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Author Topic: test  (Read 8807 times)
« on: November 07, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to test, posted by Globetrotter on Nov 7, 2003

yeah, it helps to reset that cookie from time to time, huh? If only Landscaper had thought to do it... You should learn from the master, though... add your test to the end of a thread that is so old it is about to be archived... then no one will see it...

« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: test, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 7, 2003

I don't get it.  Did I do something wrong?  I was denied access to a post I wanted to respond to.  I guess Patricks rules had changed, and I needed to find out what my "password" was...and after a while, figured out how to do this. So???
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: test, posted by Globetrotter on Nov 9, 2003's clear our pal knows as much about computers as he does about women. Either that or he knows squat about internet security. Man, I wish I was a saleman so I could huff and puff like that. (I hear the chicks just flock to them sales types too. Wink Instead I'll have to settle for pulling down the small bux 26 weeks a year as an "inferior" pilot. As if it's any trick to find a warm body abroad, especialy when they're chompin at the bit to leave. I've rejected more women abroad than he's been with in his entire life, including a broad he knows well. And another thing: He'd be "happily married" to a manhole cover as desperate as he is. Personal ads? Big deal...I was running personal ads back when he was pullin his pud and drowning in the same insecurity he is these days. I'll give him one thing: He sure is predictable. He claims *I* need to post here? And of course he "won't read" any of

Btw, the girls have gone home and a good time was had by all. I'd offer up the details here but I'd only get beat up. In some ways I'm glad they're gone. Caught between child and adulthood, they were emotionally draining to have around. In spite of that I look forward to dealing with them again, anyone who says young R/W can't get visas hasn't tapped the right source. Funny, the ones who're free to travel seemed to have lost interest in finding a "good man" to marry. (Girls just wanna have fun...imagine that.)

You should hear what these women thought of the MOB biz. Suffice to say it wasn't good. Both told me they'd stay in the US only if they could find a Russian guy. Sound familar? Yet these same kids were having flings with American guys over twice their ages. When asked why they replied because young A/M don't spend as much on them and older guys are easier to manipulate. (They'd never marry one however.) That sure was the case with the guy I wrote about earlier, she had him whipped bigtime. Funny things was, these were two of the sweetest R/W I'd ever met. I even let one think she was twisting me around, just enough to even the score. Everybody had a great time and no one got hurt, it beat having a manhole cover any day of the week. Life is good...

« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Forget it Globe..., posted by LP on Nov 10, 2003

I don't mind.  He takes pot shots at everyone, and to respond to "test" has too much time on his hands.  The meet-um, marry-um types are certainly one of a kind.  Still I hope he lucks out in the long run.

Glad you had fun with the little Ruskies.  Tell us about it.

I'm going back to Cyprus next month.  She just loves 65 degree winter days.  I'm getting the same room when we first met, and I'll pop the question.  Ring is being made in Sri Lanka, and will match her pendant...first gift I gave her for her birthday.  Known her 3 years now.  

I guess I also messed up, as I didn't run an ad, but bought her address.  Actually it was free, as nobody seems to want someone close to their own age.  She's 5 years younger and has a little girl.  

So...big changes a commin, but I'm looking forward to it.  And a fair pre-nup will be discussed just to CMA, just in case I'm wrong, but I don't think so.  She really is the nicest, smartest, toughest, funniest, girl I've ever met, and a great and loving Mom.  She's also a looker, but her goodness outshines everything else.  This is such a crazy idea, that it just might work.  A good roll of the dice for me.  My family thinks I've got a screw loose, but will all love and support her.  Singer, pianist, poet, artist, business woman, and one who has become the one I want to spend my time with.  I think they'll be amazed when they meet her.  If they're not...screw em.  

The basement remains my sanctuary...pool room, bar, gym, speed and heavy bag.  The Afghan guns probably can't stay on the living room wall, little girl furniture, a top overhaul on the house, extend the garden, etc.  She has never seen a photo of the red Italian hot rod, or race car...only the old pick up.  She thinks I work for a consulting company, which I do, but doesn't know I own it.  If she knew what the Rambow and Balabushka pool cues were worth, she'd probably ask me to sell them.  No can do!  Probably end up going to flower shows on Sundays instead of racing...nah, but they can come along.

I had a tough year as I lost my Dad, my best friend who shot himself, and my little girl dog all inside of 3 weeks.
Mom doesn't have long as she wants to join Dad.  I have never been lonely, and am more active than anyone I know, but now look forward to my adopted family, and think they'll bring tons to the party.  

