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Author Topic: Pursuit for Russian Bride part II  (Read 2871 times)
« on: November 07, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

Part 2 of,....I don't know!

Most of the guys today who are involved with seeking a good Russian bride are probably using the Internet to some degree. {The one's not using the Internet are usually easy to spot, there at the socials!} The Internet has certainly seemed to have made the world closer, smaller, more manageable. As an example almost everyday I am talking with, writing too, employees in Moscow or Kiev as if they were in the city next to me. The Internet has made it as easy for us to find a bride in St. Petersburg or in Los Angeles. Before the Internet, men corresponded with Russian ladies primarily by postal letters and telephone calls. The nice catalogs I had referred to in part 1 was the main source of Russian women information, as well as to see photos of the actual ladies.

From my own experience and perspective, in 1997 the Internet began to have an effect, began to offer another means of communicating with Russian women. By 1998 Russian women and the Internet were beginning to take hold. As the Internet got more popular you started seeing many of the once popular catalog companies that specialized in Russian women to fold up. Some very good companies, honest, ethical companies, seem to have disappeared overnight.

If one thinks all Russian women are wonderful, are angels, are sweet and faithful, one is living in a dream world. Russia is not immune to bad women. Russia is not immune to women who will cheat, will be un-faithful, who are drug users. Russia is not immune to whores, s1uts, tramps, women of low morals. Russia does have bad women. One cannot think that all these Russian women are goddesses. Like any country on earth, you are going to have your good women and bad women. Maybe it's due to culture difference's, misconceptions, or in-ability to communicate, but for some reason many foreign guys just get blind-sided in being scammed. Without any doubt not being ability to communicate directly with the lady is a great attributing factor to some guys getting scammed, but I think a lot of guys are just scammed because there not thinking with the right head! These women are sensual, they are convincing. Many guys get scammed due to,...I hate to say it, but there own stupidity.

There are not many 19 year old Russian girls who really have interest in 51 year old men. Guys it's a dream! It ain't real. But would you believe almost every week there are 51 year old men who believe this, and I mean really do believe in their heart that the 19 year old girl is real and sincere and has interest in him! A good Christian man of 51 approached me three weeks ago with help in getting a flat to see this "woman" he had great interest in. I find out a little more information and that she is 19 and I find out a little more information for him, at my own expense to prove a point, because he does believe her. I tell him, show him how and why he is being scammed. He does not believe me. There are women whose mother just got in an auto accident and they need $600 right now or the hospital is not going to perform the needed surgery tomorrow, and the guys sends it! There are women who will write a man for a few months, profess her love for him, he travels to Russia to meet her and 20 minutes after meeting, she is fcuking his brains out! And worse yet, there are men who will marry women like this! A guy doesn't have to travel half way around the world to marry a woman like this, we have those type here! There are women who have written a man for one month and then tells him for $1100 she can get visa and airline ticket to come and see him in America, and he sends the money!

In my opinion, 80 to 85% of all Russian women are good. WOW!  That's a high percentage isn't it?  Yes, I think it is a high percentage. I think anyone who has meet a lot of Russian people will feel the same. Well, why do we read so much about scammer Russian women?  Most Russian women are not on the internet. A very small percentage of Russian ladies are actually on the Internet looking for a husband. After I got to meet and know many Russian women I found that most Russian women were very sweet, kind, sensual, loving, caring women. Most Russian women are of culture and class, are good wife's and great mothers. What makes the pursuit for a Russian woman so rewarding is being able to find this type good woman whom you have a perfect chemistry with. A good Russian woman will really change your life for the better. And on the flip side, if you marry a bad Russian woman, a scammer, a s1ut, a woman with little morals, she can cause your life a lot of misery. This is why it is so important for you guys to choose wisely, be selective.

There are a great many Russian women on the Internet who are not so sincere, who are out to play, or to scam. In my opinion 60 to 65% of all the women on the Internet are to be considered as suspect. That is a LOT of suspect ladies, 60 to 65%, but yet I also say that 80 to 85% of all Russian women are good. What does this say to you guys?  If you are fishing in an ocean filled with scammers, your going to catch scammers! Maybe one needs to look at fishing from an area where there are fewer scammers. Personal ads usually produce better fishing ponds.

There were several things I discovered after writing my first personal ad campaign in 1998. Some of those things were; over 90% of the ladies were real and sincere, non-scammers. That I was the first and only western man that she had ever written. She was not listed with any marriage agency, had no desire or interest in being with a marriage agency. She was not listed on any Internet site. She had never thought she would marry anyone but a Russian man. She had no desire to leave her country.  These were common denominators amongst almost all the ladies.  How refreshing was it to be writing a Russian woman who you were the only and one she was writing too!  That you were the first foreign man she had ever written! That she had no desire, until reading my add, to marry a foreign man or to leave her country.

I highly recommend all men considering running personal ads as an important part of there pursuit. And do you know what the most important part of any man's personal ad is?  His photo! There is not one thing any man can do to help his cause as much as having a good photo. The wording of the personal ad is also important, but the photo must catch the ladies attention. I have not written one personal ad, I think I have probably helped in writing over 1000 personal ads. What you write, what you say, is important. Making it easy for these ladies to reply back to you is equally as important. We always include a man's e-mail address but more importantly we include a local address and phone number. If were running an ad in Nikolaev or in Omsk we will include a local Nikolaev or Omsk address AND phone number. You would be surprised at how many ladies will call this number, will ask questions about this man. The man's photo should be a half body photo, an upper-body shot, in a suit or sports coat, and with a nice smile. Those photos with the best smiles seem to always get a ladies attention. And when your ad says, "I will be in Nikolaev next month", ladies will write. As our personal ads are being run in local newspapers, many of these ladies do not have e-mail access or know how to even send or receive an e-mail but they can all write to the local address or better yet, make that local call. Make it easy for these ladies to contact you, do not exclude any ladies because maybe they do not have access to, or know how to use Internet.

