight-
your advice is for me to go to the FSU of all places , where culture and language is strange and i have little face to face time in reality , ,
to get a wife much younger and prettier than i could here.
why? because i can, and why else spend the time money anbd expence!!
Hey! Sounds like a recipe for a long happy marriage.
ya sebarYitz pravda c'chess!