I even tried to talk her out of coming here, telling her it was not a great and wonderful place, and that her home was best for her.  I told her of stupid politicians doing stupid things on every front, that we shoot each other over parking spaces.  She said that if I was worried about money, she could teach piano, or Russian, and that Russia was as crazy a place as here.  I told I think we would be OK with money.  She just wanted me, and would be equally happy if I moved there.  

I started this by accident as I wanted to do business in the Russian oil fields, and found her site, and thought what the hell, why not.  I would have guessed a year ago I would never do such a crazy thing, and here I am.  So there you go LP. The stack of emails is about 6 inches high and have hundreds of photos of us.  But this is nothing compared to what I'm in for...Lyric Opera, symphony orchestra, PTA meetings, theater productions, traveling, parenting.  Funny, but I'm looking forward to it all.

I will give the ring to the hotel manager and have him freeze it into an ice cube that will be in her drink.  It should be fun to see her a little kid opening the Cracker Jacks looking for the toy, but with slightly more meaning.

Well, can you tell I'm pumped?

« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Forget it Globe..., posted by Globetrotter on Nov 11, 2003

..he takes pot shots at everyone? Thats pretty funny considering he often accuses me of doing the same. How ironic...

Yeah, I can tell yer pumped. At least as pumped as guys like you and I get over such things. Good for you but aren't ya kinda "russian" things a bit? Lol, I thought ypu were gonna wait. Seriously, you've done all you can and if anyone has a shot at *real* success it'll be you.

Good 'ol Cyprus, I like the place. Have some great memories of it. The WX there kinda sux now though, better be prepared to get wet. And the huge party at the east end of the island has wound down by now but I guess you've got better thing to do. Good luck to you, I hope it all works out. Hey, if not you can always go to Kherson and do it the easy way.

I hear ya on the other stuff. My dad died, my dog disappeared and my squeeze of 5 years ran off with my best friend...all in a two week time frame. Lucky that all happened long ago. Those were the days. Wasn't easy was it? But hey, it would have killed ordinary men. Wink

No way I'm gonna spill much about my guests. I will say they weren't great examples of how R/W are supposed to mature at an early age. Still, one had the mixture of childlike innocence and grown-upness that I find so compelling and what got me started on dating young women in the first place. I learned my lesson with my last live in though, she was way too young. We had a good time, I ran them around the west for two weeks. I borrowed an old Citation I from a guy I know for the long hauls, it costs me a bundle but I owed a guy back in Russia and I knew how important it was to these women. They were squealing with delight whenever I let them fly the thing, they simply couldn't believe the average Joe can just fly around at will.

I have some fond memories of one night over Nevada after departing GCN at the Grand Canyon. One was sleeping in the back and the other was in the right seat. It was quiet and we talked about life and how her life long dream to see the canyon had finally been realized. There was moment when I glanced over and she was sitting there looking at me, her face illuminated by the instruments, moonlight, and a beautiful smile. Damn if I didn't nearly break all my promises right there. I almost woke the other one up so I we could go in the back. Lol, I can only imagine the report on that accident. Anyway, I don't need those kind of problems so I backed out in a hurry. It'll be a cold day when I'm dying to get some action, at least in the literal sense.

Still, it was hard to resist. Everything is so low time on women like that. Skin, body, everything not yet broken in or abused. It was tough I tell ya. Especially since one wanted to express her gratitude for everything. Things did get a little outta hand one night in LA but I stopped it before I could be implicated in anything bad. I'll be kicking myself for a long time because of that but if there is one thing I am it's least as much as I can be. The other one was having a fling with a 52 year old guy back east so I knew they were in it only for the perks.

Besides, I've only met one youngster who knew what they were doing when it came to getting it on. The others were like chocolate....sweet but no nutrition. One can't survive on chocolate. And as I've said before, I've yet to meet a R/W who was as good in bed as other women (from any country). They weren't bad, they just didn't measure up against the others. It's all relative I guess. Maybe I've just been unlucky...or lucky, depending on how one looks at it.

Anyway, now that they're gone I find myself missing them. They were sweet kids and you've never seen someone as happy. Damn cute too. You'd think I gave them the world when all I did was show them a few tourist traps. For example, Hollywood was the usual bore but for them it was the focal point of the Universe. Made me laugh out loud at times.

« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Thats funny....., posted by LP on Nov 11, 2003

Hey, you spilled enough and that's all I wanted to know.  I'm not into divulging details either.

Wait?  I think 3 years and countless trips is enough.  Cyprus and a couple more to Russia during the year, which it'll take before she gets here.  I'm looking for someone in the music business that could invite her over for an interview so she could see the place.  But I think she'll like it well enough.  I've even been to the neighbors houses asking about the ages of their kids.  Plenty for the baby to play with.