Running of personal ads is how I found my dream bride and I highly recommend all men to also consider this option. Not all women who will respond to personal ads are good women, you will have your percentage of bad women, women of low morals, but from my perspective, my opinion, over 90% of the women who respond to personal ads are women of good character. The internet has made it so easy for the scammers that responding to personal ads is too much work for most scammers, thus scammers usually do not go to the time and trouble and most scammers really do not care to see a man coming so soon anyway as she will not have the time needed to scam him, unless she is a scammer type B. Ok, let me address the different scammer types.

Over the past 7, 8 years Russian women, Russian girls, have learned and been told that if they are young and beautiful they are in great demand by foreign and western men. They have also learned that we (especially American man) are very vulnerable, that we can be easily fooled and that we part with our money quite easily (boy, how they  describe me).

In the early days you had one type scammer that was more prevalent than others. Today I classify her as scammer type C because we are seeing fewer of these type today than we did 10 years ago. Here again let me emphasize that this is of course only one's man opinion. I consider there are four type of scam women out there. There is the scammer who is mainly trying to get you to send her money. I will call her scammer type A. She sends out a lot of letters, it is a numbers game with her. With type A scammers you have basically two types, the experienced, polish scammer and the new, still wet behind the ears scammer. Well call her scammer type A1. Scammer type A1 is usually very easy to identify. She mentions her love for you in the first or second letter and usually will ask, in some way or the other, for financial help. Scammer A1 does this for a period of time before she learns not to ask for money much later, if at all. Scammer A has been where scammer A1 is and learned during her first year of scamming that guys were picking up quickly on her when she asked for money, or hinted towards money. So scammer A learned if she will correspond with a guy for 7 weeks, 8 weeks and never once mention money, at some point the guy will. He will offer to send her money to help pay for her correspondence and the smart scammer A will say no. The man will insist. Scammer A will give in at this point. Now scammer A has money coming in from this guy. Scammer A never asked for money, the man insisted. Scammer A will never meet this man, oh some will as I am really generalizing on the types of scammers here. All scammers are different of course and I am just trying to generalize. Most scammers A basically are only wanting to get any and all the money they can with no intentions of ever meeting the man. Once the guy is with-in a month of the trip and if the woman thinks she is not going to be able to get much more money, she will usually tell him she has lost interest, met someone else or she just disappears.

Scammer B wants gifts, wants new shoes, a new coat, TV. Scammer B is not so big on asking for money and may not ask for any money. Scammer B WANTS the man to come see her. Once the man get's there, and he is only seeing her, when they are out walking she will mention she needs to go into this store for a minute, he follows. She tries on these new boots, as it is getting very cold and she has no warm boots for the coming winter. Maybe you will buy for me she says in that soft, sensual voice. How many guys can say no? Scammer B and scammer B1 will try to get new things everyday. Scammer B usually does not mind including sex during the week or 10 days or two weeks she has him during her shopping spree. Scammer B1 will not include sex. She will put the guy off as long as she can. Of course it is that time of the month so she can buy a week. After a week or 10 days when the guy becomes more insistent, after  everyday we are buying her things, she tells us how much she cares for us, let's us kiss, feel a little, all part of the tease. When the guy stops buying things for her after seeing no sex, she is gone.

All for now, part 3 will continue with continuation of scammers.

« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Pursuit for Russian Bride part II, posted by Jack on Nov 7, 2003

« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Pursuit for Russian Bride part II, posted by Jack on Nov 7, 2003

Bobby Orr
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Pursuit for Russian Bride part II, posted by Jack on Nov 7, 2003

In earlier posts you alluded to how the environment is changing, how scammers are changing their focus and scope of activity and increasing their sophistication in their attempts to burn legitimate men.  Is competition for the quality girls in Ukraine increasing?  Were many of the men who went on your last social / wife hunting group trip thinking they were meeting legitimate girls and actually ended up meeting a mirage when they got to Ukraine?  I suppose you feel that persistent advertising / going over and working with legitimate agencies is the way to go.  I agree with that strategy as well.  Any new twists on that strategy?  I did go through one full service agency I liked with alot of girls recently in Russia (as you know from my trip report below), but I know there are not many agencies like Behappy2day and the costs can be prohibitive to many guys.  Any thoughts about a guy just going over to a target rich environment, getting a flat, working with a savy interpreter to meet girls in nightclubs / every day activities along with using local agencies?  What cities do you advocate men target at this time and why?  I know it is alot of questions for you - but I appreciate your sage advice and I am sure everyone else reading this board does as well.  Thanks.
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Pursuit for Russian Bride part II, posted by Jack on Nov 7, 2003

The rise of the internet has created a wonderful method for scammers---of all sorts, to ply their trade.  They can now reach hithero, untold #'s of shills.  And a percentage of the shills will ante-up.  The MOB end of the trade is just a very small,  infintesimal blip. But lots of unwary guys beleiving the "agency agiprop of Rw's"..... have been reamed for thousands and more.  Its a very easy con to run.  Like fishing,  you set the bait and you wait for a bite.  And the victims are willing.  If its "too good to be true" very probably is.

The 50 year old guy thinkin' about marrying a 19 year old Rw has some problems.  Rule of thumb: If 19 year olds here are interested in you...then the same age Rw's will be too. A fool and his money are soon parted.

Keep it comin'.

« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Pursuit for Russian Bride part II, posted by Jack on Nov 7, 2003

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