She was going to sell her huge flat and dacha and move into a smaller one closer to town.  I thought it would be a big pain in the ass as well as expensive and unnecessary, if she won't end up living there.  The time seems right.  She was asking if she can help with introductions to oil people there, which is where I started out 3 years back.  So, might even do some business there, with my personal, full time translator by my side.  

I tried not to do this and dated lots of girls here.  I've never been so disappointed in meeting so many nasty ones.
Actually none compared to my Ruskya.  The Ukrainian and Belarusian before were in it for the cash, I think.  This one doesn't even think there is any, thus the offer to teach piano or Russian.  Nah...she's the one, and there's a back door if needed which I'm sure I'll never use, but it's there.

My pal asked why the expense of a Ceylonese sapphire with diamonds for a ring, and the delivery system.  I told him, panache, panache.

I think I still have your email and I'll send you a shot of us...not for publication, thank you.

« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Thats funny....., posted by Globetrotter on Nov 12, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

....You make a handsome couple. She's darn cute and you look nothing like I expected. In fact, you look a lot like your's truly. A handsome guy if I may say so. Wink Seriously, she looks like a sweetheart. I was joking about the wait, I'm well aware how long you've held off. It sounds like it's time to go for it and I wish you both luck. What I think is great is your complete lack of denial that anything could go amiss.

Do me one favor though ok? I doubt you'll do it but don't sludge pump the board with how "lucky" you got like our pal does. Notice how most posters never do that? It's because they aren't co-dependent or worse, puzzy whipped. They were 100% men before they got married and retain that attribute. I tell ya, it's enough to gag a maggot. And Heaven forbid if you do you won't feel the same need to reply to *every* post made to your's. Keerist, he must have been one lonely guy before he took the easy way out. Lol...I wish I could get at the the self-esteem switches on his panel, they *really* need to be turned on.

Let us know how it goes in Cyprus but if I were you I'd keep the details private. Then again, you don't strike me as the kind of guy who needs to bolster his ego with a woman. And if you do, at least you seem to have found one worth doing it with.

Oh btw, Happy Birthday...

« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Nice...., posted by LP on Nov 12, 2003

Thanks.  And I'm only "lucky" today.  When the Disneyland scenario wears off and real life begins, and you finally see
who you're sleeping with, then it's time to brag about who you found.  You then realize it's the constant maintenance that keeps the feelings alive.  And, throughout one's married life, because situations, people, feelings change, one only starts out with a 50/50 chance of survival of the union.  We all start out with high hopes and a feeling of 0% chance of failure, but the possibility always exists.

Grandstanding?  As you saw, my "announcement" was rather obscure and far down the page.  If you wanted to read it, you had to find it first.  I did, however announce my birthday greeting...well, a little closer to the top.

Once we were walking through a park in Budapest.  A boy of about 10 picked up a rock and trhew it at a flock of ducks in a pond.  She ripped out of my hand before God got the news.  She grabbed his shoulder, spun him around, finger pointing in the face, scoulding in English, then in Russian.
I just watched and smiled.  His parents were too afraid to confront her, and she got her message across.  I said to her, "Just like a Sovietsky."  She ain't no lilly.  I've also been known to be, well, confrontational myself.  It will be challenging, and I hope great fun.

Thanks again.

« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Nice...., posted by LP on Nov 12, 2003

Yes, sounds like Globetrotter did well, took his time, got to know her, found a good woman.
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Forget it Globe..., posted by Globetrotter on Nov 11, 2003

I hope all goes well for you and your new family.

Take care,

- Dan

« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: test, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 7, 2003

cookie and though some may think they have to delete it totally.  Just open it up and manually change the password then save it.

I have one other alias, which I rarely use.   Lord knows how many of you guys have multiple passwords and identities.

Yea, it's much easier to post at the bottom like he said as not to draw much attention to it. lol.

Course, there are time when you do clean out your cookie folder and forget you dumped the PL cookie as well, and have to re-create it.

« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Actually you can go to the , posted by wsbill on Nov 7, 2003


You're going to have to use your other account now.  If you had told me in your email what the other account name was, I would have just deleted it and let you continue as wsbill, but you didn't do that, so you're going to have to use the other account to post now.

« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Actually you can go to the , posted by wsbill on Nov 7, 2003

I don't see any need for aliases unless someone wants to flame.  If you want to continue using wsbill, let me know what the other account name was so I can delete it.
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Actually you can go to the , posted by wsbill on Nov 7, 2003

Dunno how many do.

I don't, that's all I know...

You can always tell those that do, though... repeated cookie tests always give them away...

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